kingdom expansion sermon

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Marc has been able to cut through centuries of mans traditions to bring us a fresh sight of the kind of Christianity that truly has the potential to be world-changing. Series Information. A version of this quote was first uttered in 1918 by US Senator Hiram Warren Johnson. As stated earlier, glory that rightfully belongs to God has been directed toward the devil and his works via our sin. This parable describes a mixture, a reaction and a result. The reason for the quick turnaround is because the sooner your disciples engage in the mission, the more likely the vision and healthy spiritual DNA will make it to the next generation. Isaiah 54:1 - "Sing, O barren, You who have not borne! I have always liked it because of its simplicityits not what you will find in the classic or mainstream Christian life resources! One of the things I love about Delta is the faithfulness of those who go there. Acts of service, helping the poor and oppressed, counseling (marriage, parenting, financial, substance abuse, sexual sin, and so on), prison ministry, soup kitchens, food drives, etc., are all great opportunities for identifying the person God wants you to personally disciple. It is so valuable that we are to pray regularly for the kingdom to come. Does this not make us die a little each daywhere are our tears for them? Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts, and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. I had to resist the urge to duck and hide when I saw them coming. I want to highlight a few things here. As a result, their radical transformation gains some attention. You can imagine Satan still mocking God: The man you created continues to believe my lies and loves the world and sin even though he knows you suffered and died for that sin. The untransformed Christian is an affront to God. Luke 1:32-33 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end., Luke 4:43 But He said to them, I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose.. The Kingdom of God is not simply, walk in and youre in. It is a path that requires walking. Read John 14:12. These folks may or may not attend your church. May it never be! 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. Prior to May, 2012 these messages were delivered in a house church setting. Join A Life Group; Take A Class; Be open to these folks meeting in different ways, not necessarily connected to your church. Now do not simply be hearers, but be doers. The first disciple is the most important one to be sure that they are appointed by Godthe man of peace (see Luke 10, biblical examples: Lydia, woman at the well, Cornelius, Philippian jailer). Jesus said that the birds of the air will nest in its branches. If you dont have leaven, what you get will be dry, flat, hard crackers. Every one of us can change the world. Introduction Senator Johnson knew that in order to mobilize a nation to arms in a foreign war, leaders needed to rally support through propaganda and lies. It is no secret who will be saved and who stands condemned. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. If someone struggles with smoking, they may light up and fail for the moment. Although the kingdom began very small and obscure and inconspicuous, it will have a glorious ending, spreading throughout the world, and influencing peoples from every quarter of the globe! We Our fallen state has given Satan dominion over us as we are enslaved to the one whom we obey (read all of Romans Chapter 6 now). Who are the two powers battling for our affection and allegiance? It does not say to get people to give you intellectual assent or guilt or fear them into making some sort of profession of faith. It does not say to invite them to church and hope that years of attendance will slowly lead them to maturity. 4. We are tempted by our carnal desires. Will you sign the blank piece of paper? Because they love the children and know what is best for them, they make them eat their lima beans, go to bed on time, and restrict their unhealthy appetites. This country was not just founded by Christians, it was founded on the principles of Gods Word and God truly blessed America in those early days because America, as a nation, blessed God. Five hundred disciples is not a lot of manpower to start a revolutionary kingdom! . (1 John 3:3-10), By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. According to Acts 1:8, what would the disciples do when they received the power of the Holy Spirit? Train yourself to think Kingdom expansion rather than local church growth. He will expand His kingdom. All they see is that guy sitting at the next table over eating a cheeseburger, or driving in the car next to them, or sitting at the desk next to them. What are the two objectives of this book and training? In Acts 11:15, Peter clearly references the disciples initial experience at Pentecost as being baptized with the Holy Spirit, the promise from Jesus. In the context of this book, I have thus far presented the material as will benefit a Christian audiencenot brand new converts. Would you surrender your title? We have a predisposition to sin dating back to the Garden. Our fine linens being works? Otherwise, the organic process will turn into a series of planned meetings. read more, Scripture: (John 15:4-6). But they soon saw Gods blessing on this little kingdom when on Pentecost 3,000 others were added to the church, and then a short while later, 5,000 more were added. 1 Kings 1:5-2:10 We see here three elements: temptation, sin, and death. Unfortunately, to clarify what I believe has been a radical departure from the intent of the mystery of the Gospel of the Kingdom, I will do much of the same here. Otherwise, you may lose them to the church rather than engrossing them in Kingdom life. The kingdom of God advances one life at a time. We still possess the ability to do so, but it is a violation of the true owners house rules for us to sin. 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Chronicles 15:2-3, 2 Peter 3:9, Acts 1:8, Matthew 10:1-42, Matthew 28:18, 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. Are you willing to engage in the mission yourself? The reserves will not follow us into battle until we take the flag and run headlong through the incoming fire. The presumption that these resources are necessary (with no New Testament basis), has prevented us from reaping the harvest that Jesus says is plentiful. In the letter to the church in Corinth, we see a perfect example of church discipline. Yet, the mission of personally making disciples was central to all that Jesus and Paul did. We have also interspersed a few other great articles by other notable Christian leaders like John Newton and Charles Spurgeon. Since we are slaves to the one we obey, if we still sin, to whom do we enslave ourselves? Amen. Thats why Jesus said that apart from Him, we can do nothing (see John 15:5). Who has your allegiance and affection, God or Satan? This is a stronghold, or the willful sinning or practicing sin described in Hebrews 10 and 1 John 3 (discussed later). We stop short of the true, intended born-again experience. (Matthew 3:8-10, emphasis added). II, The Thornton W. Burgess Collection (3 Volumes), The Thornton W. Burgess Collection (3 Vols. Satan mocks God, as if saying, Look, the humans you created for your glory follow meall of them listen to me and sin. This is a complete affront to God. Your comfort? God is mocked by the devil and men. Why sign up? Now matters of the Spirit are a bit mysterious. It is not just to maintain the purity of the church (which is indeed an objective). INTRODUCTION: As we come to Gods precious Word today, I have titled todays message: Expansions. Now, there are some good types of expansion and some bad. make a Commitment. Then the unity of the allies is reestablished and loyalty to the King reaffirmed. The first week Pastor Tim so adequately, and literally, unpacked for us the story of Elmo, I mean Thomas, the imperfect disciple and how Jesus accepts us and knows us for who we really are our good and bad. However, we still have the capacity to sin. Pentecostal, For a few years now people have been praying the prayer of Jabez made popular by Bruce Wilkinsons book The Prayer of Jabez. One thing that is a possibility, is that even if they meet with your church, they could form a sub-culture within the body if there is a severe disparity between the Kingdom and institutional DNA. Might Jesus be saying that someone got through the Gate, but didnt walk in the Way? We are no longer slaves to sin, but rather slaves to righteousness. We are just seasons away from fulfilling the Great Commission, and you and I have an integral role to play in it. I would venture to say that for most of us, Gods redemptive plan for humanity is people-centric rather than God-centric. This task is not relegated to pastors and teachers of a discipleship class (thats an oxymoron if I have ever seen one). In this parable, we see the internal influence of the kingdom. Now, when the kingdom first began, it didnt have much of an influence on the Jewish religious leaders or on the nation of Israel. Who persecutes the kingdom saints the most? State plainly that the enemy no longer has permission or authority to operate in these areas. When done correctly, an unstoppable succession of radically transformed people ensues. That is why light needs to shine in all the dark closets, and those areas must be taken from the devil and given to God. Jesus kingdom is invisible to most people. What signs will accompany those who believe? Methodist. How much time should you commit to your disciple? What? After much teaching of the Kingdom laws, Jesus commanded his listeners (which includes us): Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48). It is to bring the wayward person to repentance and restoration. We think if only we had a Christian as the President. You will be mobilized towards one aim: fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation. Just a little study of the beliefs of the very early church (Ante-Nicene writing) will show that for hundreds of years Christians obeyed the New Testament writings quite literally, with special emphasis given to Jesus teachings and the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 through 7). These parables were His way of telling them not to despise the day of small beginnings. So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. . When they signed the dotted line, we can only wonder if they really counted the cost. Sermon Outlines Expansion Isaiah54:1-1 By: Danny Davis The Lord wants His Church to be a people who have great expectation despite negative circumstances. Transformed lives are not made intellectually. Read also John 14:24. They may meet organically, or form house churches. Salvation by grace through faith is what youll hearand I agree, Ephesians 2:8-9 still stands. Just get a blank piece of paper. Similarly, they interpret the leaven as false doctrine that false teachers inject into the church which causes the whole external church to become corrupt. Respect their decision. You can listen to the full message here:- 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. . I am on the mission moving full-speed ahead and not looking back. I think five or six is a big commitment. He had no money, and almost no possessions except for the clothes on his back. A new saint should limit it to one at first. . Thats two people every second! We repent of sin, renounce strongholds, and release victimizations. Help your disciple count the cost of surrendering his or her life to God. Even with the protective glass removed, the small fish live in safety, because the pike assumes that the barrier remains. Even as the Lord of hosts is mobilizing His people for action, men are still rushing to hell in hoards. The objective is to bring them to repentance, which is taking the foothold away from Satan and preventing the formation of a stronghold. In the first parable we see the external expansion of the kingdom. Try this: ask people if they would like to talk about Christianity. Yes. You don't really need to convince people that they are sinners. . The apostle Peter preached that the resurrected Son of God is, (17:14 and 19:16). Now, when that vision is over, how do you think it will affect Johnny? The only possible solution to this apparently insurmountable scenario is to call in reinforcements. Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem? What is the acronym for training (MAWL) stand for? . It was a tiny little seed, hidden underground. Luke doesnt mention the size of a mustard seed, but Matthew and Mark tell us it is smaller than all the seeds. We must do the same. The written Word simply serves to open our ears to His voice. Gods intent was that we would be fruitful and multiply. This is when the church passes judgment and they are cast out and shunned. However, as time went on, they began to see that the masses of Israel were not going to follow Him. God reveled in the glory given to Him through His righteous servant Job, even boasting to Satan. . Where were the crowds of kingdom citizens? The one who was least in the kingdom was greater than John the Baptist. He seemed to be powerless, weak, despised, and poor. A stronghold is formed. . Live a life of service and love together. Then have another disciple in queue within two to three months, preferably two. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of God, we often assume that reaching and ministering to the lost is the end, rather than a means to the end. We have been deceived into thinking that the struggles we face are beyond our ability to overcome. He will simply fill in what He wants you to give when He needs it of you. Now a disciple must also be, in a sense, qualified. You do not want to waste your time on folks who simply dont want to or are unwilling to grow. I also know that this subject is both deep and controversial. Yet we fail to embrace freedom from sin because it often conflicts with our experience. In Jesus name. The Providence of Kingdom ExpansionThe Sovereign God Well then, it's time for our final point. The list will get shorter over time, and complete freedom is the end. The old man has died and the new man is birthed. He says that if you are born again, you will not continue to sin. Posts Categories Adult Discipleship Opportunities - General 2; Adult Discipleship Opportunities - Men 1; Adult . It depends on her repentance. Paul (and Jesus) showed us how to embrace the Kingdom while overcoming the worldthey didnt simply tell us. Here is some practical counsel to instill healthy practices in your new disciples. Read James 4:17, Matthew 7:24-27, and James 1:22? Interesting, huh? Now Satan, to satisfy his own ego, wants the children. 3 For I, on my part, though absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged him who has so committed this, as though I were present. The truth is that honesty often gains respect. Matthew 3:1-2In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judeaand saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near., Matthew 4:17From that time on Jesus began to preach, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.. In the Bible, how soon after repentance were people baptized? But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. Set up three columns in a journal: the verses read, what God is speaking to you personally through the passage (not simply facts), and what He wants you to do with what you learned (personally). There are many who are keeping us in their prayers and the things that we see happening here are no mistake. Yet in the same letter he says if we are born of God, we cant go on sinning! Although nobody could see it while He walked the earth, you cant help but notice it now! He is simply sharing with the rest of us what he is actually living in his daily life. Likewise, it is prudent to match more mature mentors with less mature disciples, so that they have the experience to provide life counsel (you dont want a college kid mentoring a married man with multiple children, for example). Luke 9:11 But the crowds were aware of this and followed Him; and welcoming them, He began speaking to them about the kingdom of God and curing those who had need of healing. When we defend the lie, we actually go as far as to serve Satan. Luke 9:61-62Still another said, I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family. Jesus replied, No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.. How many times have we all been disappointed when books didnt match their publicity? Now to get a bit personal; I do not want to but I must, because I know that the vision is not caught by mere words. From there, bathe yourself in the teachings of the New Testament, obeying what you read, and disarming the darkness by shedding the light of the truth on that darkness. God is glorified and the mission proliferates multi-generationally. Extreme transformation results in a passion for God and fellow man that is unquenchable and leads to works of service, in love. When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. Where do you start with finding new disciples? If we break the mission down to its base component, it is simply one radically transformed saint investing their life in another individual such that they impart the vision and mission to another, radically transforming them. A focus on Hoshea, the last king of Israel, makes us realise what the theological problem was which lead to the demise of the Northern Kingdom - they just wanted to be like everyone else. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. Likewise, teach them to just glorify Godpraise Him for who He is and what He has done. The mission of the church is to make followers of Jesus and that starts with leading people to a relationship with Him. Then we see some being filled with the Holy Spirit after the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Peter was filled three times after Pentecost). I chase the King with reckless abandon. You will know them by their fruits. Read John 14:15, 14:21, and John 15:10. (1 John 2). The kingdom is inserted into the world, and it works, silently, invisibly, and slowly, but over the long haul very effectively. Why is it wise to journal with three columns when we read the Word: Verses read, what they mean, what you should do with what you learned? Meditate on such things. According to verse 7, who is the letter written to, believers or nonbelievers? If you are not involved with working out in the harvest, get involved! As you seek to share your faith in a kind way, you may be surprised that people are more willing to listen. Is the one who builds on rock the one who believes in Jesus, or the one who hears His words and acts on them? I also suggest an equally simple method to ensure that Bible reading is opening the door to hearing from the Spirit and becoming a doer of the Word. Her fiery fate is consuming millions daily because we do not recognize the times, catch this vision, and engage in the mission. They didnt share the root or the life of the plant. Luke 7:28 I say to you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.. I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. And He began telling this parable: A man had a fig tree which had been planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it and did not find any. In order to initiate a healthy, organically-reproductive discipleship movement, the right spiritual DNA must be established. Additional troops from outside the original compromised defensive lines are necessary to provide a crushing blow to the enemy, but only with the defenders cooperation. May it never be! Do you not judge those who are within the church? Our sin invites him to operate freely within our lives. July 22nd, 2015 | The next step is to pray for empowerment. 28 Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Where is the freedom, peace, joy, and abundant life promised by Christ? Therefore, you cant simply teach people to be on the mission; you must show them. In Luke 17:20-21 the Bible says, Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, Look, here it is! Ignoring sin is simply avoiding confrontationeither an individual exercising self-love, or a church avoiding losing membership (thereby serving two masters, God and mammon). The signing the blank piece of paper exercise also challenges folks to squarely face up to their true allegiance: the world or the Kingdom. . We can witness, and work, and labor for souls, and see little results, and grow discouraged and despondent, thinking that nothing is being accomplished. Manifesto on Kingdom expansion? However, lets say an angel appears to Johnny, and gives him a vision of him twenty years into the future playing before great audiences at Carnegie Hall, playing the most beautiful and exquisite music he can imagine. This is an unfortunate reality in modern Christendom. Give them the weaponry and ammunition they need to fight on the frontlines of Kingdom expansion. In Acts 1:5, what did Jesus call this experience? Notwithstanding our freedom in Christ, we cannot belittle the enemys influence. What was the theme of Jesus teaching with the disciples for 40 days after His resurrection? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; 15 and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. Matthew 13:44The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. The tiny little underground seed turned into the largest garden plant they had any knowledge of. Adult discipleship Opportunities - men 1 ; Adult ( 3 Volumes ), by this we know that subject!, get involved, flat, hard crackers six is a stronghold it to one first... Him for who he is actually living in His daily life full-speed ahead and not looking back 3 Volumes,... The enemys influence John 15:5 ) sin, but rather slaves to the one who least... That rightfully belongs to God has been directed toward the devil and His works via sin... 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