when you don't like someone but don't know why

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thesaurus. While with time those feels can wane in a relationship, a complete lack of chemistry is one sign that you don't actually like the person in a romantic way. One has to like and be liked to get on in Life. Chances are you will battle feelings such as this your entire life. Why dont people like those who are different? At 76 Ive gone through life with people not liking me. Have you ever not trusted someonewithout them having done anything to warrant that mistrustand don't know why? If you are this kind of person, it can also mean that you have high expectations of others. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Every time you read, share, comment or heart you help an article improve its Ratingwhich helps Readers see important issues & writers win $$$ from Elephant. Have you ever met someone for the first time and thought, I dont like you, and I dont know why? The answer could be simple as you are an introvert and the person you just met is an extrovert. This is because as an outspoken person, you know the real value of words. But then again, you might feel great and not lonely at all. Thank you! I have a huge heart and I always help where/when I can. Someone to go places with, etc but not the love that many married couples feel for each other. So if you are this kind of person, people may not like you because of your raw honesty. Not necessarily. (People assume a guy doesn't really like a girl if he doesn't talk to her, but sometimes that could just mean he's very nervous to talk to YOU but has no trouble talking to other girls. Or, at least, that is the conclusion you reach after reading bad news story after bad news story. Unfortunately, if you don't move at compatible speeds, it makes things very difficult to grow together. It was exactly what I needed to read to draw me out of the depths of despair. Indeed, I felt like a misbehaving, impatient, recalcitrant child in formal clothes at a formal event who sits in the corner grimacing,chaffing, sweating and pulling at her stiff, scratchy clothes, with nothing on her mind but escaping, as quickly as possible, this hot mess of torture. 3 Internalizing symptoms are common in people with depression and can include changes in eating habits, fear, loneliness, sadness, and trouble concentrating. 5 Signs That Might Mean You Don't Actually Like Someone, Because It Can Be Hard To Admit by Rachel Shatto April 4, 2019 Trinette Reed/Stocksy Have you ever looked at the person you're. What did appear though, was a continued feeling of mistrust and aversion. And clearly you appreciate mindfulness with a sense of humor and integrity! Parts of speech. And, it happens more than you may think. Its much more valuable than social approval. People like others who share the same attitudes and perspectives as they do. I have five out of the six personality traits mentioned. It's no secret that we find it easier to relate to people who are similar to us. Liking the person you're with is the minimum requirement. You want to like people (some people), but cant seem to find the right types of people to be friends with. Azelle Lee a 20-ish year old dreamer, wonderer and wanderer of life and love. Just trust that feeling anyway and stay away from that person and tell someone they trust about that feeling.. Being accepted by others is a natural human need. Keep up with Azelle on Instagram and azelle-lee.com 25,818 When someone doesn't like you for no reason Well, you think there's no reason but really there is. I dont hate themI just feel better when theyre not around. Charles Bukowski, Barfly. Instead . This June, We Will Have Both a Lunar and Solar Eclipse! Many of the warning signs were small and subtle but they were there every time, and if I had felt less guilty about respecting and listening to them, I might have had a bit more fun dating instead of holding onto relationships that I knew, in my gut, weren't working. This alienates you from them as you find their inane chatter about getting drunk or reality TV boring. So when you are dealing with a hypocrite, you prefer to skip the pseudo-polite introduction and get to the point. Hey, thanks so much for reading! In your eyes, you see everyone making bizarre choices day in and day out. Maybe we were enemies in that lifetime. And then theres trust you simply cant put any in this person ever again because they are so loose-lipped. It sounds like you have a good sense of what to do, actually: If possible, just disengage. 11. I used to do this all the time. 5. It is informative, thought provoking, and well written. Its a powerful quality in todays conformist world and you should cherish it. Thus, people may confuse you for being emotionally unavailable and indifferent. This is what I call intellectual loneliness. Heres that link again if youd like more information on this process. After all, as . The thing that would be wrong is pretending otherwise, and leading someone on in the process. America also seems to admire and condone bad people who have #2 to #4 because they kick butt and achieve results no matter what the cost. Surely there are better things to talk about? They could remind of a time you fucked up, of an abusive past, etc. A study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology found that we really don't like it when someone criticizes our own moral choices, and we tend not to like them for it. Those who call things by their proper names. I believe each of us has asked ourselves this question at some point in our lives. Conversational narcissism is rife and social interactions are nothing more than opportunities to stroke each others egos. Keep cherishing your unique qualities and focus on finding your tribe rather than on being liked by everyone. She sees clients and facilitates Divine Feminine Hypnotherapy workshops for Read full bio. However, if you find yourself communicating with them daily, even via a short line of text or a lengthy phone call, maybe you like them. Of course, part of that was just being younger and with someone for less time. This message will come at a point of betrayal or a break-up. Your wish would be to meet someone, be instant good friends, and then have them in your life to see as and when you wished, but probably quite infrequently. If you are a blunt person, you wont waste your time on meaningless chitchat, vain pleasantries, or fake compliments. Me me me! We open our mouth only when we have something meaningful to say. And if you're not even sure why you don't, it might have something to do with the fact that you're secretly picking apart the flaws about their body in your head, and are assuming they're doing the same to you. Its a disappointing fact that its much harder for a person with strong ethics to become successful and navigate life in todays world. Do I Need To Tell Him I Cheated? Oftentimes, highly intelligent people are quite eccentric and lack social skills. All Rights Reserved | Contact Us | Advertise | Privacy Policy, 20 Reasons Why You Dont Like People (+ What To Do About It), Speak to an accredited and experienced therapist to help you find ways to like people more and build meaningful relationships. So is this just a difference in social/personal boundaries? But I spent the entire evening silently berating myself for being so unreasonable, judgy and unfair. It would be nice to be able to tell you that there is a simple and quick fix to the way you feel about other people. If you can relate to the previous point, chances are you struggle to trust people. Copyright 2023 Waylon H. Lewis Enterprises. But from the first time I met them, I didnt like them, and I have continued to question and berate myself about these feelings. There is a several things in this article that I can relate to. Knowing how introverts and extroverts view each other provides an explanation as to why you may not like someone after you first meet them. She lets herself pause enough to get a feeling about everything, then she chooses the one that feels besteven down to the choice of her route to work each day. Have better self-esteem, or self discipline. If someone dislikes you, they may gossip about you to mutual friends or try to hurt you in other ways. These are some of things I think I dislike about it: 1. And you cant help but think that everyone must be like this other than you. Join & get 2 free reads. So the conclusion could be that it is the World that is at fault: its standards dont come up to mine. Learning Mind does not provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If the answer is no, you're likely more friends than lovers.". And this could be the reason why people dont like you. The feeling that you love someone but don't necessarily like them at times isn't limited to a relationship with a spouse or partner. #losiingmymind #christmascrazytrain #fyp #boymom #overitall". Obviously, always being angry is a clear sign that things aren't working. Why do extroverts frustrate introverts? Or maybe you experienced a traumatic life event involving a person inflicting physical and/or emotional harm upon you. When they are trying to avoid it with excuses, you may become pretty harsh with them. Chances are you don't enjoy interacting with the people you don't like, and so you don't put much effort in. Thats why normal (aka ordinary) tends to be perceived as good. Create a Free Account & Get 2 Free Reads. Usually, we just have to learn these lessons for ourselves. If you're forced to interact with them, be honest about your feelings and let them know their behavior bothers you. If you dislike people, you dont allow them in. Have you ever had this experience? We're community-driven. We highly recommend the online therapy service from BetterHelp.com youll be able to talk to a trained and experienced therapist from the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you. We may expect others to act exactly as we would, or say the things that we might say in a certain situation. How to Handle People Who Are Eternally Evasive, Mass Shooters and the Myth That Evil Is Obvious, Transforming Empathy Into Compassion: Why It Matters. Sometimes, the thoughts we think can take root in our minds and be very hard to get rid of. negation. Indeed, shy people will often push others away, sometimes with great rudeness, not because they don't like them but because they find interacting with them stressful and exhausting. You will treat them with honesty and kindness and thus, will expect them to do the same. You see those selfies and updates that scream Give me some attention! and you believe this is what those people are like in real life. Breadcrumbing. If his party dance used to get you all hot and bothered and now you vomit a little in your throat every time he starts to boogie, then that's a sign you don't want to be with him anymore. 1 It can be normal at times, but it can also be a sign of a mental health condition when it is excessive and affects a person's ability to function normally in daily life. If you clicked on this article, you probably were looking for confirmation about what you already feel. But if it genuinely makes you super uncomfortable even to try, or you do it but don't like the feeling you get when they look back, that's a sign you might not be that into it. I never knew anyone else could think and know these things. Trust your gut, and don't feel guilty for listening to it, ever. Grace Cooley (6,100) Have you ever, upon meeting someone new, instantly not liked them but can't figure out why that is? You know when someone means what they say and when its just fake nicety. For example, you may have a sister or brother who exhibits such unpleasant behavior that you do not want to be around them, but you are family, and you love them anyway. This is my challenge. 1. They hate appreciating your efforts 6. You can't make someone love you. You are a human being, as deserving of respect and love as any other person on this planet. Thats a Terri thing to say but its my 4th marriage and just one of companionship and someone to talk to, for both of us. This attitude may give you the reputation of a person who is impossible to work or deal with. Whats more, you find other people who feel good about themselves hard to bear. Rejection can be painful, and if you believe that you are not likable to others, you will want to know the reason so that you can fix it. If you're out with friends and start to dread your partner telling that story, or espousing that opinion, you might not respect their intelligence or humor enough. I would like to have one true friend because I have telling my daughter that Im the friend nobody likes. To you, they feel smug and self-righteous and this annoys the hell out of you. These people are usually nice and give me no reason not to like them, but an internal part of me will not stop saying "no, not interested" without giving me a reason why. Everything you wrote described me, my thought process, how I feel and my experience like that was amazing to read. You always take full responsibility and expect others to do the same. Intelligent people often feel misunderstood and rejected. Thanks. This quote by Bob Marley sums it up perfectly: The problem is that people are being hated for being real and loved for being fake. For this reason, you may come off as insensitive because you dont tolerate drama and moaning. And you shouldn't compel or resent them for not loving you back. If not, that's a red flag, as Dr. Gary Brown, a prominent dating and relationship therapist in Los Angeles, previously told Elite Daily. And from there, I began to feel childish and dysfunctional. Extroverts, on the other hand, may see introverts as quiet, nerdy, insecure, and socially inept. You cant handle the work and effort it takes to build up a friendship, and you cant meet the demands that many friendships put on you in order to maintain them. Before I met my partner, I tended to date guys who moved slower than me. However, when a person dislikes you, they do not mimic your actions. Why dont people like me? Maybe the stars arent aligned correctly. You know what you want and dont let anyone take advantage of you. I've got no one to believe in. words. Theres a part of you that believes that if people saw the real you, they wouldnt like it. Casually ending the conversation with "I don't know" or "It's just not working out" cannot be a reason for not liking a person. People seem to only want you around if you can do something for them. Im in my early 40s and have been dealing with these feelings since I graduated high-school. They will want to get to know you on a deep level. Emotionally Unavailable. If you are an introvert, be sure that the right people will like and appreciate you. Why focusing solely on the person you don't like isn't helping you experience peace around your feelings. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Thanks for letting me be a crazy person original sound - Amy. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. . If someone doesn't like you, they might try to hide their feelings with a forced smile. Elephant offers 2 articles/week for free. And this is much more powerful than being liked by everyone. I dont know how to react to this post. idioms. It also means that there is nothing wrong with you. I don't know why. Two can play at this tangent game. ? that I had not even considered a middle ground where I could simply trust myself without having to defend those feelings. I also think your list highlights the problems with society and Democracy in particular. If a person doesn't excite you, if you don't jump at the opportunity to spend time with him or. You feel as though everyone is only interested in themselves. I am never doing nothing. 1. Having a wide-ranging conversation is one of life's great pleasures, but it is most definitely a two-way street. Evaluate what you need from your friends. We all do things that others may not like or find particularly 'appealing,' but if there are. A genuine smile causes the muscles around the eyes to contract, which causes the skin around the eyes to crinkle slightly. What's wrong is staying with someone when you feel this way, because even if you think you're hiding it well, trust me, they can feel it. Unless you're polyamorous or non-monogamous, perhaps the clearest sign you just don't feel the way about them anymore is when the idea of them being in a relationship with someone else doesn't bother you or maybe it even fills you with relief, as Alessandra Conti previously told Elite Daily. Introverts think before they speak and often pause between thoughts to plan the next thing they want to say. Your desire to avoid getting hurt puts barriers in place between you and others. The right types of people with whom you can feel comfortable. It takes 7 seconds to join. You might hate this person irrationally because they are calm, when you are not. definitions. They obsess about having the latest fad gadget or fashion and you cant help but have disdain for them. If you want to know how you feel about someone, Julie Spira, an online dating expert, previously explained to Elite Daily that you can get clues by looking at how much chemistry you have. See them again? If someone doesn't seem to want to touch you, there is a good chance they simply do not like you. In the spiritual world, God can inspire you to make new friends through dreams about strangers. While this attitude is powerful, it can be easily misunderstood and push people away. Those who refuse to participate in this never-ending game of hypocrisy. We often project feelings out onto the world that are actually a reflection of how we feel internally. After all, as Dr. Brown said, All of this could be temporary. In that case, his advice is to talk to your partner about how you're feeling, and maybe even consider couples' therapy. Rather than admit this to yourself and others, you hide your true feelings by saying, Its okay, I dont really like people anyway.. CEOs make $400,000 to $500,000 a year, not including benefits like stock options. The ways you think and feel about people are likely to be rooted in your past, and unpacking that past is best done with the right guidance. Extroverts finish other peoples sentences. You will only say the things you truly mean. It's your subconscious telling you to get the hell out there as soon as possible. Be determined, take one step at a time, and expect setbacks along the way. Highly intelligent people may be labeled as snobs or weirdos while in reality, others just cant understand them. If we really like somebody, then of course we are going to get nervous when around them, because getting rejected by them is going to hurt us so much more than if we get rejected by someone we don't like. How to make yours fierce and toned >>, How to Discover Your Erotic Universe and Play with your Sexuality, beyond all Restrictions and Limitations >>, By confirming, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. It sounds simple, but does being around the person you're dating make you happy? Thank you for this article it definitely help me too. Neither do we open up to people easily. In a healthy relationship, this thought should leave you upset and unsettled, but if you are out of love, you essentially do not care," she explained. Fake has become the new normal, and we spend our whole lives pretending to be someone we are not. If one person dominates the conversation and fails to give others the chance to express their own opinions, it will cause frustration and resentment for the listener. And its a good thing. And you certainly find it difficult to feel good for anyone who is not going through the same stuff you are. Again, there's nothing inherently wrong about feeling this way. Because at the subconscious level of our minds, we associate familiar with safe. And we live with that fact because it's not something we can easily control. Just make sure you let the people around you know how you feel, rather than leading someone on. They ignore you 2. It's a cliche because it's true: you really can't change someone. (Which, in this case, may the exit.) Strong personalities don't try to earn other people's validation and acceptance. May this sites daily new articles inspire & expand your mind& heart in the midst of this busy-busy world of ours. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Grace Cooley is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Registered Psychotherapist in Ft. Collins, CO, USA. nescience. I believe that having even one of the six traits is enough for a person not to be liked because each of these qualities is unpopular in our society for a different reason. But in fact, this is a sign that you aren't that into them. Our world is full of fake people and desperately needs more honest and blunt personalities. Humans are social animals. Thanks for this article I found it insightful and validating for an ethical , introvert who likes to consider ideas. You just cant see how you could ever like someone who does such idiotic things. Touching is a good gauge as to whether a person likes or dislikes you. You judge people harshly, probably to keep them at arms length to avoid getting hurt, as was discussed in point #2. When others lie to you or try to use you for their purposes, you will not tolerate their behaviors. Dont strive to become someone you are not terrible things happen when an introvert tries to make themselves into a social butterfly. Your cynicism makes it difficult for you to like people, but also for people to like you. It's not uncommon for people to have unrealistic expectations about others. However, this was not the purpose of this article, so this and many other reasons were intentionally left out. You are right, there may be countless reasons why people dont like someone because this person is annoying, selfish, jealous, etc. At first, I thought that was good. I dont consider my husband a friend or somebody I can rely on for the long haul. If you're wondering it, you probably already have decided they aren't and are just feeling guilty about admitting it. And so you dont make many friends, and you tend to drift apart from those you do make. they are no longer worth liking. They don't think of you as their child. That's what you deserve to feel. Without trust, you will find it hard to get to know someone, and if you cant get to know someone, how can you expect to like them? How to know if someone doesn't like you? You simply dont want to know about the dodgy kebab they had at the weekend or the DIY project theyve got going. 175 other terms for don't know- words and phrases with similar meaning. Over time, this lack of effort can turn into contempt. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. By god you cant stand to engage in any form of small talk. You dont want to get up close and personal. The truth is, we all change over time. I feel proud to be with him; I respect his intelligence in any conversation, and sometimes, I find him unbearably attractive just watching him sit and listen to someone. It's inevitable. Without subsequent meetings, the person who has been judged negatively does not have an opportunity to change the mind of the person who judged them. You have a low tolerance for behaviors that you deem unacceptable or annoying. I once dated someone I had "discussions" with all the time. | "Elephant Journal" & "Walk the Talk Show" are registered trademarks of Waylon H. Lewis, Enterprises. "But if your partner is consistently letting you down or not spending quality time with you to be with others, this can be problematic." It's hard to trust that your partner is reliable and. These introvert behaviors are often misunderstood and lead to numerous misconceptions about this personality type. But no matter how many good qualities a person may have, you get hung up on their flaws and bam! All you can see is a reason to steer clear of people because youll regret it otherwise. It might just be time to refocus on improving the areas of the relationship that might be making you feel this way. And did this mistrusted person do anything throughout the evening to prove me corrector even incorrect? What do you do with it? Oftentimes, it stems from pushing people away and doing things to put . You will never find an introvert sharing the story of their life to someone they just met. Have you ever not trusted someonewithout them having done anything to warrant that mistrustand dont know why? phrases. If youre struggling with something right now, it can taint your entire view of humanity. We receive a commission should you choose to make a purchase after clicking on them. But you can do this. A person who forms a negative impression of another will be less inclined to meet that person a second time, because that person has been judged in a negative light. Maintaining an erroneous notion, such as a first impression, causes less anxiety than admitting an error and adopting another position. It's a truth I didn't want to admit for a long time, but I've seen it play out with me and my friends again and again: the more you're into it, the less you talk about it. After all, no one likes to be challenged or feel intellectually inferior. Yes, I remember what you said last night. Every time they spoke or I looked over at this person, I asked myself, Now what is it, again, about this person that is so very horrible, Grace? If you can relate to the above, it means that you have powerful personality traits that may push people away. This person appears to be nice, polite, funny and well adjusted. Yeah, me too. They don't even want you to disturb them. 10 Reasons People Really Don't Like You (And How To Fix That) Humans are social beings. This has some deeply profound implications, because mirroring may start from your heart. Knowing why a person may not like you will help you adjust your communication style to foster good relationships in business and social settings. For example, you wont share your personal issues with your coworkers or participate in workplace cliques and corporate gossips. Why have I been disrespecting the use of that heart-centered approach to the feelings I get from otherpeople? Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. It could be a person you know well; it could be someone you simply know from afar through the strange filters of celebrity and social media. Because if you liked them, you wouldnt feel drained after interacting with them. Tell me why (Why) 4) You're drawn to his personality and attitude. Flaunting My 50s: 24 Things Time has Taught Me. But in reality, this will take some serious self-reflection on your part and, most probably, help from a certified mental health professional. And Ive always taught all my students to honor that feeling in themselves. I recently spent an evening with a small group of people that included a person who I neither like nor trust. 6 Powers of Quiet Confidence and How to Develop It, These introvert behaviors are often misunderstood, The Power of Misfits: How to Find Your Place in a World You Dont Fit In, 1984 Quotes about Control That Are Scarily Relatable to Our Society, 10 Signs of Negative Energy in a Person to Pay Attention to, 6 Things to Do Before the New Year to Make Your Life Better. Things never got too heated, and at first, I took this as a good sign. You simply dont believe that people are inherently kind or nice or that they can be trusted. 2. Here's to you and your temper. Anna is the author of, Learning Mind 2012-2022 | All Rights Reserved |, Why Dont People Like Me? 6 Powerful Reasons. At this point, most of us know some of the signs that someone just isn't that into you: they flake, they make you feel like you're not good enough, etc. I try to stay strong .I recently learned that I need to consider my audience, Im very honest and I need to choose my words every carefully. According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, feeling love, affection, and belonging is necessary before we can reach the highest levels of consciousness and wisdom. They do things to make you uncomfortable 7. Its our unfortunate natural tendency to perceive things and people we dont understand in a negative light. Be yourself genuinely, if people dont like you who cares! They appear to be unconcerned about your suffering. You might be thinking about them so much because they seem so rare. When a person likes you, they unconsciously tend to mirror your actions, body language, or even your voice. "Delight in it. 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