once upon a time fanfiction emma baby

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Since Mary Margaret is not ready to speak to him yet, she asks him to walk Henry home. He hung up the phone and said "He's on his way. The newspaper clipping in Emma's case file says: According to Jennifer Morrison, Emma is like an overgrown teenager who doesn't know how to eat properly or take care of herself properly, because she's never had a family unit. At first, they try scaling the ice wall to flee town before the spell hits, but the barricade is too powerful. ("Shattered Sight"), After becoming emancipated, Emma breaks into a yellow bug in Portland, Oregon. Right, Stiles bobs his head, stops himself and does a little ta-da gesture towards Jacy, Surprise?. David asks Emma to tell Henry that his grandpa loves him and bids her farewell in a warm embrace. However, after the woman learns from Emma about Hyde's death, she reveals herself to be Jasmine, and that the Oracle was helping her to track down Aladdin, who is also a Savior. Since Snow is incapable of leaving the Underworld, she prompts David to go home alone, as one of them needs to be with their son. Later, Emma confirms her own suspicions that Regina and Tinker Bell know each other, and asks the mayor herself for details. Emma looks at the art scrawls on the wall and is surprised that Neal liked drawing. #onceuponatimefanfic, I was sitting on the couch when all of a sudden I heard a scream. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". So I knew that I had to keep checking to see if Killian was here or if anyone had gotten a hold of him. ("Enter the Dragon"), The next day, Emma, her parents and Hook follow a trail in search of where the villains took Pinocchio. When I walked back out I handed him the cup and sat back down but only for a few minutes because then I felt the urge to get sick so I ran back into the bathroom and did. He fills them in on his day's adventure of helping Ariel find a missing Eric. Fearing Marian will alter the future by simply existing, Hook and Emma decide to take her to the future. They make it to the town dock, and Emma is helped by her parents to take Mr. Gold to his shop while Ruby watches over Henry. Emma later learns of a complication in her parents' failed attempt at using Regina's antidote to uncurse themselves and that both of them will be asleep forever if the curse isn't broken soon. With his last bit of strength, he tries to warn Emma about someone, but only manages the word "her" before he passes away. She calls Michael, and when he arrives, she convinces him to take the children in. Emma discovers everyone's animosity towards each other is making the storm worse, but her attempt at getting their attention falls on deaf ears, so she jumps overboard just as a rope pulley snaps and hits her on the head, knocking her out. Escapades with mommy Regina and Little Emma with a hint of DSQ! Since Mr. Gold is the only one without a shadow, he regains the box and goes up alone. Emma notices a tripwire and stops him in his tracks by grabbing his arm. She held her in a tight embrace and she breathed in a familiar scent. They find John Doe passed out in the water near the Toll Bridge. She wouldn't let me in there I don't want her to go through this alone. Emma restores Hook's heart, followed by a passionate kiss, and later joins a sullen Regina at the counter for drinks. Regina is even more dangerous because she does. Rumplestiltskin. Emma escapes, while Cleo later dies. Then Emma and Regina struggle to make a family together. While Regina hunts for clues on the Author in the storybook, Emma offers her a root beer. Mary Margaret accepts. #onceuponatime ("Firebird"). They bring Henry's body back with them to the Lost Boy camp where Regina casts a preservation spell on him to last one hour until they track down Pan. Emma is urged on ahead by Regina, so she catches up with the others at Tinker Bell's empty tree house. Emma falls into headspace easily when needed, and sometimes forced when Regina needs to take over for her. Upon ordering another drink, she talks with the bartender, Aesop, who is actually Gideon in disguise. Unknown to Emma, during this conversation, his speaking actions are under Mr. Gold's control. In the morning, Emma scoffs upon seeing roses sitting on the apartment counter. I did have her approval to write in her universe and appreciate her openness in letting me write this filth! Regina thinks that's ridiculous, but Emma turns out to be right. Suddenly, they hear Henry's cry for help and split up, as Emma's companions are led to decoys set by Mr. Gold, while she herself confronts Cruella at a cliff. Before leaving Skull Rock to stop Pan, Emma presses her parents to retrieve more healing water from Dead Man's Peak for the journey home, before Mr. Gold can make an elixir in Storybrooke for David. ("Broken", "Down the Rabbit Hole"), Emma and Mary Margaret are accused of killing Prince Phillip and taken hostage by Aurora and Mulan, who then take them to a survivors' haven. My mom left the room and left us alone. Angered at the crocodile's trickery, Hook darkly suggests he should have stabbed him when the opportunity arose, even though Emma warns he would be the new Dark One because of it. Upon seeing some dynamite is missing, they realize Henry wants to blow up something. The one in which Emma Swan pushes and they all need to come to an understanding. At the site of where the flame once stood, she harnesses the dagger, summoning the spirit of the first Dark One, Nimue, who is Merlin's former lover. The trio is transported into a memory, where they learn Mr. Gold was destined to be a Savior and fight a great evil, but this evil turned out to be the Black Fairy. However, Emma hasn't told Henry about her relationship with Hook yet. She, David, Mary Margaret and Neal join forces against the two women. SYSTEM!!!!! However, out of resentment, Emma causes Neal's bottle of milk to boil, which she plays off as a bout of magic practice. More and more evidence builds against Mary Margaret, but Emma remains a staunch ally. Another child in the home, Kevin, grabs the camera and toys around with it as the device unknowingly begins recording them. ("The Song in Your Heart"), Ten years into the curse in Storybrooke, in 1993, Mary Margaret and David, the cursed Snow White and Prince Charming, regain their past memories and use a pixie flower to locate Emma in the Land Without Magic, where they see her through their side of a portal door as she is sitting on a bed with headphones on. He is called away due to a phone call from Mary Margaret requesting him to come to the apartment and meet their new midwife, Zelena. Afterward, Hook shows everyone the three headstones that Hades engraved with Emma, Regina and Snow's names, to make them stay in the Underworld forever, in place of the three people who already moved on. ("Manhattan"), Mr. Gold presses for Emma to convince Neal to go back to Storybrooke with them. Emma admits she is still unsure if she is the person she wants to be now, but knows her belief is enough to carve out her own destiny. She warns about her superpower to detect any lie, which leads Henry to plead for her to come home with him to Storybrooke, Maine. Hook, desperate to get the truth, purposely jumps from a rooftop, knowing Emma will save him, although she does it so he won't find out he's immortal. With that, her magic is restored and a portal is opened. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! ("Best Laid Plans"), While Emma is still growing in her mother Snow White's womb, Snow makes a desperate wish on a blue star to have a way to give her daughter a happy ending. ("The Brothers Jones"), After Henry writes about Snow and David's plan to contact their son Neal in Storybrooke, Emma and the others have little enthusiasm about it, as they were hoping to read Hades' story. okie doke I've finally written an enema fic. Since Gideon cannot reveal anything without the Black Fairy hurting him, Mr. Gold takes him to the dream world, where he also brings Emma to in order to keep her from going after the Black Fairy until he can find his son's heart. Emma resigns herself to this, but when Hook shows up, she tries to persuade him that the darkness is only helping him get his revenge so it can use him to get what it wants. Excusing herself and her friend to the kitchen, Emma then sees news footage of Lily robbing a store. They are accosted by Pan as he steals back the scroll and freezes them in place. Before leaving, he insists that her son deserves the truth about Neal, though she brushes off his advice. To this, Hook cruelly describes her biggest flaw, in that she self-sabotages her own happiness by pushing people away, which is why she'll always be an orphan. Emma just continued to stare at her father until her tiny eyelids began drooping. When Regina suggests the dream is about her underlying fears, Emma is reluctant to admit she has issues, until Hook gently prods her into being honest. Upping the pressure, Regina deliberately severs the rope and insistently urges Emma to use magic to fix the situation as the entire bridge gives way. Emma encourages him to go to Jasmine and tell her the truth, which he does. We got to the stairs and started going down them, luckily I didn't get a contraction until I reached the last step. After some amateur sleuthing in Regina's vault, Mr. Gold informs them of a spell called "the curse of the empty-hearted", that when cast on someone, has the ability to make the caster think the person loves him or her. However, Emma and Regina are imprisoned by in the mirror instead, after the Queen switched mirrors without them knowing. Mary Margaret changes the subject to point out the mission could be unsafe since both Neal and Hook obviously have feelings for her. Strangely, Tinker Bell's tree house has a ladder, even though fairies have wings for flying. After buying food, Lily spots a man in a car pursuing them, but they manage to lose him by escaping into an alley. With Mr. Gold's demise approaching, the Apprentice removes the darkness from his heart and stores it in the Sorcerer's hat, but it breaks free and attacks him. Though Sidney does not deny Regina is dangerous, he also admits to being in love with her. Shortly after they leave, Zelena storms in; threatening everyone into submission with the Dark One's dagger. Little Emma wants to tickle her mommy.Do you think she'll get permission? "Emma, I am right here, you have to, Killian will get here I promise. Instead, a frightened Emma flees onto the sidewalk to avoid being hit by the car. I walked out and let them do this. Once Emma, Mary Margaret and Regina get there, they are ensnared by tree vines. Gideon taunts her about having no one to save her this time, to which Emma boasts that she is the Savior and doesn't need saving from anyone. Hook is pleased, remarking that if her heart is broken, it means she is still capable of love. Mr. Gold can perform the spell, but needs a strong outlet in order for it to work. ("Child of the Moon"), While Emma is confused as to Henry and Aurora could possibly share the same dream, Mary Margaret speaks up and informs the group she has been to the land that Aurora mentioned before. That night, Regina confronts Emma about the fury that has kidnapped Robin because of an unpaid price of magic, asking her to call the creature off, but Emma reveals Regina is the one who didn't pay the price. After concealing a box in her jacket, Emma begins walking out when a store employee stops her. Emma, having an epiphany from watching her mother die, realizes Henry brought her to Storybrooke to find her family. He states she may be a serious threat if she manages to break free from the Dark Realm and come to Storybrooke. As a further push, Ingrid claims Emma's parents willingly chose to give her up at birth even though there were other options, are selfishly using her to be their savior and must feel blessed to have a son with no magic. My mom told me that Killian was on his way to the hospital. She also wears a softer choice of clothing to represent Emma letting her walls down. Like her, Sidney has been nursing a grudge against Regina since she fired him from his editing job. I held her hand and tried to keep her relaxed Dr. Whale's kept on coming in and checking how far along she was. Dr. Whales said. One day, she and the other children watch as a little girl, Cecilia, leaves in a car for a new home after being adopted by a couple. She attempts to run away that night, but Ingrid, foreshadowing her actions, convinces her to stay by revealing Kevin's fear of spiders and where in her desk she keeps rubber ones. Although the storm passes quickly, it brings a monster to the Underworld, which Snow goes after, only to be killed by the beast. Here contractions kept getting closer and closer. The cage bars melt away as she and Neal embrace each other. Emma pushes Regina into Cora, and distracts them long enough for her and Neal to run to the backroom as she seals the doorway with another barrier. When Emma is put under a curse, she must learn to rely on her family while her parents do everything in their power to save her. Emma speaks to Mr. Gold about the note in his old cell and accuses him of pulling strings in her life from the very beginning. However, the only one without any regrets is Regina since each one of her deeds led her to Henry. On the side of the road, Ashley is going into labor, to which Emma drives her back to the hospital. Liam finds the book, with Hades' story torn out, leading Emma to suspect he took the pages. Intending to come clean to her about David's father, Hook explains he needed it to give him courage since he's unsure how she will react in response to what he's about to say. Although it's protected by a spell, Rumplestiltskin urges her to do away with it by using her dark magic, but Emma refuses to comply. To this, Emma thanks her twice; the first being under the dagger's influence, and then again out of her own volition. I remember not long after I was pregnant with my first I babysat for my friend's son. They find Ashley at the harbor, where the blonde admits she, not Clorinda, was the wicked sister in their story, and she is trying to make amends to her stepsister now. Hook owns up to being the villain in that situation, and he explains how he had pointed a sword at Mr. Gold, who was a good man trying to keep his family together and becoming the Dark One made him evil and manipulative, while Hook himself changed for the better. At home, Emma sees Rumplestiltskin, who tells her that her weaknesses, such as her need to protect her loved ones, will always hold her back, as they did with all the other Dark Ones that came before her, but she can snuff out the light. ("A Pirate's Life"), "When I bought this jacket, it was meant to be anarmor to protect me from getting hurt by those Ilove," Emma told David. With the last curse, she recalls believing in magic after touching the fairytale storybook, which triggered her memories of the Enchanted Forest. Emma then explains her plan to have Merida make a coward brave. She is grateful they came to the Underworld with her but believes Neal needs them more now. As Regina becomes distracted by the sight of Robin, Emma tries to urge her back to the portal, which eventually closes, leaving them stranded in this realm. They learn this is Hyde's doing, and that he purposely brought over the people in it from his realm. Prince Charming | David Nolan. Upon hearing from Hook that August has gotten better, she goes to tell him about the illustration and the key that Henry found. David would probably try to kill Killian and I have no idea of how Henry would take this.". I knew she was going to yell at me for leaving her alone. So here is the first part! Afterwards, Emma comforts Elsa about her forgotten past; believing that the truth will reveal itself soon. Tearfully, Emma acknowledges that she still loves him since the day they met again, but had hopes he wasn't alive because their relationship has given her a lot of pain and she just wanted to move on. With Emma's magic gone, the barrier around the hospital room disappears; allowing Zelena to steal the newborn baby for a time spell. While Ingrid knows Emma might not see her as a mother, she'll gladly be a big sister to her. ("An Apple Red as Blood"), Shortly after the purple smoke clears, Emma reunites with Mary Margaret and David after the curse has been broken. Hook notifies Emma by phone that Mr. Gold has trapped Belle on the Jolly Roger because he fears Hyde will go after her. Emma looked terrified I knew she wouldn't do this without Killian. David notices Henry inherited traits from her and Regina, who both put up walls, but believes Emma shouldn't give up on her son. Later, Emma holds the ring Hook gave her, while still grieving over him when she hears the dagger's call. Snow reminds her that everyone came with her out of free-will and some things, like love, are worth the risk. Undeterred, Hook tells her to get on the horse with him, convincing her that they still have a future together in Storybrooke once her darkness is removed. Emma insists she didn't have a choice, though Regina recalls Emma has said many times there is always a choice. Though Emma thinks of this world as her and Henry's home, her parents see the Enchanted Forest as theirs. After receiving word from Regina that the Count, who wants to kill David and Snow, is on the loose, Emma begins driving her parents out of Storybrooke, but the car is thrown back by a barrier at the town line. Regina sends Devin back to camp with one half of a magic viewing mirror. Emma Swan is a single mother and skilled ranch hand looking for work and a stable environment in which to raise her boy. David and Hook arrive back, but without the sextant as Pan got to it first. Emma has a hunch about whose shovel it is, and enlists the help of Henry to infiltrate Regina's garage. Emma, discovering Elsa is gone, searches and runs into Regina, who is tracking the Snow Queen. Seeing Mr. Clark wearing her trademark red jacket, Emma callously questions who he is supposed to be, and out of annoyance, she turns him to stone. Fishing for a bottle opener, she sees a storybook photo of Regina and Robin Hood. Hope Swan-Jones is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. She believes Mary Margaret is being framed and begins trying to work against the building case. As the remaining duo return home, Hook reveals Ursula told him the villains want to darken Emma's heart so she will no longer be a savior by using the Author to do it. He'd rather not see Derek, because whatever the thing was that they were doing, they're not doing it anymore, and it sucks. From the outside of the mayoral office, Emma comforts a silent Regina and promises to help her find a happy ending. A fissure in the ice reveals Anna's lost necklace, which Elsa retrieves. She apologizes to Henry for not being helpful earlier, but he is just glad she is safe. During the climb, Hook exhibits perceptive knowledge of Emma's status as an orphan and her wish to prevent Henry from going through the same thing. While her parents get the key for the Sorcerer's mansion, where the book is, Emma confides in Regina about Liam's warning. Whale 's kept on coming in and checking how far along she was to. To be right they all need to come to an understanding have choice... Out of free-will and some things, like love, are worth the risk Hook notifies Emma phone... Employee stops her a yellow bug in Portland, Oregon grieving over him when she the! Gold is the only one without any regrets is Regina since she fired him from his editing.! To see if Killian was here or if anyone had gotten a hold of him a ta-da! Family together walls down, Stiles bobs his head, stops himself does. 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