wold newton universe timeline

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Vampirella Revealed A great Vampi timeline by Mike Grace. Doc Wildman, is all alone in the world when Thoughts on the Doc Savage Chronology Arthur C. Sippo reveals more about Among the identities this version took on were Professor Moriarty, Captain Mors, Doctor Goldfoot, Lord Summerisle, and Dumbledore. Cassandra and Tabitha vanish shortly thereafter. c. 12,000 BCE - Early 1700s - The Life, Adventures, Colonel Steve Austin becomes America's first Cybernetic operative, at a cost of over six million dollars. 1366 MODERN AGE: PHILIP JOS FARMER'S WOLD NEWTON Williams will be trained by Chiun, the current Master of Sinanju. 1749 Europe, as related in The New Traveller's Almanac, Chapter Additions by Win Eckert to Philip Jos Farmer's Chronology in Doc Secret Chronology of the World, Volumes 1 & 2 by Win Scott Eckert. Astronomers fear that this object will impact with the Earth. The Official Cthulhu Mythos Timeline by Dru Smith, Donovan Loucks and 1790 Creation of the creature known as Lilith, mother of monsters, the first Vampire. Earth 21: Essentially Earth Two though History was allowed to continue passed the crisis. Richard Grayson retires from adventuring. He will later move his operations from Haiti to America, where he will operate under the name Papa Midnight. He's bad at it. Ling Ling Chai begins his career in Beijing. c. 24,000 BCE - Ten months later, Bruce Wayne Jr. is born. Chinese government forces sack the Shaolin temple. allowing them to live at least one thousand years, barring (Dennis Power , Modified). He predates Dracula by millennia, originally having been a dark sorceror in Atlantis who--along with others--used the blasphemous magical tome the Darkhold to create the current race of vampires on earth. literature, particularly followers of Doc Savage, Actress Ginger Grant is among those rescued; much tabloid speculation revolves around the changes in both her appearance and voice during her time on the island. dates are attached to the adventures, but the general reading Godzilla finds himself trapped in the subterranean realm, and would remain confined there for three years [GODZILLA AT WORLD'S END; GODZILLA VS. Casca Chronology The ancient Lemurian continent rises again, where a small group of survivors to that ancient civilization is discovered. When Khan sends Mecha-King Ghidorah to Tokyo in order to make good on his threat, the cyborg finds resistance in the form of Mechagodzilla and MOGUERA, along with the unexpected arrival of Godzilla. Adventures of Doctor Syn, The Amazing Quest of Doctor Bruce Wayne Jr. takes over as Batman. Godzilla rises from the Pacific once more, and attacks and destroys Tokyo once again, despite the valiant attempts of the military of various nations to stop him. Her memories do not return. I currently have no plans to add fanfics into my Wold Newton Universe continuity. 5, 1760 - Birth of the second Percy Blakeney (aka the Scarlet short stories -- as well as the television episodes and films of By mutual request, Clark is sent to the Pacific theatre while Diana is stationed in Washington. Doyle. mysteries in the Canon of the Sherlock Holmes stories. The Ancients establish an outpost on Earth under the modern Antarctic continent. The Mysterian Invasion. She then absconds with their technology to transform herself into a partially crystalline being, and to begin the process of creating various other dai kaiju to serve her will [GODZILLA AT WORLD'S END]. Frankenstein's notes will become instrumental in the ongoing evolution of so-called Mad Science. Other Log of Phileas Fogg, William S. Baring-Gould's Sherlock 1719 The super suit is not recovered. Vault number 11, Tattered Pages Reporters are impressed, but the device overheats during the demonstration, causing a fire that destroys Tesla's Long Island laboratory. This report was false. UNIVERSE He later becomes a student of Clark Savage, Jr. (Al Schroeder, modified). Most of Howard's tales of He passes on his duties to his son, El Hijo Del Santo. Subterranean Press, Visit The F - Entries from Jean-Marc Lofficier's FRENCH WOLD NEWTON UNIVERSE timeline and articles, based on a wealth of French literature including Lofficier's own impressive body of works. Its genetically modified inhabitants would one day become, compared to Earth Humans, virtual supermen. will be known as "Walker's Table.". Professor Danner and his wife legally adopted the male infant they found wandering near the wreckage of that ship. Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, a petty thief, breaks into a warehouse owned by Clark Savage, Jr. An Expansion of the Wold Newton Universe (created by Win Scott Eckert) Dark Pines Some Unknown Members of the Wold Newton Family Tree (Jess Nevin's site) Wold Newton Universe: A Secret . The Wold Newton Series - Official Entries Novels / Novellas Patricia Wildman The Evil in Pemberley House (with Philip Jos Farmer ), Subterranean Press, 2009; Meteor House, 2014. Legend of the Fox: A Chronology of Zorro by Matthew Baugh - Matthew takes a The armor is partially repaired, and is sent to Japan as part of a technology exchange. Evil in Pemberley House, an addition to Atlantis extends its power across the globe. Coming in 2010 Bruce Wayne Jr., a.k.a. 1492-1499 It seems likely that Moreu's work was based in part on the work of Victor von Frankenstein. Namor's rampage ends when he is captured by Doc Savage. Dr. Van Thorp, working from the W.W.I era robot called Boilerplate, invents a fully articulated suit of self propelled powered armor for use by the German military. Financier D.D. Bruce Wayne, Jr., Barry Allen, and Garth McKenzie begin to informally adventure together. Fei Hung will eventually become one of China's most important folk heroes, fighting for his people against threats both internal and external. When Hugo Danner chooses to rejoin society, he takes his new name from the first names of his mentors. 1666 - The Blazing World is psychically c. Alexandre Dumas, including: The Vicomte de Captain Marvel, a.k.a. of the Cthulhu Mythos by Shannon from this World to that Which is to Come. Astronomers, including Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler, had elaborated the heliocentric system of the universe, and Galileo had set a foundation for the mathematical science of motion. Timeline From The Lemurians are joined by and Doctor Syn. They are soon joined by Jonn Jonzz and the second Green Arrow (Roy Harper). On my Showa Timeline, I explain how maser technology likely appeared by the late 1950s on that universe's Earth, but Chuck's hypothesis may work well in a WNU context. The first war of the Nine Unknown causes the fall of Atlantean civilization. worshipped in Kr. the ranks of both the Eridaneans and the Capelleans, in Table of Patricia Wildman, the The Japanese military, considering the armor to be a worthless novelty, send it to Korea as part of a load of scrap. [Note: it is unknown at this time whether or not Kulgan Khan has any connection to other Asian warlords and masterminds who are prominent members of the WNU, such as Fu Manchu, or of other WNU figures bearing the name of the legendary Genghis Khan (either as a forename or a surname), such as Khan Noonian Singh, one of the chief architects of the covert Eugenics War of the late 20th century; see the two EUGENICS WAR novels and TO REIGN IN HELL: THE EXILE OF KHAN NOONIAN SINGH by Greg Cox, the Star Trek episode "Space Seed," and the movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan for the entirety of this genetic posthuman's history from the late 20th century into the late 23rd century]. tales by Robert E. Howard, the novel Legion from the Shadows The In Patricia Wildman, Plantagenet) was later known as John Carter, Warlord of Mars Godzilla appears for the first time, initially menacing the natives of Odo Island in the Ogasawara Island chain, and soon arriving on the coast of Japan, where the kaiju devastates the city of Tokyo and easily defeats the Japanese military. Jadris of Charn briefly rampages through London, demonstrating more-than-human strength and resistance to harm. Books: Dorothy Gale makes her first visit to the dream-realm known as Oz. & Philip Graves, Gulliver's Travels Chronology by Lee with broad appeal to readers of pulp and popular More, he significantly improves upon the basic design. Follow the hyperlink to a page containing GODZILLA AND THE LOST CONTINENT [completed but unpublished at this writing]. Thanks Steven! The wreckage itself is given over for study to Danner's cousinDr. Namora names the child Garth. Patrick O'Brian, a.k.a. (Matthew Baugh, Modified). this time; for the possible identity of the woman identified as Encyclopedia Cthulhiana, 2nd ed., which were completed by Lin Carter. Her Brother, Johnny, is born two years later. He spots 14 year old runaway Clinton Barton, and begins to train the boy in archery. Is the ghost real, or a clever sham? Severely injured, Stark is taken to a prison labor camp and put to work in the camp's machine shop. assumes the identity of the piratical Captain Clegg. (Dennis E. Power, Modified). Press, Peter Cannon's The Plastic Man, engages in a brief affair with Catherine Reid. 4, 1699 - Lemuel Gulliver embarks on his various strange voyages, The Phantom FAQ and Chronology by Todd H. Goldberg, Planetary Debris: A Timeline of the Mists by David C. Smith and Richard L. Tierney. He is assisted by a number of highly skilled Chinese martial artists. He is best known for his Wold Newton and Riverworld series. The other test subjects are not so lucky. c. Nikola Tesla takes on teen prodigy Hans Zarkov as a lab assistant. The Nine eventually arrange for the infant's parents to be killed, and for the infant to be adopted and raised by a tribe of Mangani (ape-like primates possessed of near human intelligence). c. 9,960 BCE - After a great catastrophe, the son Dr. Henry Jekyll gives his life in the battle against the invaders. While living on the streets, he is contacted by Doctor Occult, and informed of a possible cure for his condition. But Tarzan and Diana return to Opar. Of course, the events seen in the four comic book series published during the 1960s by Charlton Comics which featured Gorgo and Konga (two series for each of them) could not have occurred in the WNU. 1623 - The first Sir Percy Blakeney's first chronicled adventure, - Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini. Blood Returns and The Further Adventures of Captain Constantine's adventuring career truly begins. Hinkley suffers severe injuries. __________ Short Fiction The Wold Newton Origins series "Is He in Hell?" Campion attempts to integrate Tesla's remote control systems, but finds them unreliable. Maryland by Lord Baltimore. Professor Trevor Bruttenholm's foster-child, an entity referred to as Hellboy, enters fully into the service of the OSI. Wold Newton reader. (Al Schroeder, Modified). As per Doc's instructions, Clark Kent assumes control of the Fortress of Solitude and its scientific wonders. Evidence suggests that this may have been part of a planet forming project. Accusations of academic dishonesty are quickly silenced by the British intelligence services. detective), Lin Carter's Anton Zarnak, Robert E. Howard's John Captain America, is found trapped under Arctic ice. The Phantom In Patricia Wildman, This formula alters the subject's perception of time, permitting the subject to move, think, and act at incredible speeds. naviganti della Meloria (The Seamen of Meloria). (John A. Frank Reade Jr. and Nikola Tesla develop the Electric Man and the Electric Horse, cable controlled robots far ahead of their times. Moreover, another new dinosaur mutation, Anguirus, rises from the Caspian Sea, where he defeats Gigan in combat. Advances in Japanese giant robot technology threaten regional stability in Asia. Some scholars suggest that this monastery was maintained by the monks of Shambala in service of the Nine Unknown. The National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Office of Scientific Investigation are established. Farmer and Win Scott Eckert, is a darkly erotic novel His papers and equipment fall into the hands of his one-time assistant, Alexi Luthor. Late 1500s - The Sea-Hawk, as told by Rafael the GURPS Pimpernel Book, Chronology of Shadows, Part 1 and Part 2 Rick Lai has read each and every Remembering her own birth mother, she informs Clark, but refuses his offer of marriage. The OSI begins to cut back on funding of independent metahumans and metahuman teams in favor of those under more complete government control. As I'll expound upon in the timelines seen below, there are four individuals from the Toho Universes who are very likely of Wold Newton Family lineage, these individuals being Captain Shinguji (extraordinary soldier/adventurer/inventor; Atragon ); Dr. Huu (criminal mastermind; King Kong Escapes, with a [possible] alternate reality version seen in Superman, Batman II (Dick Grayson), Wonder Woman, Green Lantern II (Hal Jordan), and Namor agree to serve as America's first high profile team of metahuman operatives under the OSI. Patrick O'Brian, a.k.a. Emmuska Orczy. His critically acclaimed, two-volume Crossovers: A Secret Chronology of the World 1 & 2 was released by Black Coat Press in 2010. The alien vehicles are held for study by the British government. Scarlet Pimpernel, The League of the powerful men. Fu Manchu first re-creates the Oil of Life. crimefighter of the 1930s and 40s, Dr. James Clarke Farmer creates an introspective character who struggles 1685 Mina Murray becomes the first woman to command a group of Britain's Extraordinary-class operatives. Evidence suggests that the meteor that provided the metal was in fact the wreckage of a space craft being studied by Dr. Clark Savage Sr. well as my own Fu Manchu chronology. Anyone interested in an amazing time line for Pulp adventure might want to check out the Wold Newton Universe. Small remnant populations remain. The New Traveller's Almanac, Chapter One: The British Isles in The accidental death. and Times of the Rev. The majority of true metahumans have proven to be nearly sterile, and the metagene itself appears to be recessive. Since that time, the bloodlines of those who interacted with that meteor have produced large numbers of metahumans and borderline metahumans. The Skull Island expedition. of the Flaming God from the Tarzan novels. As a prank and in order to defy their elders, Bruce Wayne Jr., Kara Kent, Garth McKenzie, Barry Allen, and Clinton Barton begin to make public appearances at early counterculture gatherings. Detective John Jones. Table of c. 9,550 BCE - These dark manipulators control the destinies of billions, including the formidable Doc Caliban, Champion of Justice. Queen's career as the Green Arrow has left his business interests in a shambles, and he finds himself nearly bankrupt. The ship was quickly located by Professor Abednego Danner, himself a member of the extended Wold Newton family. The Godzilla soon arrives there, and engages in battle with Biollante, the hybrid plant/reptilian kaiju guardian of the realm. Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, as told by John 1754 He befriends a beautiful mute girl, and together they escape. Hugo Danner, despondent over his inability to find a place outside of the military, fakes his own death. Sir Percy Blakeney will be present at the Wold Newton They never guessed, being ignorant of ionization, that Photos, Maps and Videos! tales collected in the volume Scroll of Thoth. CURE's activities remain classified top-top secret. Hawkeye, retires from public adventuring. and Thongor Fights the Pirates of Tarakus. she inherits the family estate in Derbyshire, He moves his family to Chicago, and changes his family name to Allen. Since that time, the Masters of Sinanju have taught a diet and exercise regimen and a style of martial arts that has unlocked near-superhuman abilities in its practitioners. werewolves and shapeshifters by Ivan Schablotski, The Paramount, including, but not limited to, novels, comics and Jones's memories provide the creature with a template to understand his environment, and the composite being takes over Jones's identity. In 1941 she marries Michael Storm. . Billy develops the ability to channel the power of multiple spiritual entities, and to assume a fully metahuman adult form for brief periods of time. The Laughing Cavalier, as told by Baroness Namor witnesses the destruction of the undersea city of Y'ha-nthlei off the coast of Innsmouth, Mass. Newton characters coming soon! Savage spends several months curing O'Brian of his criminal tendencies and exploring O'Brian's strange new condition. with the Wold Newton Universe. June course it doesn't hurt that Chris is a big Wold Newton fan), Masked incident took place in 1635. The U.S. team is based at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. This technology enables them to create genetically modified and enhanced dinosaurs and other giant animals for use as bio-weapons against the Atlanteans, living remnants of which would survive into the 20th and 21st centuries; the enhanced genetics of these ultra-dinosaurs would enable them to mutate upon absorbing large amounts of atomic and nuclear radiation to become the legendary dai kaiju, the Japanese term for "giant monsters" [GODZILLA AND THE LOST CONTINENT, along with Mark Brown's online article "Prehistoric Survivors in the Pacific"]. series of novels: Thongor and the Wizard of Lemuria, Thongor Emerald Flame. Michael Knight is removed from the KITT project and re-assigned as field commander for OSI Hawaii. Darrin Stephens, husband of powerful mystic Cassandra Ghostley Stephens and father of Tabitha Stevens, vanishes. The Ancients artificially intelligent crystal computers are damaged. the Spider, vanishes while conducting an investigation. THE ROBOT MONSTERS]. Zorro that have appeared over the years. However, Captain Blood had not even Grim and ancient rulers who discovered the key to eternal life thirty-thousand years ago, and ever since have held the world secretly in thrall. The project fails when Tesla's laboratory is fire bombed, and his plans and notes for the tower are stolen. Erdel dies from radiation poisoning soon after. THE ROBOT MONSTERS. Tesla and Reade break when Tesla insists that the robots can be remotely controlled. Phantoms in the Wold Newton Universe. return of the jedi . An attack on the lab by individuals seeking the formula results in the apparent death of both researchers, but only after Holland has ingested the hybrid formula. The culmination of a series of wars among various extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional races drives the bulk of the Old Ones and their foes to abandon the Earth. Most importantly for this site, Ol' Stinker, the Werewolf of Hull, has been linked to the Triangle, one of its many denizens of the paranormal variety. [1] Note that Sir and A Case of Identity, or, The Robert E. Howard. Bond Chronology and Genealogy by Win Eckert, The Jon Sable, Freelance Timeline An excellent timeline by Chris Wike, Lord of Chaos: A Millionaire businessman Oliver Queen is inducted into the organization maintained by Britt Reid, a.k.a. I do not claim to hold the trademark or copyright on any fictional character mentioned in this timeline, nor do I intend to challenge the rights of any copyright or trademark holder. 1694 Barton takes over the costumed identity of Speedy II. 1100s - The adventures of Robin Hood. He attempts to clean up corrupt politicians and influence peddlers in Washington and fails completely. Follow the Kulgan Khan, not satisfied with creating a "united" Mongolia, sends his powerful cybernetic kaiju, Mecha-King Ghidorah, to attack Bejing, thus conquering China. He joins OSI Chicago on a provisional basis later that year. Nikola Tesla dies. the work of William S. Baring-Gould. and authoritative timeline by Rick Lai. His life collapses. Syn, The Courageous Exploits of Doctor Syn, The Shadow of Doctor The Arsne Lupin Timeline by Andr-Franois Ruaud. Nikola Tesla demonstrates his Harmonic Shield Generator. The cult founded by the Mad Scientist who led the incursion will continue to thrive until well into the 21. Other novels in Clavell's "Asian Saga" include To my knowledge, this intriguing crossover between the Godzilla mythos and the Cthulhu Mythos was mentioned for the first time years ago on Win Scott Eckert's substantive timeline of the WNU, which can be found on his site, and is an inspiration to this timeline and all of the work I do in creative mythography (as it was my initial introduction to the Wold Newton Universe concept). The adolescent explorer Zoe Kettering is extremely embittered when her father, a dedicated scientist whom she greatly admires, dies while attempting to prove his theory that civilizations exist beneath the surface of the Earth. Klinger, based on William S. Baring-Gould's chronology. His relationship to the historical Chow Sing Cho is unknown. The creature escapes, and eventually feeds upon the body and mind of Boston P.D. in Anthropology and a Juris Doctor . Grundy's more than human strength and durability, regenerative abilities, and marked preference for remaining in or near swamplands, cause speculation that he is somehow a blend of plant and human. The first of these to mutate in this manner is an ultra-carnosaur dwelling on the South Pacific atoll known as Lagos Island, who, ten years later, would menace the world for the first time and become known and feared as Godzilla [Godzilla, King of the Monsters]. Elvira, real name unknown) begins a long film and television career. literature, particularly followers of Doc Savage, Godzilla defeats Manda and Hedorah in battle, Battra is driven off while in a skirmish with an adolescent Rodan progeny, and Megalon is driven into the jungles south of Mexico by the military. Cthulhu Mythos Bibliography & Concordance, Includes comic book and other non-canonical appearances, for the This immortal took his name from a ancient sun god Wold Newton map Published: Sep 22, 2009 By TheMorlock Watch 6 Favourites 7 Comments 850 Views A map of the Wold Newton earth. 1790s-early Links of interest fall into two groups: Wold Newton, which lead to other websites devoted to the WNU, and General, which are to sites of use/interest to Wold Newton scholars do not deal with the WNU per se. Mighty Steel Leg Sing and his team of Shaolin trained soccer players spark a worldwide craze for metahuman professional team sports. The Malfunctioning, the machines of the Ancients begin a breeding cycle of so-called Dai Kaiju bio-weapons. 1787 Starr's articles A Many of mainland China's active psychics in later years claim descent from Chow. Thus ends Godzilla's Wold Newton Universe timeline. It breaks free, causes considerable property damage, and is eventually killed. Orczy. A highly advanced sentient race of benevolent beings composed of living crystal, later to be known as the Ancient Ones and Old Ones (though what connection they may have to the Cthulhu Mythos is unknown) thrive in a vast crystalline metroplex in one of the many subterranean regions of the Earth beneath the modern Antarctic continent; they would be virtually extinct by the beginning of the 21st century [GODZILLA AT WORLD'S END]. of the Flaming God from the Tarzan novels. charted by the Duchess of Newcastle. Benjamin Grimm, also a student, forms an enduring friendship with both men. His power has only increased during his captivity. Ralph Hinkley and Bill Maxwell vanish. - Twenty Years After, by Alexandre Dumas. Namor takes up residence in Innsmouth under the name Arthur Curry. Owemuch, and Christian, sails on a fateful expedition to The With Occult's assistance, Strange travels to the same Tibetan monastery that provided training to Zatara Mandrake. Moreover, the adult Rodan, nicknamed 'Fire Rodan' by the press due to his uranium heat beam, returns to the U.S. to once again spawn another progeny. Father of Tabitha Stevens, vanishes its genetically modified inhabitants would one day become compared... Runaway Clinton Barton, and he finds himself nearly bankrupt Al Schroeder, modified ) Further adventures Captain. The powerful men he joins OSI Chicago on a provisional basis later that year Blood. Relationship to the historical Chow Sing Cho is Unknown Dai kaiju bio-weapons professor Trevor 's! Most of Howard 's tales of he passes on his duties to his son, El Hijo Del Santo Anguirus!, Clark Kent assumes control of the Nine Unknown, Anguirus, rises from Lemurians! The Malfunctioning, the Robert E. Howard 's John Captain America, where defeats... In combat, forms an enduring friendship with both men Isles in the Canon of the Nine causes..., himself a member of the Cthulhu Mythos by Shannon from this World to that is! 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