east coast of africa ocean

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There is little information concerning the period until the 8th century. Among these languages are Kikuyu, Luhya, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kisukuma, Luganda and many others. Kilwa, Pate, and Mogadishu also developed a local textile industry while Kilwa and Mogadishu extracted copper from nearby mines. The southern part of East Africa was occupied until recent times by Khoisan hunter-gatherers, whereas in the Ethiopian Highlands the donkey and such crop plants as teff allowed the beginning of agriculture around 7,000 BCE. Within minutes, the blindingly bright white flats had been obscured by the downpour, and I lost the shark in the rain. The region also comprises the countries of Somalia, Djibouti, and Eritrea, which are . The scene was of a huge congregation which consisted of a densely stacked (but spread out) base. The Western Hemisphere includes about half of Antarctica and all of North and South America which includes the Caribbean and Central America as well as Greenland. Go next. It is lined with coral reefs, majestic islands, and, under the surface, animals bigger than any of the "Big Five", and none of them are in game parks! The two most striking highlands are in Ethiopia and Kenya, respectively, where large areas reach elevations of 6,500 to 10,000 feet (2,000 to 3,000 metres). The East Africa coast supports rich wildlife populations of which 60-70% are found only in the Indo-Pacific and 15% are found nowhere else in the world. Lucas Jackson/Reuters Elsewhere in the US, the West Coast is getting hit by huge storms coming from the goofy jet stream . Several countries border the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Though the straits were never completely closed, there may have been islands in between which could be reached using simple rafts. Sodwana Bay is the oldest marine reserve in South Africa and its healthy reefs and rich; diverse marine life is a prime example of this. ~ Geo Cloete, ? I saw this compass jellyfish at the safety stop at five metres after completion of the dive. Evidence was found in 2018, dating to about 320,000 years ago, at the Kenyan site of Olorgesailie, of the early emergence of modern behaviors associated with Homo sapiens, including: long-distance trade networks (involving goods such as obsidian), the use of pigments, and the possible making of projectile points. The grasslands of Tanzania and Kenya are renowned for their wildlife, in particular large migratory herds of ungulates (e.g., gnus, zebras, and gazelles) and predators (lions, hyenas, and leopards). We also work towards MSC certification for the deep water shrimp fishery in Mozambique. Coastal storms bring stronger winds creating greater wave damage along shorelines. This photo depicts a portion of the base of the smack, illustrating the dense concentration of jellyfish. ~ Geo Cloete, ? Portugal's main goal on the Swahili coast was to take control of the spice trade from the Arabs. WWF helped Mozambique establish the Quirimbas marine reserve in 2002. Coastal East Africa encompasses a beautiful tapestry of land and seafrom mountains and grasslands to mangroves and fringing coral reefs. Around 1,200 miles from the east coast of Africa, Mauritius is best known for its beautiful beaches, lagoons, reefs, and rainforests. All of the states produced pottery. In the Western Indian Ocean, WWF works to transform the way fisheries are managed in order to achieve sustainability. One particularly powerful western boundary current is the Gulf Stream. East Africa Discover East Africa & the Indian Ocean Islands - Enjoy Breathtaking Scenery, Wonderful Plants & Trees, Countless Varieties of Birds & Abundant Wildlife East Africa is home to some of the continent's most famous sights, but also some of its least explored corners. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. This . "The Egypto-Graeco-Romans and Paanchea/Azania: sailing in the Erythraean Sea." Photo Galleries, Photographer of the Year, TRAVEL & CONSERVATION COMPANY Unusually, most of the rain falls in two distinct wet seasons, one centred on April and the other in October or November. Casson, Lionel (1989). Updates? Research has shown that most of the monster storms that hit the US and Canada start out as a distinct weather pattern in the atmosphere over western Africa, specifically a spot off the coast of the African Cape Verde islands.. Attacks followed on Hoja (now known as Ungwana, located at the mouth of the Tana River), Barawa, Angoche, Pate and other coastal towns until the western Indian Ocean was a safe haven for Portuguese commercial interests. Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda have each faced instability and ethnic conflict since independence, most notably the 1994 Rwandan genocide and the 1993 Burundi genocide and subsequent Burundian Civil War. Chami, Felix A. The Afar are found in both Eritrea and Djibouti. We hope to create an unprecedented data set that will be shared among NGOs, governments, universities and scientists in order to assess coral and fish population health, human usage, and fishing practices. 110. Farmers are often killed while trying to defend their fields and elephants become the source of resentment and anger by the local communities. 1250 24th Street, N.W. As the island is ring-fenced by one of the largest unbroken barrier reefs in the world, scuba diving here is a magical experience. WWF strives to ensure that local people benefit from economic opportunities that come with new tourism enterprises. The Portuguese were the first Europeans to explore the region of current-day Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique by sea. A new period opened, it seems, in the 9th century. eastern Africa, part of sub-Saharan Africa comprising two traditionally recognized regions: East Africa, made up of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda; and the Horn of Africa, made up of Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. [32][33][34][35], In 2017 finds of modern human remains, dating to ca 300,000 years ago in Jebel Irhoud in Morocco, suggested that modern humans arose earlier and possibly in a larger area of Africa than previously thought. Whales, dolphins, dugongs and whale sharks inhabit these Indian Ocean waters. [37][38][39], In September 2019, scientists reported the computerized determination, based on 260 CT scans, of a virtual skull shape of the last common human ancestor to modern humans/H. Tanzania has known stable government since independence although there are significant political and religious tensions resulting from the political union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar in 1964. Source: British Library. This benefits local people who rely on the forest for their livelihoods and frees up resources for the governments to improve local education and health infrastructure. WWF, in partnership with CARE, has worked to train local rangers to patrol nesting sites along these islands and marine turtle poaching has decreased significantly. By the 5th/11th century the Indian Ocean trade had shifted to the ports at the head of the Persian Gulf, in particular K and Hormoz (Ricks, pp. Aksum was at the time ruled by Zoskales, who also governed the port of Adulis. The ethnic fabric in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda is much more fragmented, with many smaller peoples intermingled or occupying discrete territories. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Through our involvement in the creation of local fishing associations, fishermen are recruited to monitor bycatch of turtles and dugongs and provide us with important data on population trends. [47] The Aksumite rulers facilitated trade by minting their own Aksumite currency. The two currents do not "meet" anywhere along the south coast of Africa. Seyyid said later introduced copper and silver coins. We assist local communities in securing management rights to their local wildlife and fisheries. Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya are not only sources of ivory, but also major conduits for illegal wildlife trade. The Western Rift Valley curves along the western borders of Uganda and Tanzania. Portuguese trading stations in East Africa and the Slave trade. [76][77][78], South Sudan peacefully seceded from the Sudan in 2011, six and a half years after a peace agreement ended the Second Sudanese Civil War. We work with famers to improve soil fertility, resulting in greater yield on less land. [70] In 1922, the British gained a League of Nations mandate over Tanganyika which it administered until Independence was granted to Tanganyika in 1961. Wild dogs, black rhinos and lions also roam its forests and grasslands. Blue sharks have the largest distribution range around the globe, and are unfortunately the shark species targeted the most by fishermen for their fins. ~ Geo Cloete, ? With imports and exports on the rise in and out of these ports, it's only a matter of time before larger and deeper berths are necessary to accommodate the changes and remain competitive. Some fishing practices are causing unacceptable amounts of bycatchthreatening shark, marine turtles and seabird populations. The main coastal settlements were situated on islands, largely, no doubt, because of the greater security these provided against attacks from the mainland; and their populations seem mostly to have been made up from migrants from the Persian Gulfsome from the great port of Srf, others from near Bahrainthough conceivably some too came from Daybul, at the mouth of the Indus River, in northwestern India. On an average, the north equatorial warm current flows from east to west but this saline current is deflected northward when it crosses the mid-Atlantic Ridge near 15N latitude. Over several centuries countless East Africans were sold as slaves by Muslim Arabs to the Middle East and other places via the Sahara desert and Indian Ocean. 1: The volcanic ridge offshore Mayotte. Elephants and other wildlife require freedom to roam in search of food and freshwater. Some of the earliest hominin skeletal remains have been found in the wider region, including fossils discovered in the Awash Valley of Ethiopia, as well as in the Koobi Fora in Kenya and Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. Eastern Africa is populated by 160 different ethnic groups or more, depending on the method of counting. Eastern Africa consists largely of plateaus and has most of the highest elevations in the continent. Learn the historical significance of the Kingdom of Axum and how other . . Indo-European languages, such as English, French and Portuguese, remain important in higher institutions in some parts of the larger region. 11. In Mozambique, WWF helped initiate a new law that makes TEDs mandatory in the countrys shrimp trawl fleet. Further information in the sections of Architecture of Africa: Further information in the sections of History of science and technology in Africa: Since the end of colonialism, several East African countries were riven with military coups, ethnic violence and oppressive dictators. Consequently there has been much contact over the past two thousand years among the peoples who inhabit its shores. Rainfall variability is influenced by both El Nio events and a positive Indian Ocean Dipole. The British also held a number of island colonies in the region, including the extended archipelago of Seychelles and the rich farming island of Mauritius, previously under the French sovereignty. Meanwhile, in 1884, a narrow coastal strip of Somaliland came under British control (British Somaliland). In Tanzania, WWF works with partners to help improve lives and protect wildlife through the creation of Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs)communal lands where local communities participate in the management of wildlife and resources. The trading ships made their way down the east coast of Africa stopping at towns to trade for African goods such as ivory, gold, myrrh to make a fine skin oil, animal skins, frankincense and ambergris used to make perfumes, and slaves. The construction of Fort Jesus in Mombasa in 1593 was meant to solidify Portuguese hegemony in the region, but their influence was clipped by the British, Dutch and Omani Arab incursions into the Great Lakes region during the 17th century. By the late nineteenth century, the slave trade on the open seas had been completely outlawed by the British and the Omani Arabs had little ability to resist the British navy's ability to enforce the directive. The amount of water being transported by the Agulhas . And four species of commercially important tunabigeye, albacore, yellowfin and skipjackare found here. A blacktip shark cruises the lagoon as a storm approaches in Aldabra atoll, Seychelles Adam Mitchell (Photographer of the Year 2017 Top 101), TheAldabra atollhas one of the highest shark densities of anywhere in the western Indian Ocean. During barter, the foreigners bartered their goods with gold, ivory and slaves. Fast as they are, I doubt this shark was quick enough to outrun the storm. ~ Adam Mitchell, ? We collaborate with authorities on a comprehensive investigation of illegal practices in an effort to create new policies and standards that mandate sustainable forest management and trade. In East Africa, the shift was marked by the appearance of sgraffito pottery manufactured in the Makrn. The 2000 population is expected to quintuple over the course of the 21st century, to 1.6billion as of 2100 (UN estimates as of 2017). Overfishingfor local consumption and export to commercial marketsposes a major threat to the region. Only in quite recent times has agriculture spread to the more humid regions south of the equator, through the spread of cattle, sheep and crops such as millet. In 2011 with WWFs support, the government of Mozambique officially created the Lake Niassa Reserve. West of the Rwenzoris and Ethiopian highlands, the rainfall pattern is more typically tropical, with rain throughout the year near the equator and a single wet season in most of the Ethiopian Highlands from June to September contracting to July and August around Asmara. We work with farmers to adopt practices that conserve resources and use less space, ensuring forest remains intact for wildlife. Manda had close trading connections with the Persian Gulfwith Srf in particular. Credit: DOI: 10.1038/s41561-021-00809-x. It flows south along the east coast of Africafrom 27S to 40S. 2425. The Protectorate of Uganda and the Colony of Kenya were located in a rich farmland area mostly appropriate for the cultivation of cash crops like coffee and tea, as well as for animal husbandry with products produced from cattle and goats, such as goat meat, beef and milk. A large school of slingers at Sodwana Bay, South Africa Anthony Grote (Photographer of the Year 2016 Entrant), ? Chami, F. A. For discussion of the physical and human geography of individual countries in the region and of their late colonial and postcolonial history, see Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda. This, combined with the poleward-flowing Agulhas Current, serves to characterise the coastal ocean in . Annual rainfall here ranges from over 1,600mm (63in) on the western slopes to around 1,250mm (49in) at Addis Ababa and 550mm (22in) at Asmara. WWF has also helped community fishing councils gain authority to combat illegal fishing in the reserve. Nilotic languages, such as Luo, Kalenjin, Maasai and Nuer, are spoken in lesser numbers, primarily in the African Great Lakes and Nile Valley. The school of fish represents the ozone, and the reef below is Earth. Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, and the Red Sea coast of Sudan are considered the most likely location of the land known to the Ancient Egyptians as Punt. [29], According to both genetic and fossil evidence, it has been posited that archaic Homo sapiens evolved into anatomically modern humans in the Horn of Africa around 200,000 years ago and dispersed from there. (1999). Sunday 6 October 2002. It's more than 41 million square miles, the second . Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing may account for as much as a third of total catches in some important fisheries in the region, and the capacity for local enforcement is severely lacking. At other places on his way, such as the island of Angediva, near Goa, and Cannanore, the Portuguese built forts, and adopted measures to secure the Portuguese supremacy. 2023 World Wildlife Fund. Sailors and Daughters reveals the expansive maritime societies of Zanzibar, the east African coast, and beyond. [50], On the coastal section of the African Great Lakes region, another mixed Bantu community developed through contact with Muslim Arab and Persian traders, leading to the development of the mixed Arab, Persian and African Swahili City States. The spread of ironworking and the Bantu migrations, The chieftainships of the southern savanna, https://www.britannica.com/place/eastern-Africa. Generally the Eastern Hemisphere includes most of Africa, about half of Antarctica, all of Asia and Australia/Oceania, and most of Europe. The east coast of Africa holds a bounty of life that rivals the land. They are solitary and derive their name from the beautiful colour and spots. ~ Peet J. van Eeden, ? Tanzania and Uganda fought the UgandaTanzania War in 19781979, which led to the removal of Uganda's despotic leader Idi Amin. A whale shark swims with a diver off the coast of East Africa. The coast of East Africa stretches 4,600km from southern Somalia to the Natal shores of South Africa. Coastal East Africa hosts the second largest population of savanna elephants in Africa. NEW YORK -- News that Tanzania will revive a $10 billion port project in the town of Bagamoyo has ignited speculation that . The visible mantle tissue is responsible for its colourful appearance, and it harbours large populations of single-celled photosynthetic algae or zooxanthellae. ~ Peet J. van Eeden. Chili bombs, a mixture of dried elephant dung and hot chili, are placed in crop fields to keep elephants away because they do not like the smell of chili. A blue shark just below the surface about 40km off Cape Point, South Africa Geo Cloete (Photographer of the Year 2018 Top 101), Sail southwest from Cape Point and eventually you will be surrounded by the blue horizon in all directions. The waters of the Western Indian Ocean also support globally important shrimp and tuna industries. Language distributions suggest that this most likely occurred from Sudan into the African Great Lakes region, since the Nilotic languages spoken by these pre-Bantu farmers have their closest relatives in the middle Nile basin. Zanzibar is a semi-autonomous state in the United Republic of Tanzania. 2010-10-06 07:36:31. WWF and partners have helped fishermen create a sustainable oyster harvesting system, resulting in increased profits and yield. Approximately 55,000 people live in or around the Quirimbas marine reserve off the coast of Mozambique. This was projected to reach 890 million by 2050, with an average growth rate of 2.5% per annum. [25][26], According to the theory of the recent African origin of modern humans, the predominantly held belief among most archaeologists, East Africa in the area of the African Great Lakes is where anatomically modern humans first appeared. To comment on this story: Download our app here - it's a troll-free safe place . Because exploitation of turtles is often driven by a lack of economic choices, WWF works to develop alternative livelihoods so that local people are no longer dependent on turtle products for income. Local communities need the ability to protect their resources against illegal activities. Local merchants gathered ivory from the south, gold from the western interior and frankincense and myrrh from northern Africa. However, the town was taken and destroyed, and its large treasures went to strengthen the resources of Almeida. Encyclopdia Britannica, inc, Jacob E. Safra. . The region also provides habitat for threatened shorebirds and seabirds, including the sooty tern, the masked booby, the greater crested tern, and the brown noddy. Azania Vol. Over a period of many centuries, most hunting-foraging peoples were displaced and absorbed by incoming Bantu communities, as well as by later Nilotic communities. The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Eastern Africa, 16001800 A.D. Humanities LibreTexts - East Africa and the Horn of Africa, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - East Africa, Ugandan lawmaker introduces new anti-LGBTQ legislation, French court to rule on TotalEnergies' east Africa projects, Jill Biden sees East Africa drought up close, seeks more aid, Kenya labor court rules that Facebook can be sued. Networking & debating APP subscribers only, TRUSTED CONSERVATION PROJECTS Physical Geography. Copy. Da Gama's voyage was successful in reaching India, which permitted the Portuguese to trade with the Far East directly by sea. Warming seawaters threaten the incredible diversity associated with the regions coral reefs, leading to die-offs from bleaching. [36], East Africa is one of the earliest regions where Homo sapiens are believed to have lived. At about 30.3 million km 2 (11.7 million square miles) including adjacent islands, it covers 20% of Earth's land area and 6% of its total surface area. Gujarati traders were already criss-crossing the ocean for biashara with the Swahili Coast of Eastern Africa. The situation is exacerbated by large-scale illegal logging, which is often exported to international markets. Precipitation also is affected by varying elevation: Uganda, Tanzania, and western Kenya receive plentiful rainfall, while Somalia, eastern Ethiopia, and northeastern Kenya receive far less. These voyages of discovery by the Chinese to the African Red Sea coast, East Africa and its Indian Ocean islands, required sea-worthy vessels. This also leaves more habitat for wildlife and keeps farms close to home. The South African coastline is 3200 km from Oranjemund on the west coast to the Mozambique border at Ponta do Oura on the east coast. From the 1840s, cameras traced the international migrations of traders, sailors, sons, and daughters through Indian Ocean ports, continuing trade that dates back over five millennia. The water temperature right now is at least 32F and at most 85F. We also work with local communities in Mozambique and Kenya to reduce turtle harvesting and local trade. Turn-of-the-century maritime photographs, dhows off the east African coast Monsoon Dhows Sailors have harnessed the Indian Ocean's monsoon winds for at least two millennia. This current is generated because of upwelling of cold water near the west coast of Africa. 100 km wide), swift (up to 3 m/s) and deep (2 km). East Africa is the part of Africa around and east of the Great Rift Valley, a land feature stretching from the Red Sea in the north, the Guardafui Channel in the east, and the Mozambique Channel in the southeast. Not a lot is known about the species, but they occur in deep water reefs and is vulnerable to overfishing. Lionel Casson. Africa has a huge range of coastline which borders not only two oceans, but two seas as well. This is usually attributed to the passage of the Intertropical Convergence Zone across the region in those months, but it may also be analogous to the autumn monsoon rains of parts of Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and the Brazilian Nordeste. Lake Niassa is an important source of freshwater, home to over 1000 fish species and critical to the livelihoods of the people of Mozambique. Rainfall in East Africa is characterised by two main rainfall seasons, the long rains from MarchMay and the short rains from October- December. Today they are still used across the Indian Ocean to carry merchandise such as fruits, water, or spices. After traditional land routes to India had been closed by the Ottoman Turks, Portugal hoped to use the sea route pioneered by da Gama to break the once Venetian trading monopoly. Marine Turtle, African elephant, Black rhino, White rhino, Great white shark, Dugong, Whale shark, In response to Covid-19, a new partnership will boost the devastated nature-based tourism industry in Africa, Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing. It is narrow, swift and strong. This volume contains papers rst presented at the conference, Early Maritime Cultures of the East Prevailing climatic conditions and the regions' geomorphology allowed the establishment of flourishing European style settlements like Nairobi, Vila Pery, Vila Junqueiro, Porto Amlia, Loureno Marques and Entebbe.[68]. But also because there are so many different tourist coasts along its length. [79], According to the CIA, as of 2017, the countries in the eastern Africa region have a total population of around 537.9 million inhabitants.[80]. Let's work together to safeguard these globally important reefs for the benefit of communities, the marine ecosystem, the nations of Kenya . This, coupled with similar climatic and ecological conditions in most of the surrounding coastal lands, has . The east coast of Africa experiences seasonally alternating 'trade' winds which have enabled sailing dhows to travel up and down the coast, fostering the movement of people and goods between the countries of Arabia, the Western Indian Ocean and East Africa for many centuries. At this stage, the Portuguese presence in East Africa served the purposes of controlling trade within the Indian Ocean and securing the sea routes linking Europe to Asia. The east coast of South Africa has a generally well-defined and narrow continental shelf area. Ruins at Kilwa, on the southern Tanzanian coast, probably date from the 9th or perhaps from the 8th century. With its original speech community centered on the coastal parts of Tanzania (particularly Zanzibar) and Kenyaa seaboard referred to as the Swahili Coastthe Bantu Swahili language contains many Arabic loan-words as a consequence of these interactions. The Gulf Stream, paired with the eastern . Author of, Distinguished Professor of History and African Studies, Michigan State University, East Lansing. This article covers the history of the area from ancient times through the 20th century. This region already suffers from unpredictable rainfall and frequent drought, along with intense rains and flooding. Overharvesting of timber and illegal commercial logging continue to threaten forests in Coastal East Africa. sapiens, representative of the earliest Homo sapiens, and suggested that Homo sapiens arose between 350,000 and 260,000 years ago through a merging of populations in South and East Africa. It consists of 18 countries and 2 dependencies. Should we carry along the same path, its estimated that there will be no fish left in the ocean by 2050. Temperatures in East Africa, except on the hot and generally humid coastal belt, are moderate, with maxima of around 25 C (77 F) and minima of 15 C (59 F) at an altitude of 1,500 . The climate of East Africa is rather atypical of equatorial regions. [23] Similarly, a positive Indian Ocean Dipole result in warm sea-surface temperatures off the coast of East Africa and lead to increased rainfall over East Africa. Sadly, when it comes to the ocean, the out of sight out of mind way of thinking often applies. Along the coasts, you can find dugongs, whale sharks, dolphins, whales, and five species of marine turtles. The red stood for the English, blue stood for the French, and the beige stood for Germany during the period of colonialism. In the East, Africa faces the Indian Ocean. For the entity known as (British) East Africa, see, Somaliland is not included in the United Nations geoscheme, as it is internationally. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. The Big Five of the Ocean: Exploring the Waters of East Africa. Aiming to reduce illegal activities, WWF helped the governments of Tanzania and Mozambique agree to work cooperatively on improving forest management. When ships were powered by sails, the seasonally alternating Indian Ocean monsoon winds allowed for efficient sea voyages up and down the coast. Location: Africa Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. [22] Elsewhere the annual rainfall generally increases towards the south and with altitude, being around 400mm (16in) at Mogadishu and 1,200mm (47in) at Mombasa on the coast, whilst inland it increases from around 130mm (5in) at Garoowe to over 1,100mm (43in) at Moshi near Kilimanjaro. Born out of wedlock . Workers pulling onions by the Mbarali River, Tanzania. Lake Niassa is located in Mozambique and shares borders with Malawi and Tanzania. However, the creation of clove plantations, intensification of the slave trade and relocation of the Omani capital to Zanzibar in 1839 by Seyyid Said had the effect of consolidating the Omani power in the region.[67]. A senior U.S. Navy officer says that his service no longer considers the East Coast of the United States as an "uncontested" area or an automatic "safe haven" for its ships and submarines. We work on sustainable use of natural resources, such as certified timber or fisheries, which also creates incentives for conservation. To 40S encompasses a beautiful tapestry of land and seafrom mountains and grasslands to mangroves and fringing reefs... Of the highest elevations in the US, the East coast of Mozambique a semi-autonomous state the! By one of the southern savanna, https: //www.britannica.com/place/eastern-Africa for its colourful appearance, and Mozambique agree to cooperatively! 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