coast guard funeral prayer

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AMEN. 2 God, when the winds are against us, help us to keep our spirits and our wills serene and strong; we know that AMEN. Be with Be with them as they continue in their training to be all that you have made them to be and all that our country needs them to be. AMEN. Thank you for this day you have given us and for this occasion that brings us together as we honor these Service Members who are retiring. With this i can rely on the content. We ask your blessing upon __________ and his/her family as they close this chapter in their life and begin another. We thank you for all that you do for us, not the least of which is displayed in the Soldiers honored here today. and give us refuge from all the cross currents and winds which we encounter in the new day. Let us, Today we earnestly pray for your anointing upon these two individuals. This moving story reminded me of the Viking Funeral poem I wrote a while back and so I 'married' the two into a pin. Those who have been to sea in ships and dwelled in the shadow of your majestic creation have sensed your divine power. This full-body water burial or funeral service can be provided to civilians, active-duty military, honorably discharged retirees and veterans, and dependents of military service members. Bless us, Lord, as we fellowship together and share the camaraderie that comes ti ha shared mission and great pride. 390 0 obj <>stream Thank you for your presence and protection among those who deployed, as situations changed, safety concerns grew, and the length of deployment increased, all while the leaders and Soldiers stayed focused on their mission, bringing to conclusion a successful deployment. We perform full Military Honors with Rifle Volley, Taps, Flag Folding, and Presenting. We thank you for watching over us and sustaining us as a nation. If you send your request after business hours (weekends or after 1600 weekdays), please call 617-990-6249 for confirmation of received request. For the Navy Additionally, we give you thanks for the help that you provided our spouses and children while we were away. of your wisdom and grace. with the tender words of our great sea tradition, to grant him/her and his/her family "fair winds and following seas." Thank you for the energy and commitment that it took for them to complete this task that, Im sure, sometimes seemed impossible. life into this vessel in the months and years that follow. Guide him each day as he serves our country in this position. 1 And now Lord, be Thou with us to strengthen us; outside us, to keep us; love us, to protect us; beneath Give them wisdom and give them courage as they chart our course and as they lead our world. A collection of Coast Guard prayers for men and women serving in the military; pray for my son in the Coast Guard; pray for my daughter in the Coast Guard Prayers for our men and women serving in the Coast Guard. Leader : God of the ages, before your eyes all empires rise and fall yet you are changeless. Thank you so much. the name of God. Holy Lamb, who sits at the right hand of the Father, hear our prayer. Last Salute has received many awards and recently participated in conducting funeral honors Continue reading . We pray that everything that we say and do this morning will please you and also that it will bring glory, honor and praise to your name. Finally, Lord, we ask that you will be with us here tonight. I invite you to be present with us this afternoon and pray that everything that is said and done will e pleasing in your sight. Let your presence be a blessing to us today and forevermore. Almighty and Eternal God who gives us the freedoms we enjoy in this great nation, come visit us in this most sacred garden where many of our veterans have gathered and many of our nations heroes rest. Help us to see the Coast Guard as one family and that harmony comes not only from our common call to Amen. of our nation and his/her fellow shipmates. Bless our companionship at this table that it may strengthen We thank you for their gifts, their skills, their professionalism and for everything else that they offer the Army and demonstrate for their Soldiers. Retirement Father, we also want to thank you for the diligent and faithful leadership of CPT _____________ as he hands over command today. Eternal God, you alone spread out the heavens and rule the raging of the sea. You have a photo of interfaith chaplaincy to the right and then list all Christian prayers? Amen. 5 Eternal Father, for the continued blessing of Heaven we give you thanks. Renew, encourage and bless each one as they faithfully follow their new leaders, moving forward with loyalty and doing their duty with honor. Enkindle in our hearts and minds a deep loyalty to righteousness and liberty, that in service of the ideals for which our country was founded we may deal justly with one another and with all peoples of the earth who now are brought ever closer to us through the medium of flight. Throughout our nations history you have raised up such strong and courageous men to lead the way. Military funeral honors are available to eligible members of the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and National Guard. Be with I thank you for this day and for this occasion which brings us together. Renew in us clean spirits, O God, and cheerful hearts, that with all our fellow-men, particularly those whose labors support our own, we may ever grow in mutual respect and helpfulness. We ask that the gift of Thy Son may guide us to present our gifts of service to Thee regardless of the station of those to whom Thy love is to be revealed. I thank you for this day you have given us and for this occasion that we gather together to celebrate the alliance which exists between the United States and the Republic of Korea, particularly tonight- in the Intelligence community. When requested by the next of kin (NOK), the Coast Guard shall provide a funeral honors detail for the funeral of a qualified Through howling gale and shot and shell, To win our victory. and right so that our freedoms may be ever secured and a source for loving you. It is his/her time to rest and plant anew. Thank you that they could be with us today. us to bring changes in our lives to a successful ending. Thank you, now for CSM _________________. May our efforts this day, be a reflection of our hopes and dreams for our Great, Almighty God, we acknowledge your masterful design in all creation and your, Yet we stand with pride before this symbol of what human hands can do, and, We also celebrate the honor, respect and devotion to duty displayed in the lives, Finally, to the coxswains who will lead the men and women of the crew, christen, Eternal God and Creator, we gather today to commission the. Flags are available free of charge from the Department of Veterans Affairs at your local post office or any VA regional office. Your email address will not be published. We are grateful to you for your help each day not only for those of us who deployed but for those who remained here in Germany protecting our backs and caring for our homes. Father, we freely offer to you our hands today that youwill take hold of them and protect us, help us, and go with uswe will not fear. We are a "nation under God." . Go with us now, I pray, and empower us to do good both when on duty and off, remembering that our faithful service can be the model that others follow to excellence. We give you thanks today for the United States of America. Today, we invoke thy blessings upon this honored ceremony of christening. Thank You for Your constant presence and Your care for each of us, no matter where we go and what we do. Grant that its innovations and service be used to improve AMEN. of your providence, in this particular moment of U. S. Coast Guard history, you have made it possible for the skill and We thank you because it gives us another opportunity to celebrate the freedoms that are ours as Americans and the strength of our country that we contribute to as American Soldiers. Father, give us the strength and wisdom to learn from their example, to uphold freedom and life at home and around the world. His/her duties often As we also seek to be renewed and rejuvenated, attempting to gain resiliency and find meaning in a life that sometimes seems hopeless and futile, I pray that your presence will be especially evident to us this morning and that you will speak to us, and maybe even bring healing to us, as you know best. their loved ones as they go to their duty as members of our nation's Armed Forces. Due to extremely limited resources, we are not always able to provide a bugler to play Taps, however, we make every effort to do so. Lord, in everything we do, may we please you, may we be all that we can be and, God, today we celebrate the lives and deeds of our Marines, our country's, You are semper fidelis - always faithful to us. with justice and respect by taking everything we do and turning it to good ends. Your email address will not be published. __________ has served of his/her duties commanded the respect of his/her seniors and assured the safety and well-being of his/her fellow shipmates. We need a copy of the DD-214 or discharge papers along with the request form or we will not be able to process your request. We give you thanks today for your providence for these great soldiers. against us; but we know, too, that thou hast given us the spirit whereby we may be the master of our lives. men and women who are called to assume Command-at-sea. When she steams into the harbor People don't flock 'round like bees; For she ain't no grim destroyer, No It is a day to rest from our daily labor. Ive used this 1 minute standard throughout my time as a chaplain though I usually come in under a minute realizing that the prayer isnt the main event but should enhance (and empower) the main event. His/Her influence in the lives of many young Honor their devotion and sacrifice. Thank you for their families and friends who support them so well. Go with us now, Lord we pray, as we reluctantly return to the world out there. We again come to you and thank you for your goodness to us and for the good time and wise words of the evening. God, we thank you for this special day. I ask that all that is said and done today will bring glory and honor to you. Finally, Lord, we ask that you will be with us all today, that this ceremony will not be just another event on our calendar, but a benchmark of excellence for us all to follow as we seek to be all that you have called us to be and all that our country needs us to be. are able to preserve hearth and home, the peace of our nation, and the tranquillity of the world. One stanza reads, "He was just a common soldier and his ranks are growing thin, But his presence should remind us we may need his like again. AMEN. The tragedy of February 26 is bringing out inconsistencies in search and rescue operations . . I thank you for this day you have given us and for this occasion we celebrate as these new MP officers graduate their basic course and enter the force. O Lord, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, we thank you for taking away the sins of the world. and difficult; make us responsive to great things when they call us; when our own powers are inadequate, show us where Robert Haverfield Susan Haverfield Most of these prayers are original to me, though a few have been adapted from other prayers passed on to me or that I found online. Enkindle within us a flame Table of Contents May they feel and experience the power of we do has a place in your purpose. to be inspired by his/her example. The Prayers page is offered as a resource for chaplains and we add prayers as we write them or find them. The Coast Guard can bury any citizen of the United States who has not been convicted of a felony. I thank you for your presence with us during this graduation ceremony. in our midst here today, as we share together in this time-honored Coast Guard tradition. Bless us now with your presence. I pray now that you will be with us tonight as we celebrate the successful, continued, execution of our mission and the alliance we enjoy with each other. The food which nourishes our bodies is I especially thank you for those who will be honored for excelling in what they do. Scan and email the request form (link) to please send all request within business hours M-F 0700-1500. 0 2 Heavenly Father, thou hast graciously blessed us with a rich, wonderful and good world. Keep them safe as they go from here to places unknown. Help us to stop and catch our breath - to give you thanks for these moments in our lives. We pray that you will bless them, Lord, for their unselfish service; bless them abundantly for the hardships they faced, for the sacrifices they made. A copy of this letter should be sent to the regional coordinator as closure for the file. things that make life happy and bright, and for the common things, like water and light. A fewthoughts aboutprayers: Some chaplains bristle at the thought of writing a prayer or praying a written prayer. Help us to be prepared to search for what is true If thats you, and youre able to pray an effective prayer extemporaneously, keep it up! Merciful God, today we remember those who have gone to their eternal home with, We pray that their memories may inspire us to serve you and our fellow human, Gracious Lord of the harvest, in love you give us this day to be our joy and our, We thank you for the beauty and the bounty of our land and for the challenge of, For all we have spoken, and all that we keep in our hearts, accept our, Lord our God, we give thanks to you for the great land of our birth with all its, Today we especially give thanks for those who served their country in its hour, Lord, watch over those military men and women on American and foreign soils this, Grant your continued Divine care over the family members who are called upon, God, our Father, on this Independence Day, we pause for a few moments to give. We thank you for the freedoms that are ours as Americans and for those who have fought and died to provide and protect those freedoms for us. and lawful missions. skills to address the challenges of the future with a heightened sense of commitment, which mirrors the standard of excellence for all who serve in the future, and may his/her memory of this occasion serve as a fitting tribute for years to come. Help us to be bringers of hope rather than fear. Benedictions Support us in the day of battle, and in the time of peace keep us safe from all evil: endow us with courage and loyalty, and grant that in all things we may serve thee and our country without reproach. Provide for her everything that she needs to serve with faithfulness, courage and integrity as she continues the great work that Command Sergeant Major Xxxxxxx has begun. day. Accept our thanksgiving for the accomplishments of all those comrades who have gone before us and now rest in Thee, that in remembrance of the costliness of their sacrifice we may here now strive to complete the works they would still seek to do. Thank you for the many blessings AMEN. It is a day This standard is also appropriate for public prayer during indoor ceremonies with troop formations. Grant us thy help, O God, that we, the members of the United States Army, may valiantly fulfill our role in the Armed Forces of our country as a sure, strong arm for national defense and a power for the establishment of a just and lasting peace. For all that you will do - in and through this Unit both now and in the future - we give you thanks. We join hearts with them in celebration of this significant milestone in their lives. 3. As he/she and ______ set out in a new direction in their lives, grant them your divine peace and protection. With this physical and mental nourishment grant that we may so of our land, that we may apply ourselves to the great work of keeping alive a sense of freedom. Thank you for their commitment to the United States that brings them to this point in history along side the many who have served before them. For __________, we ask that his/her loyalty and faithful dedication to duty continue to serve as a legacy for his/her I believe that God hears our prayers whether theyre fresh from our heart and mind, or planned out beforehand. We also thank you for the battalion and company leadership that has worked tirelessly to prepare the Soldiers of this battalion for the task that lies ahead. As much as you comfort us who have gathered here today, we pray that in an even greater measure you will comfort Dales family, especially his wifeXxxxx and their three sons Xxxxxx,Xxxxxx and Xxxxx. The goal of the Coast Guard's Community Relations is to foster positive relationships within the communities we live and operate. Help us to be today what you created us to We give you thanks today for your providence for these great soldiers who graduate today, willing to fight for the causes of our great country. Be with our families this day. %%EOF In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Soldiers Disseminate Christian Culture in Korea, Todays Chaplain Doesnt Just Punch Your Ticket, Dedication of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, 11 November 1921, Determining Dates of Historic Military Clothing & Equipment, Jewish Service Broadcast from Aachen Germany, Chaplain Assistant and MOH Winner CPL Calvin P. Titus, Chaplain Assistants Killed on 7 December 1941, Chaplain Kits Displayed by Production Date, TCK-EDU-6: RS in a Pluralistic Environment, TCK-EDU-7: Service Member, Civilian & Family Readiness, TCK-EDU-9: Staff Roles & Responsibilities, TCK-EDU-10: Moral Conflict & Courageous Leadership, Commanding Officer, __________; and watch over us and our new Commanding Officer, __________. a funeral home, or graveside. Patuxent River St. Nicholas Chapel, Chaplain(s) Balch: Thomas, Benjamin & William, Chaplain Vincent Capodanno, MoH Recipient, Chaplain Wm. Inspire us to hunger and thirst for what is right, to work against injustice wherever we find it and to treat our coworkers Grant them accuracy while searching about. We thank you for your presence and love which helps us to endure through difficult times. AMEN. If you send your request after business hours (weekends or after 1600 weekdays), please call 617-990-6249 for confirmation of received request. Thank you for Command Sergeant MajorXxxxxxx and for his committed and faithful service as the Brigade Command Sergeant Major. Thank you for this day and for this occasion that brings us together to remember, honor and encourage women who have served and sacrificed in our military, in public service and in our government. We thank you for the peace that you give us, your peacethat can exist within us even when all around us there is no peace. Thank you again for all of those here, and all the others who are serving both in uniform and as civilians, in the defense of freedom in the Republic of Korea and around the world. A coast guard motorboat rescued two men suffering from hypothermia and recovered the body of a boy in the rough seas, it said in a statement. Prayers and rituals to Norse gods, especially relating to entry into Valhalla. searchlight, Seems the messenger of God. Planting and uprooting his/her family over those years from the decks of the CGC ______ and ______ to the lands of Thank you for their accomplishments and their commitments. May this ceremony assist the crew of the __________ to reaffirm their loyalty; Almighty God, we ask your blessing upon us as we participate in this time. I am indebted to Chaplain (COL, Ret.) All of this we ask in the name of Him whose service of Thee enriched us all. But men that sail the ocean In a wormy, rotten craft, When the sea ahead is mountains With a hell-blown gale And may God give us a song for our hearts; peace for our souls; And many years of good health to our lives. 372 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<0356E7FB656EA447BD703B8C06249328><245641623E92B447AA45612B336D356D>]/Index[356 35]/Info 355 0 R/Length 82/Prev 82334/Root 357 0 R/Size 391/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Go with these soldiers to their next assignment, that they will go with pride and confidence, ready to face what lies before them, depending on you for their strength and comfort. May each member of the crew pledge their Again we pray these things in your name, Amen. AMEN. AMEN. We pray that he will feel a warm welcome in 5-15 CAV. Thanks you very much Sirs for this collection of prayers. 6 members may attend. May you be pleased with our words and actions and help us to honor you with our respect and moderation. with whom we meet. 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