prayer to activate prophetic gift

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(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hi there. 0000002889 00000 n Reading the Bible and praying in the Spirit can help you prepare for your prayer journaling time. It was a wonderful, insightful series really. Check out the prophetic training category at the right hand side of the blog for many more articles to help you grow in this area. Ps. Contact Us ; Facebook; Twitter; Designed by. Enliven Blog - Prophetic Teaching by Helen Calder, Signs that you have an emerging prophetic gift, Sharpen Your Prophetic Gift Through Journaling, Activate Your Prophetic Gift Through Prayer Journaling,, The desires Father has placed in your heart (Ps 37:4), Someone your church oversight is comfortable with. Steps Every Believer Can Take to Activate Their Prophetic Gifts. Im in my 40s now. How to Activate the Gifts of the Many in the body of Christ are afflicted and their lives turned upside down because they are too public when God has not called them to be that. It shocked me, but I resonated with all the prophets while listening through the entire Bible in a year. Please i want a book that will help me in my prophetic work (a good spiritual guide ). Please Lord send your angels to Joe and his new family Lord. The New Testament context for activating the gift of prophecy is a local church where there is leadership and accountability. I really loved the feeling of being prayed for by another person. Yes, this is work and it takes time and you will have to search it out. Only problem is, I have a few mental hurdles to get over as I set out to do the prayer journaling (perfectionism, for one!). I always wanted to do the right thing. I can see how you have woven my life for teachings, please Lord take this evil from my step dad. The verse you mention is from Job 22:28, and the context is one of being familiar with, and speaking, the Scriptures and having a right heart before God (see preceding verses). Let your fire burn in me, and let me walk in the spirit of discernment again. God will judge you not because they didnt receive it but because you didnt give it. Now, God worked through all of that and they still ended up where they needed to be. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. When we ask the Lord to fill us with His Holy Spirit, we can then receive what the Bible calls the gifts You shall decree a thing and shall be established.Is it thesamethng as prohesy to somebodylife? Give the warning. Prophetic Prayer helps Sharpen Your Prophetic Gift My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27) You do not have to have the gift of prophecy to use prophetic prayer. A couple of pages of scrawl later, there was reassurance, but also some valuable instruction and refocusing. Ive been praying for the gift of discerning of spirits and I might already have it. Lord, I pray You will keep me from envy, when I see a brother or sister functioning in their God-given spiritual gift or demonstrating the beautiful fruit of the Spirit in their lives, but rather may I live and walk humbly before You, all the days of my life, to Your praise and glory. I am sometimes asked by people who have attended my prophetic training sessions, How do I get started in activating my gift of prophecy? In other words, Where do I go from here?. Prophetic Prayer List, Inc., Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan and Zoe Ministries are not affiliated with MJM Ministries and/or Prophet Manasseh Jordan. It takes all the pressure off and if it turns out that you were not correct you dont look silly. God wants us to understand that we have done absolutely nothing to earn His gifts. Amen, You have given a lot of valuable information. YouTube may work for others but not for you. Unless you have the anointing for dream interpretation, then you wont need to do all of this and God will give you the interpretation. Help me help you help her lord. I know my weak points and I dont trust many. I read your articles on this website of prophecy and felt moved to leave a replyi feel this is going to be a long commentall my childhood ive grown up in a high desert very secluded from people..only 6 people in my community and only my brother as the only other child in our communityin school i never really had any friends. 0000001228 00000 n DAY 4: I speak restoration of the gifts of the spirit that I once had, restoration of wisdom in the things of the spirit, restoration of the understanding of the word of God upon me, in the name of Jesus Christ. The spiritual gift quiz is designed to help members learn about their spiritual gifts. Thank you and I feel like I just woken to my gifts. Billy Graham would have a larger angelic coverage because he traveled internationally. I just know that she seemed to have this beautiful connection with God that I wanted and she didnt care what others thought if her. Take his pain away Lord. In Jesus' name I pray,Amen. The pages will stay in the journal, safe from the shredder. Some areas in church life where a prophetic gift can be activated include: Find out the appropriate protocols and guidelines for each area. The best way to begin is by studying the Bible and listening to what God is saying through the scriptures, Record any insights that you receive from the Holy Spiritone way that you can do this by journaling [2], Be natural in the manner you share an insight that you believe is from God, If you are starting out, it is best not to call your words a prophecyin fact you do not always need to state that you have heard from God, Ministry areas such as worship, evangelism, and so on, Prayer departments and altar call ministry, How to hear Gods voice, begin and grow in prophecy, The Seer gift: how to grow in pictures and visions, Discernment and prophetic warnings: how to respond and share a prophetic warning. God bless, <<4d5358fb7e88aa4098e0824194db9f2a>]>> In the name of Jesus Christ. vacationland campground reviews Prayer point: Dear, lord please help me stop the stomach pain please keep me through the day and night and keep in your arms for ever in jesus I pray amen.Prayer for healing your stomach Dear Lord, I come to you today with a heavy heart and a troubled stomach. Hi Kiran, thanks for leaving a note. I adore You and unite myself to the adoration You receive from the angels and saints. AV!.d8rOy=e %q{2'a'T{^ %7 7yb&,",VV}G^oWN(N5D8!s}(V#:ac!!#h75T+N F'V6F>*Cou8Jw[-3bQI'h#-NRe(KLde8ZK._ Az l *#sLB7J3[/%It"m`BW#c]ez:mGo1BFF,dW}_o3Y"{NBbg>%e5UG[;je#^S'DLkXpR8U=9wR sBQpok*a$DM :^ Ask Him where you should be. Web-- Finding Your Gift Sheet Prior to using the prayer, print and cut out the gifts of the Holy Spirit below. Simply put prophecy is sharing the word of the Lord. 0000000016 00000 n I prayed about it before I read it and came back to it a couple weeks later and am so glad I did. There are so many online platforms that are untapped. In Jesus' name,Amen. When you have finished, review your journaled message from God. Now you can sift through your writing for the nuggets of heavenly wisdom God is giving you. I have felt strange since I feel alone in this search of mine for truth. You will be putting yourself and your family in danger. We won't send you spam. If you believe you have received guidance through this kind of journaling, it is vital that you check this by sharing with mature Christians and leaders around your life who will give you honest feedback and help you process it. I need strength wisdom and diacernment. Give him conviction and discernment. Over the next week, I will be trialing prayer journaling as a method, and recording my journey in the comments section of this post (scroll down to see these). Thank You for nailing my sins on the cross. He has more angelic protection around him to cover him as he does what the Lord is calling him to do. Please keep the world safe. Ask God for Immanuel to be a church with members who have wisdom, knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, works of miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues and interpretation of tongues. Activating the Gift of Prophecy will help you: Start operating in the gift of prophecy in accordance with Scripture. I have felt its weight and I have knowledge of Gods love for me and truth, so I didnt understand what was happening. You do not need to know for certain that you have a gift of prophecyin the early stages you may be unsure. Thank You for nailing my sins on the cross. And, you are not going to have the level of struggle that others do because you will know exactly what prayers to pray, you would have already mastered getting into the secret place of God and you have angelic coverage. Remember that any prophecy is imperfect and subject to judgment. I have had senses about things when people talk about someone that is sick. Would you know if your pastor was preaching someone elses sermon? I find that the Holy Spirits voice usually comes as a series of light, gentle impressions. Be open to what this might mean for us. Worship only God. This is the 5th and final part to our prophetic series. And, if you are the one using your prophetic gifting, know that this is a process and dont get discouraged. I was sensing before I saw it to get rid of my FB account. Please Lord helped these next few days. She was heavily pursuing a relationship with me and something felt really wrong. Making up your prayers as you go is a much more authentic way. WebPART 1 of Basic Training in Prophetic Activation. This is a process. Realize that Jesus has placed the gifts of the Spirit under YOUR control, and YOU can choose to manifest them or not. 29 Activate: Light Up Your Prophetic. Until you are sure, that you are sure, that you are sure. trailer 0000006195 00000 n When you find a prayer that speaks to your heart, by all means, use it. Fourth, if you are led to start writing monthly prophetic words get your own word before you start reading or listening to other peoples. If youve missed the others here they are in order: 15 Signs you may have the Gift of Prophecy and 2 Warnings, Understanding the Timing of the Prophetic Words and Dreams. Do not put yourself out there trying to gain followers or build a platform that God has not called you to do. Ephesians 4:8 Therefore he says, When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.. You may explore this area and find out that prophetic ministry is not for youthat is OK. [2] Following are some articles to help you activate your prophetic gift through journaling: [3] Enliven Blog is an online resource of Enliven Ministries, containing many articles to help Christians grow in the gift of prophecy. But decided to fire away, and wrote an awesome 1 pagesin part of which the Lord was calling me back to worship and intercession (been a bit light in those for a while) for worship is the language of love and of the throne room of heaven.. I was elated because when i was 13 years old i wanted to be baptized, but couldnt be unless i became a member of a church and i didnt want to become a member of a church in case it turned out to be a church full of lies and false teachings. Decided to tackle the Tough Questions with God today about my present circumstancesyou know, the kind of questions youre afraid to hear the answers for. Father, incubate me with fire of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name. Have the journal, a nice long space of time to hang out with God, and a burning question as I start out the year. Please Lord weigh on his mind heart and soul. 0000001456 00000 n 3. The most important advice is to pray from the heart and the soul. Lord, I know that today there are many evidences all around us that the spiritual gifts that You have graciously given to many in the Church, seem to be abused in the same way that they were misapplied in the church at Corinth.Lord, I pray that You would use my spiritual gifts as well as my natural abilities to Your praise and glory and not for my own personal use or pride, and Lord, I accept that spiritual gifts are not necessarily an evidence of spirituality. Amen. I need more teaching on the prophetic. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The person is out of the hospital now, praise God! Heavenly Father thank you your mercies because your mercies Over this past year Ive been secluded because I cant wear a mask, so I have soaked in Gods Word and that is when I felt He was telling me who He is calling me to be. I am just wondering if you are discussing the gift of prophesy or being called to be a prophet? It is about listening to what God has to say and trusting in His word. Not the same thing. Fifth, dont go on online platforms or do things just because other prophets are doing it. Im absolutely terrified if ive been called for this, but at the same time i can see how God needs people to see and understand Revelation if these days are about to fall upon us and need to turn back to Him. This is especially important if you are considering taking action from the revelation (prophetic insights) that you are receiving, or using them to pray. If you dont know what the dream means, dont attempt to interpret it. Yes, what you record will inevitably be a mixture of your own and Gods thoughts. 14:1). And a couple days later He told me that when i was done studying Revelation i was to teach it, but He brought to my remembrance Rev 22:18-19 and said becareful though that you do not add your own interpretation for then you are adding to my Word and taking away my truth. I have been studying very fearfully and prayerfully and so much has come to light of the things of Revelation and how the things of the Old Testament ties into interpreting Revelation. Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. You are an inheritor of the firstborn blessingwhere abundant life and I believe God has been leading me to that Himself and so to see it in writing by another is confirmation for me. Think about like are the everyday person and you dont have a body guard you may have a security system on your house to protect you at night but you have no bodyguard. Curious about the Prophetic and want to be empowered to flow in the gift? But, think about it, why would you wave a red flag in the face of the bull? Dont stop because you got it wrong, try again with someone else. Out with the yellow highlighter again. Join over 10.000 ChristiansTT members receiving Prayers and Devotionals twice weekly! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The more you do it the better you will become. Like priming the pump, very quickly I seem to receive fresh revelation and every time Ive journaled I can look back at one insight or more that has been a remarkable Word from God for me personally. God has heavily used this site in my calling. But Lord, my gift is not active anymore, it is as if I lost it. WebLord, I pray that You would use all that I am, my own abilities and my talents as well as the spiritual gift or gifts that You, in Your grace, have seen fit to bestow on me, but I also Ongoing learning about the prophetic gift will encourage you to continue activating your gift of prophecy. 0000009819 00000 n I liken it to strengthening the human muscles You can do this through prophetic activation, which is simply a stirring up of the gift that already dwells within you. Help me help you help him Lord. (1 Cor 12-14), But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. Think about it, David spent 15 years running from Saul because Saul saw the anointing upon Davids life. A leading proponent of prayer journaling is Mark Virkler, who teaches journaling from Habakkuk 2:1,2. Thank you for this powerful teachings on the Holy Spirit,really inspiring and timely. Just give the word. Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ. Help me to remembered my dreams so i can know you are with me. That was his real gift. My Father, let your mercies overrule every judgment against me in Jesus amen. 11 24 Grow your Prophetic and Prayer Gifts is an e-book about the stages of growth in gifts of prophecy and prayer, and contains many practical tips to help you activate your prophetic gift and take it to the next phase of development. Because of these weaknesses, I advocate the use of other journaling methods in conjunction with this one. I was prophesied over when I was in YWAM that I was an intersessor with dance. It is a great way to activate your prophetic gift. Just as we are all commanded to pray without ceasing but we are not all intercessors. 0000001863 00000 n I know I have gift of teaching based on how many I have tutor in different subjects not Christian related. Prayer is all about seeking God with your heart and waiting for His answer to be heard. I only told someone once that their daughter was going to be okay and she looked at me really wierd and I doubted whether I should say something or not. The dream symbols are all in the bible. I started to get attacked by demons, turning on lights, and electronics, moving things, shadows in my periphreal, feeling chilly air, and though i couldnt see them, i could sense them and tell you exactly where they stood, how tall, how wide they were and their rank. So its value in terms of sharpening the prophetic gift lies not only in recognising and communicating revelation, but also in getting into that place of communion with Jesus. One night the Spirit moved me to pray about the sins of the earth. Let Loose the Power of Prophetic Prayer in Your Life. WebThe gift of knowledge urges us to exercise our mind and will to learn Gods plan for us and for the world. When we ask the Lord to fill us with His Holy Spirit, we can then receive what the Bible calls the gifts of the Spirit. Thank you for being a protector. I have a passion to share what God has done in my life! I just dont want to make a wrong step. Thank You that my prayer life will never be the same again and my dreams are restored, in the name of Jesus Christ. Any Spirit-filled Christian can pray prophetically. When you are starting out in the prophetic gift, you are not going to have the same amount of coverage/bodyguards/angels covering you as Dr. Charles Stanley would. The words that Ive been getting from God are incredible. I have found it helpful when starting out the message from God part of the journal, that if something doesnt flow straight away, to just start writing with the revelation from Him that I already know. Prayer journaling is writing down your prayers and questions, and then listening to the Holy Spirit and recording Gods answers. Question & Answer Panel. endstream endobj 12 0 obj<> endobj 14 0 obj<> endobj 15 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 16 0 obj<> endobj 17 0 obj<> endobj 18 0 obj<> endobj 19 0 obj[/ICCBased 29 0 R] endobj 20 0 obj[/Separation/Black 19 0 R 30 0 R] endobj 21 0 obj<> endobj 22 0 obj<> endobj 23 0 obj<> endobj 24 0 obj<>stream The indispensable importance of listening to Christ. Webprayer and Bible study, help us to identify and better understand our spiritual gifts. I have not sought after You wholeheartedly. I had to tell her I didnt want her help. Ive had a lifetime of rejection. Thank you for teaching me how to develop, use, and maximize all you have given me to the fullest potentialto bring Your glory into all aspects of my life and to the people around about me. 29 The Gift of Faith. it will be harder for those who are perfectionists or tend not to process thoughts conversationally. Dont get offended if they dont listen. The Spiritual gift of Intercessor is the special ability God gives to use prayer with confidence and power to intervene on behalf of an individual or group. Thats it. Remember the story of Noah? Tell him your prayer requests and he shall speak Gods message to you. It is a great way to activate your Remember that at the end of the day your prophecy must lead people back to Jesus. And He desires to redeem people and situations so that His purpose is fulfilled. I see you mentioned the SOAP journaling technique in your notes. The whole body of Christ was to understand the kind of transformation that it would receive as his gift: the members of that body were to look forward to a share in that glory which first blazed out in Christ their head. But i never said anything to anyone about it cause i wanted to find it in scripture first, but i could never find it. I want to be very careful. Helen Calder is a prophetic minister and writer, and the founder of Enliven Ministries, a prophetic ministry based in Melbourne, Australia. I was searching about it online because I never thought much about prophets today, I hadnt thought it was a possibility, then I didnt know women could be a prophet until I came across Anna in the Bible. Lord please help our family give gifts of the Holy Spirits to our children and my husband and me the gifts knowledge to my children, Lord, please help my husband, that he can work to help our family, Lord please help us and please make us aware of our own sin and temptation which comes our way. So, if you are seeing things about the church (the body of Christ) then that is likely where you will be called. I need discernment from you Lord to know when to walk away. You can currently join the school for as little as $6.95 USD (monthly subscription) or make a single payment to join with no end date. The gift of prophecy is included among the gifts. Prayer journaling has been such a powerful tool this week that I am determined to keep using it regularly. \"B"J(+)) TheEnliven Prophetic School is now open! WebIn order to activate spiritual gifts, we must watch and listen to what the Holy Spirit broadcasts. It includes the words we speak with our mouth intentionally that line up with the Scriptures. You are generous and ready to give, Lord. Get your own word before you start listening to other prophets. It affected me emotionally so much, I had someone tell me I needed counseling. Let there be a restoration, oh Lord. Father, let the Holy Spirit fill me afresh. Ensure you have variety of gifts of the spirit along with enough for each person. God even showed me where Papal, Rome will burn in scripture Rev 17:16-17 and Rev 18, but i was blind to seeing this because the adventist church taught us that the harlot on the beast is the catholic church but also the antichrist is the Catholic church and totally dismiss these 2 verses in 17 that the 10 kings will burn the harlot and give their kingdom to the beastthe harlot and the antichrist are 2 different entities, but right now, they are togetherGod also had me remember a dream that he gave me shortly after i got baptized, where i saw Jesus stand before all the people of the world and He said to them, behold, i send you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. Then He turned to me and spoke only to me, you are this prophet and you will find these words in the old testament. I woke up and immediately looked in my concordance for these words and found them in Malachi 4:5. If you would like to activate your prophetic gift, the first action you can take is to share about your interest in prophecy or call to prophetic ministry with your pastor/minister or a leader in the church who is responsible for this area. It is important to make your desire to grow in the gift known, in order that you can follow the next steps: Nurture the Fathers perspective about others. Your guardian angel may be with you for a lifetime but the angels that come to assist with your ministry and calling change. 0000002840 00000 n 0000001056 00000 n Well that was long ago when I was young. When you find a prayer that speaks to your heart, by all means, use it. Like one instance my 1 friend that i had and i were talking on the phone and i told her that i was psychic (at the time i didnt know a better way to explain it), she wanted to test me by asking me what was she doing at that timei smelled an apple pie and i told her she was baking an apple pie and she asked what else am i baking, then i smelled a cherry pie and i told her she was baking a cherry pie too. Your email address will not be published. I grew up depressed, i had lots of talent and did well with whatever I did, but didnt like the spotlight and afraid of becoming prideful, I hid who I was. That means children can prophesy. Amen this was so empowering God bless you all the daily prayers have been changing and shaping my life. I didnt feel like asking questions, so after reading some scripture, I just made a note to the Lord in my journal of how much He means to me and how much I long for His Presence. LORD, sharpen my spiritual senses this day. As I set out, I am encouraged that God desires an intimate relationship with me even more than I want it with HimHe created me to fellowship with him and to hear His voice! My husband is very supportive but he doesnt understand it either. Delilah never stopped until she learnt Samsons power and then used it to kill him. Lord, right now I repent and renounce all spirits assigned against the gift of discernment. Are so many online platforms that are untapped your pastor was preaching someone elses sermon prayed by... Spirit moved me to remembered my dreams so I can know you are me... Pray without ceasing but we are all commanded to pray without ceasing but we not! Resonated with all the pressure off and if it turns out that you finished. Because Saul saw the anointing upon Davids life put prophecy is imperfect and subject to.. Judgment against me in Jesus amen Lord weigh on His mind heart and waiting for answer! Good spiritual guide ) here? my father, incubate me with fire of the now... 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