would you marry a girl who slept around

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I believe society is obsessed with sex, seriously God created between one man and one woman Ive never had a one night stand and couldnt imagine letting a woman that I JUST met put her mouth on my penis or me eating her vagina I feel like promiscuity is just a reason to be reckless/refuse self discipline.. the article was written by a man, which happens to be me. Im not saying that my hoe friends shouldnt find a great man one day but damn, if they saw them now theyd never get wifed. I go to a state school & am constantly reminded that its a small world. It is the best indicator of who someone actually isyou knowhow theyve actually led their life. And if I never read this post again and some young man is dealing with the same situation. Thats not cheating- thats having multiple partners because you dont want to be tied down to one relationship. Redirect your thoughts gently when they get off track, as if you were correcting a puppy. Even to the point of death! Its not a try, its simply a fact. It's not just red pill stuff that is telling me this is a bad idea as I have heard my whole life from every which direction that dating a slutty girl is a bad idea and I have agreed with this logic and have tried to avoid this situation but honestly I like this girl a lot and we have a ridiculous amount of chemistry and if she wasn't a slut I would have no reservations. Just continue to pour love into her and your relationship and you will continue to see things improve. I until recently had felt like i had to end it with her, but as you said i am taking it one day at a time because i love her and she is a good person that had a shitty hand dealt to her. I disagree that promiscuity is what has caused the highest divorce rate America has ever seen. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, Official Dental Hygiene and Therapy (Oral Health Science) 2023 Entry Thread. I'm not sure if she has cheated in the past and while I want to ask that could come off in a really bad way which I want to avoid. HOWEVER, if the candidate was honest about their past and they were suitable, they stand as good a chance as any. understand where youre coming from, and just give you a chance? Thank you Jessica : ) and you raise an awesome point. Much wiser to look at how a person has actually lived a life. A woman who has slept with 100 meninevitablyhas certain qualities of character, and inevitably has certain boundary issues, and inevitably has lower standards when it comes to who she allows access to her body. A study Sarah Mikach and Michael Bailey of Northwestern University looked at the correlation between a woman's sexual partners and . Eh. A woman did not write this, this was written by a man. I feel this is an unfair double standard and I refuse to judge them or cast a negative light upon them for their choice. If a woman is still behaving in a way you dont agree with then by all means keep it moving. Would it really be wise to now walk away from her simply because an actual number is revealed. The first onewasvery faithful loyaland gave no other man any indication that he had any shot with her while the other flirtedetc and didnt see anything wrong with it because she hadnt had sex with anyone. THANK YOU DEEDEE26I HAVE A FRIEND WHO IS 37 AND IS A VIRGINONE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A VIRGIN BUT I APPLAUD WOMEN LIKE YOU WHO HOLD YOURSELF TOGETHERIF WE LOWERED OUR NUMBERS MORE MAYBE THEVALUE WOULD GO BACK UP! There is more than that going on, and even the woman who was a virgin entering marriage can find herself taking that route if she is left unfulfilled, vulnerable, and an opportunity arises. Im reformed!. Thinking about it more actually I should just avoid these jokes as it could be an avenue for the toxicity to leak out. Whatever. Statistically, relationships and marriage are more likely to fall apart the younger you are. Just look at them in the same light. Chances are their are deeper issues that may have led to why she even chose to engage sexually with many people. Hi Stephan, I dont see where you think I was insulting others. The more we avoid words that make some people feel attacked (though I myself have been guilty of it), the better we can move the discussion in the right direction. I had to change my ways in order to fit into society or else I would be an outcast and forever alone. Look at that women and realise that being a slut is not what men want. As I stated earlier there are many issues that may have led to the promiscuity and it is those same issues that can bring down a marriage. Independent. Youve literally dated so much that your idea of a great person is flawed. It has been made apart of this life, but not apart of eternal life..We have one teacher here that JESUS and HE knows more about the subject than you do.In The Book of Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers GOD will judge. We have to be mature enough to accept people for who they are today in the same way in which we would want others to accept us. Being old-fashioned is not an excuse. Alpha men who are looking for long-term partners are free to choose whomever they want, and they have the choices available to do so. I dont think society realizes how many women (and men) have been sexually abused. Oh you left them because of that? Im always a lady first and what I do behind close doors doesnt define who I am as a person. From evolutionary perspective, what women are seeking in a man is strength; somebody who is some combination of physically strong, self-assured, able to shape their environment rather than having the environment shape them, socially dominant, and someone who not only has the ability to acquire valuable assets but also the desire to share those assets with his woman. Touch. In not an incel, I just don't think hook-up culture will help me become the best version of myself. I see it all the time. Obsessed much? For good or bad Personally I believe that everyone should date whoever they want. Im hoping this article opens some eyes and gets people to start looking at all of this differently. And, it will happen. Now i am hurt. You have to go deeper to get a clearer picture and to see if this is still a woman battling certain issues or a woman who has been far removed from what she once was. And I wish I didnt. Wesley Pipes, calls out Kobe' lol you really took it there. Really man. Im always honest with him about everything but this is the one thing Im taking to the grave. Yes Linda I agree. ), in some kind of limbo between trp and pua, not having result yet and feeling rather panicky, a girl comes along and you feel attached to her, you feel super duper extra insecure right now about a lot of things. I agree that at the core, this issue stems from control. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. I dont think its for me to judge anyone. A promiscuous past can definitely lead to issues in the present, but that is not always the case. Always feel free to express yourself on my blog because even in disagreement the discussion can be good and productive. Also understand some people do not choose to have sex because they view it as not having respect for themselves some just like it and view it as a choice they have the right to make (we can debate whether that choice is right or wrong). Oh, you gave all your goods outwhen I didnt but I should be accepting of that? I understand how people may view that person, but that doesnt make it right. I am with you 100% on everything you said I am just wondering because I like your input you said everything for me! I will say that we all are entitled to our own opinions, but when those opinions are based in judgment and primitive prehistoric double standards, that makes your opinion INVALID. or how many different babys daddy she has is not important. Declines to tell their significant other, then it means that they are not open and willing to be honest about their passed. My opinion, the past is what shapes us, it is how we use that and apply it to our future that defines us. Or whether you were once a stripper. Of course it is fair to judge people on the decisions they have made in life. Sometimes, you will find its not good for you at all. Your point about language is interesting and not one I have considered. It doesnt matter where Ive worked, or what my experience is, or how successful I have been at what Ive done. Please subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news in your domain of interest. To give you all an example I will use myself because I honestly couldnt care less what you think about me. If you can't, she'd be right to drop you. And while I was confident she would never cheat on me, it still bothered me that she let that many men use her that way before me. Its useful to be willing to be flexible about things in a relationship, to reconsider your views and desires and try new things. The problem here is that she does not come off like a ho AT ALLshes ambitious, intelligent, fashionable, etc etc. Dont get me wrong, I understand that with higher numbers there is a higher chance of certain issues coming in to play that most men will not want to deal with. JOGOS DE HOJE. It definitely plays a role for many people as to how they go about their sexual lives. Shadow Hunter-Stay in Touch. For awhile I thought I would always have this problem but then suddenly something happened. This doesnt mean women should go out and freely have sex with any and every person. We all have pasts things we aren't proud of who she was isn't who she is. Also, studies have shown that true alpha men are not prone to getting married and if they do are much more likely to have affairs because they are not hard wired to have a family. That is why at the very beginning I say I think it is best for people to wait with sex. It shined light on a topic most people dont elaborate on. You telling me number of sexual partners is not important is like telling me how many devorces she had is not important. Most lie, and it is because they are ashamed why would you be ashamed if you didnt think it was wrong? someone, you want to not only know about who they are, but who they with his friend who was also married and he wanted to be with her. And what if the woman has had numerous partners because she's emotionally detached (which you also posted about)? Hey Mike. Yes there is a higher possibility of STDs but a woman could have only been with 2 men and be infected vs. the woman who had over 30 and is still disease free. Or not. Men like to know what theyre investing in is rare. for their own well being and for that matter The article is discussing why the specific number should not matter when a man is choosing his partner and the fact that the woman she is today is not always the same woman she once was. and dont forget life is a stinky bitch, you call your friend in your house and he happened to be one of your wifes exes. Excessive promiscuity is linked directly to narcissism and mental instability. hint 3: even from the most selfish perspective, the women you degrade as "sluts" are fun. Hell, 2 girls ASKED HIM for a 3some. Is it the number of acts, the number of partners, or the types of acts? If she has cheated in the past honestly that might just be an automatic deal breaker regardless of circumstances. You know I feel you Jennifer. Nothing wrong with that. 9 d. 395 opinions shared on Marriage & Weddings topic. Either way I think all women when put in the right relationship (and have taken time to heal & love themselves) are capable of operating as the best women they can be. I completely understand where you are coming from Jeraldel and I assure you I will address these issues moving forward. you simply can't turn a hoe into a house wife regardless of what you say or do. This function is innate to humans and does not become desensitized. Or do we grow up and understand that who someone was in their past is not always who they are in the present. Now I will excuse most of the ignorant post below as I can appreciate that most of the beliefs that you all have that enraged me are based in religion, the way you were socialized, or etc. 18 Reply r3l_b 4 yr. ago It felt right in me. A person being compatible with you and someone being perfect are two different things. For those who choose not to tell their mate about their pastWell, their mate just wouldnt know about it. Men and Women are MADE for the AVERAGE, and able to adjust to the Exception. I cried in front of my English teacher (badly), Do men act like jerk on purpose after sex. (multiple boards, articles studies etc) evince its importance. I believe this because I have been with someone that had many many partners. This is why the feminist message that women should go and lots of sex (presumably to be more like men) is so damaging. I run into more issues with the fact that some women have literally had over 15 boyfriends, and have slept with them all, multiple times even. on the lookout for new sex partners, because they dont value physical All they ever wanted was one person they could be comfortable around and have compatible morals with, and not wanting casual sex is generally due to those morals. Point is though, once you hit above 20-30 people mid twenties it is a bit much either gender. Is this maths answer correct for probability? Sad to say that women nowadays are sleeping around more than men do. I think you deserve to know the truth. If she likes you, trust her in that too. These views are unrealistiic. thats okay. Nothing wrong with that. Lmao @ Whale Poop. The emotional component I can build well in a live- in arrangement, before we finally settle down. So when a woman just gives it away for free rather than making men work for it, she is viewed in a less favorable light. It is about not judging a woman based on her past number of partners. You can continue with your exact same position that speaks against it, but there is a way for people to do that without it coming across so negative towards the other. Just say you finnaly got a date, where would you go? that will always be what it is and now you know it is most likely to be a Yes I think waiting till marriage is the best thing to do is the second sentence in the article yet you seem to think I am discussing if it is ok to be promiscuous. Couple days later it turned to 9. So again it isnt the number, it is how they behave today and if they have addressed any issues from the past that can linger and hurt them and the person they enter into a relationship with. I think its best to know what youre dealing with but at the same it doesnt matter because who they are today should speak volumes. You have many women who feel they should not have to spell out those needs, and you have many men who assume if she hasnt specifically said it then there is nothing they may be overlooking. She fills out many of the red pill and general knowledge definitions of what a slut is. and no teenage girls are not by right suppose to stay virgins until you come along at some point in their lives lol. Men do not. I also had trouble trusting guys when they would tell me how they felt or saying that they were only with me because I knew or at least I thought that when they werent having sex with me they had it elsewhere. You just got the best husband around! But then you know everything. So when they say save yourself for the right one remember the word ONE u can say girl see whats out there see what u like live life but remember u are not only keeping apart of that person u sleep with in you, you are also exposing that person to your future kids and shaming your future spouses bloodline stop trying to justify being a hoe. the fire between them grows up again and they start f..ng silly like bunnies behind your back! I doubt youd go for that. If you don't respect her, don't date her. Or why jobs do background checks or the existence of credit scores. I dont think the number should matter, personally. To judge them is just wrong and unfair. have the ability to make the best choices for herselfimpulse control Pregnancy. Do me a favor and email me this question to advice@stephanspeaks.com Im having all advice questions directed there. Animals in nature **** and get the hell on and have never had a problem I dont know why humans try to put themselves so high on the food chain of nature. People please keep in mind, God made Average for a reason. (SN: The fact that someone would disclose embarrassing details about their past actually reveals that they have a sense of respect.). But as woman I would be ashamed to pass by and guys keep saying that I slept with her, oh and me2.. I do wish, however, that more men could see that this issue is not so black and white. To ride is free. Am a runs girl last month but now a millionaire today. There is not much left. Not every girl will be good for you, but if you can get the one that's right for you, your marriage life is going to be great. With a topic as sensitive as this misunderstanding will happen and I appreciate you taking the time to explain yourself. I dont want a woman that thinks that giving herself up so easy is how its supposed to be. If you find someone that loves you, supports you, and that you love and aregenuinely happy being around dont let the number of sexual partners that person has had force you to leave someone who was perfect for you. Trust me, there are men married to or in a relationship with women they think has had very few sex partners, when in reality the numbers are much higher than he will ever know. Its not your fault. But it seems like you want to get over those beliefs, because you recognize there is something wrong with them. We know that today we are faithful and happy. And no, I have not slept with more than 10 women and yes I am 30 yrs old so I swear to you that it can be done. She made a vow to stay faithful and she broke it. the sluttier a woman is the less loyal she is and less stable the marriage will be. I love people who stand their ground and see things in black and white, right and wronglife is easiest for them. The fact of the matter is what one decides to do with their body is their decision and they should not be judged by imperfect perfect people based on that decision. And why? if you're concerned about self-destructive behavior, you need to actually understand what that is and isn't before you start judging people. It assumes that all women have slept with more partners than I would find comfortable (far from correct), and that the only way I could end up happy and not lonely is to settle down and marry someone. The image of women as conservative and prudish has been in place since patriarchal days and were created by the fathers and prospective mates. Additionally, male and female sexuality is just different. His name is Jesus Christ. With whom and how often a woman choose to share herself, and her body, speaks to her values and character. No. Past is in the past? I honestly dont like having to interact with my gfs past partners so in the end this article is nice but if one doesnt want to marry a female who has slept around then these words are neither here nor there in reality. What is more important than the number is why. First of all, we human beings need to start doing fuller and more honest self examinations before we point at others. If you want to compete with this rest of the world then by all means go right ahead, Ill get in line right behind Wesley Pipes. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Me personally I know everyone does things they are not proud of but if i meet someone that has the potential to be the one why not at least get to know them and consider giving them a chance no one on this earth is flawless and perfect but its up to us to have a clear mind and not let the things mess up something that could be special. Because mens focus on a You understand, but at the same time, cant do anything to change idk how to both handle my parents and be safe around them. Master Age: 48 , mho 32%. I can say its rough to deal with as a man. So importantly, we must take issue with the prevalent image of women as prudish and disinterested in sex. assuming they're not self-destructive (no, "lots of sex" isn't automatically self-destructive), in my experience, they're not only better and more adventurous in bed, they're passionate, supportive, loving, kind, and ambitious. So before any of you judge anyone think about what they may have gone through or still going through. But if you have hard limits, dont go past them for anyone. so i assumed that he is not a virgin. Women did not have the choices they have now and had to abide with the double standard imposed on them. In the end your selling yourself short. Its like me saying, The sky often appears blue. The amount of people Ive had However, there are exceptions to every rule. Men always have an ideal and fantasize; women are guilty of that as well, but b/c of societal conditioning, we accept this double-standard. And I find monogamy more fulfilling than anything else. If alpha men dont want to get married, they certainly dont have to, as some believe it is an outdated institution, and with the number of slutty women running rampant these days, choose to take advantage of these short-term prospects. The simple truth is, it doesnt matter why you act like a slut. I will talk about what I feel is best, when it comes to sex and being promiscuous versus waiting. SMARTS are power, yet women are so blind.fuck them. All the pain caused by others will really be dumped on to her life long partner. whether or not she has a(n) std(s)) is very important concerning the number of partners that she's had but if a woman tells a man that she's slept with 3 men and neglects to add the 0 at the end of that, she's being dishonest and that violates the principle of another post that you made (4 keys to starting and maintaining a successful relationship) previously. Some will find some way to not count certain experiences so that they can say a lower number (ex: she was drunk, it was really bad, he never finished, it didnt last long enough, etc). But how will explain Him away on that terrifying, yet, Glorious Day when you actually do meet Him face to face? Since the discord opened I've talked to a fair few men who are either on this sub or want to talk about this shit one on one. In my line of work I have seen that more times than not there is something deeper going on that has led to that woman taking that route. This stems from the fact that before child support laws, he could simply have sex and move on without any consequences. Villarreal X Getafe - Ao Vivo Grtis HD Sem Travar | Futebol Grtis HD. Not all of those events are going to be good in retrospect, but not all will be bad either. Men are not biologically and genetically programmed to want to share their women. You will marry a handsome pediatrician! Depends on if the wear and tear is being done physically or mentally. Its not like they grew up thinking they will screw as many guys as they can, get married, and live happily ever after. Love isnt about the pussy or how big the dick is. Excellent point. Just dont call the guy u miss out on him immature or insecure In this day and age, very few women or men will be virgins when you marry them. You feel a strong connection with her, and she does not display any emotional baggage or have any disease. It matters to me because I purposely don't sleep around. If you find someone youre into, thats all that matters. Your notions of beta this and slut that are so divorced from reality where do I begin. To see things in a live- in arrangement, before we finally settle down think! Directly to narcissism and mental instability decisions they have made in life.. ng silly like behind... Dated so much that your idea of a would you marry a girl who slept around person is flawed news in your domain of interest,! Point at others is revealed is innate to humans and does not display any emotional baggage have. My English teacher ( badly ), do n't date her outwhen I but... Now walk away from her simply because an actual number is why ), do n't her! Has is not a try, its simply a fact actually lived life. Who stand their ground and see things improve right suppose to stay and. 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