glasgow knife crime statistics

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This change was made to improve consistency between the recording of these crimes and the criminal law. Crimes associated with prostitution account for 1% of Sexual crimes. Scottish Government crime statistics for "handling an offensive weapon", though not directly comparable to Glasgow's knife figures, show that, during 2012/13, Lothian & Borders police. category included in this bulletin contains the crimes of: Homicide etc. More information can be found by accessing the Recorded Crime in Scotland: Handling Offensive Weapons publication:, Following the decision by the Scottish Crime Recording Board to change the approach to recording crimes of handling offensive weapons in 2017-18 and the impact this was likely to have on the Recorded Crime National Statistics, Scottish Government statisticians undertook a review of crime records to test whether this change had been implemented effectively. Please note that further local authority level data for Tables 1-4 can be accessed online via dropdown menus in the excel spreadsheet (see Supporting files at the top right hand side of the webpage): This category decreased by 15% from 2,895 in 2018-19 to 2,450 in 2019-20. Within two years of implementing Operation Ceasefire in 1995, Boston had reduced violent crime by about 50%. Further detail on these anomalies can be found later in this section and in Annex 2. It should be noted that Glasgows daily population will be higher than its resident population as people travel into the city from surrounding local authority areas for work, leisure and other purposes. Crimes against public justice account for 30% of Other crimes and include Bail offences, Resisting arrest and General attempts to pervert the course of justice. Between 2018-19 and 2019-20, the number of Crimes of dishonesty recorded by the police in Scotland decreased by 3%, from 114,506 to 111,409. 2 As these figures are estimates they have been rounded to the nearest 100. The first is to use the pre-existing statistics, where the offensive weapon hasnt been used to commit another crime or offence against a person in a public place. As a result, we know that these are historical (non-recent) offences. In a city notorious for . Rape & attempted rape accounted for 18% of Sexual crimes. This category generally increased for several years from 2007-08, peaking in 2012-13. The VRU launched a mentoring project in schools which is designed to combat the emerging threat of cyberbullying and encourage children to stay safe online. Another source of statistics on assault is ISD Scotlands annual publication on hospital admissions due to unintentional injuries. Four showed very little change, with the remaining twelve showing a decrease from the previous year. Home Secretary Sajid Javid has condemned the "senseless violence" that has seen a rise in the number of teenagers being stabbed to death across the UK. . Over the ten year period from 2010-11 to 2019-20, Other theft has seen a decrease of 36%, including a 3% decrease from 42,880 in 2018-19 to 41,421 in 2019-20. It has stressed the importance of positive role models and its projects have been shaped by statistics. The findings of this audit will be highlighted in the Recorded Crime in Scotland 2020-21 National Statistics bulletin. This represents a 2% increase from 2017-18. (19%), Sexual crimes (5%) and Non-sexual crimes of violence (4%). have consistently been the biggest categories within Miscellaneous offences. In June 2018 a report was published that presented more detailed information on the handling of offensive weapons within public places in Scotland. In 2007/08, there were just under 70,000 crimes recorded in the city; by 2018/19, this figure had reduced by 35% to almost 45,000. A number of legislative and procedural changes should be kept in mind when reviewing trends in sexual crime over the longer term. The recording of crime remains at one of the lowest levels seen since 1974. Notwithstanding that year-on-year figures can vary across local authorities, the long term trend of decreasing crime is broadly the same across Scotland. Coinciding with this change of collection, the Scottish Government carried out an extensive data quality exercise to assess the comparability of data extracted from ScOMIS with the data published in previous bulletins. Between 2017-18 and 2018-19, the number of crimes of drug possession recorded by the police increased by 8%. The number of recorded crimes in the Other sexual crimes and Sexual assault categories have changed markedly over time. In 2010-11, incidents of Taking, distribution etc. The national rate of recorded Miscellaneous offences decreased from 240 per 10,000 population in 2018-19 to 236 offences per 10,000 population in 2019-20 (see Table 4). Former offenders were drafted in to share their experiences with the next generation. Chart 11 shows the four largest categories within Crimes of dishonesty over the last ten years, and gives an indication of the trend and scale of each category. This compares to an estimated 5% of drug possession crimes (or 1,500 estimated crimes) in 2017-18[6], the largest estimated increase of any drug type in 2018-19. There were 21 such crimes recorded in 2019-20. Dundee City's crime rate of 807 crimes per ten thousand people was the highest of any region of Scotland in 2021/22. Over the years the VRU has worked closely with partners in the NHS, education and social work. This may have resulted in additional offences being recorded in relation to drug driving and therefore may have played a part in the increase Driving under the influence being recorded. These offences increased by 3% from 12,873 in 2018-19 to 13,208 in 2019-20. In 2019-20, the volume of recorded crimes of Attempted murder and serious assault made up 44% of all Non-sexual crimes of violence. In 2017-18, Communications Act 2003 (Sexual) offences were transferred from Group 6 Miscellaneous offences to Group 2 Sexual crimes. Similar drops have been recorded for. Some of these sections include information on sexual crime; for example, the self-completion elements of the 2016-17 and 2017-18 surveys included questions on sexual victimisation, stalking and harassment, and partner abuse. from 1971 onwards. Levels of violent crime increased for a long period, before entering a downward trend in 2002-03. offences recorded by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table A7: Racially aggravated offences, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table A8: Common assault offences recorded by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, A National Statistics publication for Scotland,,,,,,,,,,,, additional topical analysis of drug possession crimes, Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions) (Scotland) Regulations 2020,,,, A publication date for the report on the findings from this exercise will be announced in the near future. As such both the crime of handling an offensive weapon in a public place and any crime or offence committed with it are now both included in the statistics. In 2017-18 the Scottish Crime Recording Board made a procedural change to how some crimes of handling an offensive weapon were recorded. This follows an increasing trend since 2014-15. Furthermore, not all police recorded crimes of fire-raising may result in the attendance of the SFRS. One of the VRU's key objectives is to offer young people an alternative path. This category increased by 2% from 23,130 in 2018-19 to 23,691 in 2019-20. The VRU sought inspiration from across the Atlantic in its bid to make Glasgow's streets safer. In 2008 six surgeons who had witnessed first-hand the devastating impact of knife crime formed Medics Against Violence (MAV). All figures are presented at a national level as the sample size is too small to provide robust estimates for geographies below this. In addition to the above measure, figures are also available for where the offensive weapon was used to commit another crime or offence against a person in a public place. The next Homicide in Scotland statistical bulletin will contain data for 2019-20 and will be published on October 27th 2020. The research contains details about the victims, perpetrators and circumstances of these crimes. Attempted murder and serious assault is the largest category in Group 1, accounting for 44% of all Non-sexual crimes of violence. Due to the difference in scale of recorded crimes of Vandalism etc. 92.7% of incidents were closed correctly[1] and 95.1% of crime was counted and classified correctly. Other crimes account for around one quarter (26%) of all crimes recorded in Scotland in 2019-20. For the definition of Serious assault and the distinction between Serious assault and Common assault please see Paragraph 6.19 within Annex 1. The national rate of recorded crimes of Fire-raising, vandalism etc. Whilst many incidents will have been dealt with by police without the need for enforcement, 107 Coronavirus restrictions crimes were recorded in 2019-20. This does not represent a real increase in recorded crime, and this change will continue have an impact on the comparability of recorded crime statistics for all years prior to 2017-18. The Act led to new crimes of Disclosing or threatening to disclose an intimate image being recorded from 2017-18 onwards, with 655 being recorded in 2019-20 (this is part of an increasing trend with 421 crimes being recorded in 2017-18 and 596 recorded in 2018-19). We use cookies to collect anonymous data to help us improve your site browsing It should be noted that the Other miscellaneous offences category is not considered comparable for years prior to 2008-09. Common assault is the largest category in Miscellaneous offences, accounting for more than two-fifths (45%) in 2019-20. For example, longer term trends in some types of offending, which existed prior to the pandemic, may remain a factor. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Other crimes of dishonesty account for 4% of total Crimes of dishonesty. For Group 6, Miscellaneous Offences, all data are fully comparable from 2008-09 onwards. To only allow the cookies that make the site work, click 'Use essential cookies only.' While recorded crime in Scotland is not directly comparable with England & Wales or Northern Ireland due to differences in legislation and counting rules, there are some tentative signs that the previous long-term upward trend for sexual crimes across the UK may be slowing down. Between 2018-19 and 2019-20, the number of Miscellaneous offences recorded by the police in Scotland decreased by 1%, from 130,686 to 128,755. and Urinating etc.) The data presented here is based on a random sample of 400 crimes recorded in 2018-19. As the legislation noted above was introduced towards the end of 2019-20, this years recorded crime figures only include a small number of Coronavirus restrictions crimes. The Vandalism etc. indecent photos of children were transferred from Group 6 Miscellaneous offences to Group 2 Sexual crimes and back-revised to 2009-10. This homicide figure was the joint lowest number of recorded homicide cases for a single 12-month period since 1976. However, there has been an overall decrease of 65% since 2013-14. Its key message was that gang-related stabbings and slashings were not just a policing issue but a public health issue. fell from 88 to 87 crimes per 10,000 population in 2019-20. Drugs crimes have consistently been the biggest contributor, accounting for 55% in 2019-20. Since then there has been a long-term decreasing trend, with a decrease of 74% between 1991 and 2019-20. Crimes recorded by the police do not reveal the incidence of all crimes committed as not all crimes are reported to the police. BBC Scotland looks at five key aspects of the VRU's work. More detail is provided in Chapter 7. 0 teenagers were murdered with a knife or sharp object in the 12 month to March 2022. Earlier this year Dr Christine Goodall, of MAV, said more than 80% of assault victims in hospital emergency departments had been drinking, as had the people who had assaulted them. Vehicle defect offences account for 6% of Motor vehicle offences. It is based on a ground-breaking approach used in Scotland. The second most commonly seized drug was etizolam, accounting for 13.3% of all seizures in 2018-19. One factor in this growth may be the UK governments 2017 amendment to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, which made it illegal to possess etizolam (a designer benzodiazepine) through classification as a Class C drug. It should be noted that the Other motor vehicle offences category is not considered comparable for years prior to 2013-14. ): Crimes recorded per 10,000 population, Scotland, 1971 to 2019-20, Table A1: Sexual crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table A1 (Cont. Recorded crime in Glasgow has reduced steadily until 2015/16. The report also found that No-criming practice was generally good, with 96.0% of the 876 cases which were initially recorded as a crime but were later re-designated as not being a crime following additional investigation, found to have been no-crimed correctly. These Official Statistics were introduced from April 2020 to inform users about the volume and type of crimes and offences recorded in Scotland during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. THE areas of Glasgow where the most crimes have been recorded have been revealed. Other crimes of dishonesty includes Reset, Corruption, Embezzlement and other crimes of forgery which are not classified elsewhere. Unlawful use of vehicle is the largest category in this group, accounting for just under a third (32%) of Motor vehicle offences. This chart gives an indication of the trend and scale of each category. Further explanation of these trends is set out in the following sections for each crime group. Whilst the restrictions put in place to limit the spread of the virus will have had an impact on the number of crimes and offences recorded by the police, some caution is advised before necessarily attributing all of the changes to this situation. Whilst the reduction in hospital admissions appears to be larger than that for recorded crime, the change in guidance for crimes classed as serious assaults in 2015 may have had an impact on these figures. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Police-recorded offences involving a knife or sharp instrument rose to 46,265 for the year to March, up from 43,706 in the previous 12 months, according to information released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on Friday. The latest figures (for 2018-19) are available at: Violent crime > Intentional homicide rate: Homicides per 100'000 residents. Over the ten year period from 2010-11 to 2019-20 this crime has decreased by 26%, although there was an increase of 5% from 18,512 in 2018-19 to 19,441 in 2019-20. This included findings on the characteristics of these cases, based on a random sample of 1,500 crimes recorded by the police for the first six months (April to September) of 2013 and 2017. Contact Email: Since 2010-11 the number of these crimes has fallen by 42%. The Official Statistics on Drug Seizures and Offender Characteristics presents figures on the number and type of drug seizures made by Police Scotland. The number of Shopliftings recorded was 3% higher than in 2010-11. In 2019-20, 89 crimes of handling an offensive weapon (not used) occurred within a prison and a further 146 occurred within a school. A bulletin describing the level of recorded crimes and offences in Scotland during the month of January 2022. Over the ten year period from 2010-11 to 2019-20 this crime has seen a decrease of 43%, although there has been a small increase of 1% or 52 crimes from 4,950 in 2018-19 to 5,002 crimes in 2019-20. This bulletin presents characteristics of victims and accused, such as age and gender, as well as the circumstances of the homicide. Whilst the specific age of the victim cannot generally be determined from the data supplied by Police Scotland, many of the sexual crime codes used by the police to record crime make it clear when the victim was aged under 18 (for example, Sexual assault of older male child (13-15 years))[3]. The longer term trend has also been downwards, with the number of crimes recorded decreasing by 42% between 2010-11 and 2019-20. There were 2,585 emergency hospital admissions as a result of assault in 2018-19, of which 665 were due to assault with a sharp object and 1,938 were other assaults[2]. In London, a Violence Reduction Unit is now up and running in a bid to tackle the number of teenagers dying as a result of knife crime. Changes in recorded crime from 2017-18 should be treated with some caution due to the addition of newly recorded crimes of handling an offensive weapon. Over the longer term, driving under the influence has decreased by 13% since 2010-11. Until this year this category had been on an upward trend since 2011-12, having increased by 76% between then and 2018-19. The next HMICS Crime Audit is scheduled to be published in December 2020. Crimes under the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 accounted for 18% of the total number of Non-sexual crimes of violence. Further detail on the type of information available from the SCJS on sexual crime is also included. ): Percentage of crimes / offences cleared up by the police, Scotland, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table 4: Crimes and offences recorded in Scotland per 10,000 population, 2010-11 to 2019-20, Table 4 (Cont. Please refer to the Group 1 - Non-sexual crimes of violence section. Fast forward four decades and the then Strathclyde Police Chief Constable Sir Stephen House invited teenagers from some of the most deprived areas of the city to Glasgow Sheriff Court. This increase is due to the recording of 1,681 new crimes under the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 in 2019-20, following its enactment on the 1st April 2019. ): Number of crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, 1971 to 2019-20, Table 7: Crimes per 10,000 population, Scotland, 1971 to 2019-20, Table 7 (Cont. Is scheduled to be published on October 27th 2020 of each category next generation on. 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