who is david diga hernandez

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Lastly, you said, I really dont think youll know until you realize you are there which is actually the most arrogant thing you stated because you assume that Im worthy of your pagan hell just because I deny its existence. He says, Its not the length of time you spend committing a crime that matters but rather its the level of evil in the crime you commit. Now why would a supposed teacher of scripture quote scripture from a bible translation that is considered to be less accurate and unworthy of detailed bible study? I dont think we really grasp the depths of depravity that is the nature of sin. David Diga Hernandez of California 's. or Claudio Freidzon of Argentina 's teachings. Christ suffered for OUR sins (the sins of all humanity), the just (Jesus Christ) for the unjust (sinful humanity) for him to bring us to God. My moment of salvation came to me in a hotel room. Easily offended? May Our awesome Lord use you mighty even these last hours. My walk with the Lord began at the moment of my salvation, but my ministry, I believe, was started at another point. The stars of heaven spoken of in the book of Revelation are a symbol for believers and not actual angels of heaven. You can check Davids opinion. While other kids were creeping in secrecy to hide drugs, sexual acts and violent dealings, I was holding secret Miracle Services on school campus. My grandparents, Danny and Linda Manch, are also ministers of the gospel. King Solomon was the richest king of Israel and also a mighty man of God, as was his father David. Hell has nothing to do with anything. The first Miracle Service I ever preached was July 18th. This is how Christianitys leaders prove that they despise the word of God. Once a person reaches that state they are essentially dwelling in heaven but this is not achievable without the mighty works of God. Those who are given much, have the responsibility to give and when they do, more is given because God can trust them and knows their heart is intent on Him, not riches. Remember that David tried very hard to convince you that the Hebrew word `owlam means everlasting but we see in Hebrews 9:12 that Gods people no longer require the blood of goats and calves for the sacrifice of sins for Christ has atoned for the sins of the world once and for all. David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author, and TV host. I just prayed to know Jesus. Luke 13:6 He also spoke this parable: A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. THROUGH ALL THE GENERATIONS? This is not an ordination program, so all may take this course. Matthew 11:10 For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my MESSENGER (Greek: aggelos) before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. So, why would they do this? After the meetings, I would head back to class with the residue of Gods tangible power on me. I want to make sure that youre preaching the complete truth if my daughter is watching. Required fields are marked *. invitations to speak at other youth events. The official app for David Hernandez Ministries, the evangelistic healing ministry of David Diga Hernandez. David Diga Hernandez was born in Cerritos, California, in the United States, to parents who were both preachers. David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author, and host of Encounter TV. Jesus taught in parables to HIDE the spiritual application to his listeners. You didnt quote or speak on a single thing I actually wrote you just offered me what you think when you clearly havent even read what I wrote about hell. 1.1K views, 32 likes, 19 loves, 26 comments, 6 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from El Retn y La Noticia: #OrgulloDeElRetn Milagro Van-strahlen odontloga, gerente, retos y apuestas It was simply all of Gods doing. For more content, search for my sermon, "How to Know You're Spiritually Mature - 5 IMPORTANT Signs," on YouTube. Christians using the God is a God of JUSTICE and God is a God of wrath is NOT justification for the belief in God torturing sinners in hell. Witches are known to have the ability to access false spirits otherwise known as DEMONS so Saul requests that she bring Samuels spirit back from the dead. David ASSUMES that Christ is talking about the afterlife but Christ is talking about no such thing. God prospers His people who serve and love Him. ; 208 pages . God is LIKE a consuming fire in certain ways. He inserts his interpretation of some scriptures as to justify the pagan belief of an afterlife. And then, God makes the cup bigger. Continue the good work and Word. If youre going to comment provide some substance to what you think because what you think alone is worthless to me. Just saw David Hernandez for the first time. They didnt get it and neither does David because he is as blind as the Pharisees were during Christs days on the earth. Of course I do, Revelation 11:15 Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!, This verse tells us that He Christ shall reign forever and ever which is the same phrase translated in Revelation 14:11 but does Christ really reign forever and ever? Kudos to them for executing the devils work to perfection and the proof is in the pudding. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha is age-lasting and the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels is also age-lasting but who are the devils angels David has already given you his twisted theology on who he thinks the devils angels are but I can assure you as he has been consistently wrong, he is wrong again. But for us, it has to be achievable. Watch David Jeremiah Sermon: A Political ProphecyCancel Culture. The fact that he thinks this is even literal is hilarious! David is nothing more than a repeater of Christian dogma. Time will eventually come to an end for time will be IRRELEVANT when mortality puts on IMMORTALITY! What is the purpose of punishment? His work no doubt was a masterpiece but unfortunately it was not without error. Spanking a child for more than a minute or two is borderline child abuse for the point of spanking to begin with is to eliminate undesirable behavior. The method combined an attempt to translate the original texts simply and literally with a dynamic equivalence synergy approach used to convey the thoughts behind the text where a literal translation may have been difficult to understand or even misleading to modern readers. That is where a huge majority of the money went. Thank you Pastor for your preaching, so blessed to listen. The Real Gospel of Christ, < comment-reply@wordpress.com> wrote: The Real Gospel of Christ commented: What would I do for the sake of the > gospel? He doesn't feel . David is a unique and emerging spiritual leader, called to take God's saving and healing power to this generation. Whatever price I pay (if any) is between me and the Creator. Then why is it that the clergy of Christianity is so convinced that God will not get what He desires? Truly your mother was a Hittite and your father an Amorite. The Greek word kolaz defined as to lop or prune as it refers to gardening is actually a GOOD THING and this metaphor is applicable when it comes to understanding the purpose of Gods judgment. They go to grave Hades where there is NO WORK, NO PLANNING, NO KNOWLEDGE, AND NO WISDOM. Being that I was the only one left, Pastor Eddie didnt ask he TOLD me I was going to help him. Doesnt the bible say that Christ died for the sins of the world? I would watch videos and documentaries of the great generals of the faith. Dead: deprived of life, no longer alive, lacking power to move, feel, or respond. The lesson is designed to achieve a life of love. So the test of what is real or what isnt real is to be measured by the behavior of a godless heathen? Now, I have spent a lot of time dealing with the Greek word aionios, but now this word has been connected with this Greek word kolasis but what does that word mean? This is necessary in a world where we must learn and experience the knowledge of good and evil. that can NEVER die This is what the leaders of Christianity say is JUST punishment for the person that rejects God. The revelation of the mystery of the preaching of Jesus Christ was KEPT SECRET SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN next verse; Romans 16:26 But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting (SAME GREEK WORD AIONIOS) God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: Now wait a minute The bible translators left aionios UNTRANSLATED in Romans 16:25 but then they somehow remembered to translate it as everlasting in the very next verse? I first saw the Man of God on Sid Roths Its Supernatural, and I was glued! But thats how God wanted it. March of 2012 I am celebrating 10 years in the ministry. What other group of people are responsible for deceiving the whole world into believing that God is literally going to torture most of humanity in real fire for all eternity? Is there a scripture that says that? But at that moment, he looked stressed. I dont remember the exact wording, but I remember what the message was. Up to that point I had not heard of this movement. Davids first job at the ministry was as a Song Flipper- he had to make sure that the congregation had the lyrics to the songs as it was in the days before digital media. I was born again. My face said everything it was tired and afraid. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); For requests, complaints, suggestions or queries, contact us via E-mail below, Keith Moore Wikipedia, Age, Wife Phyllis Moore, Family, Net worth, Bio, Kellie Copeland Wiki, Husband, Married, Age, Daughter, Net worth, Bio, Laurie Crouch TBN :: Age, Birthday, Illness, Wiki, Matt, Children, Family, Gloria Copeland Age, Wikipedia, Health, Net worth, Wealth, Biography, Suzanne Hinn (Death, Funeral, Dead?) You believe a lot of Christian dogmas that have no truth to it. Hmmmm? Growing up in a godly home was a blessing. I just began to talk to him as the Holy Spirit led. Thank you David for the love you have for God and for reaching out to people all over the world. The actual accurate definition of universalism is as follows: universalism is a theological doctrine that all human beings will eventually be saved. According to Dr. Strongs Greek concordance, those words are not necessarily bad words to define thel but the problem occurs when we place such human limitations on God. Thank you for allowing God to use you so mightily. But wait, where is the English word eternal or everlasting? All thanks be to God that we do not have a God that is a terroristic monster painted by the church. Others, however, defend this statement arguing that it is proper for people to get the context of his statement to understand what he was saying. David says that the universalist will roll their eyes at this verse saying that they have no real explanation and that no scholarly answer has ever been given claiming it again to be a believable conspiracy theory. That would be like a math teacher using and outdated math book to teach their students. Go out and do so. Therefore look! David Hernandez Ministries, PO Box 39670, Downey CA 90239, United States. You like to think you know, but you dont. The weekly program, Encounter TV, features highlights from David's international ministry events, guest interviews, viewer submitted clips and a . 24 Feb 2023 00:57:57 If his plan works, he promises to take all of his employees on a vacation when he returns. We are talking about BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of people including mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, children, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and a host of other extended family members. From the age eleven and on, I daily spent hours with the Lord. I will share insights on content creation and effective media strategies. So many people are living cold, hungry, and even homeless. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell (Gehenna). Yes, we do actually, 1 Kings 22:22-23 The Lord said to him, In what way? So he said, I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And the Lord said, You shall persuade him, and also prevail. MAN ATE A PIECE OF FRUIT! That sounds exactly like Davids stupid square circles logic. He has an ongoing battle with depression. They seem righteous compared to you. There were many people that died in the days of Noah but Christ being made alive in the Spirit that is to NEVER taste death again so the work of Christ is HERALDED and PROCLAIMED to the past dead (the spirits of the dead locked in the prison of death and the grave). The presence of God was so strong in that room. Inside pages are clean. that and Claudio Freidzon also airs on Daystar = automatic 2nd red flag I have on him, but I am curious what both teaches exactly, especially Freidzon since I am not really familiar with south American televangelists. Healings, Salvations, lives changed, lives rededicated because David heard, listened, learned, lived and loved our GOD! Even if I came into contact with him, God would still need to speak. Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever (not forever but beyond). The issue here is with the word ANGEL and this word is tricky to define because humans have created images of fantasy when it comes to angels. About a year and a half into the ministry, I went on a missions trip with my youth group. He heads an international healing ministry based in Southern California. 25 Feb 2023 02:25:33 I know you think Im upset but I can assure you that I am not upset in the least. Fire purifies metals and precious stones so whatever Gehenna is referring to, it is to burn out the dross in our lives and not us literally. Christ will reign for the AGES OF THE AGES for we clearly read in verse 25 that Christ must reign UNTIL (meaning up to the point that it ends) he has put all his enemies under his feet and then he will deliver the kingdom to God the Father. This is the stupid theology of Christianity that I am trying to point out and David clearly has no clue what he is talking about. David has two siblings: Raquel and his younger brother Michael. Being a Baptist, I was already well grounded in the Word. The word translated as soul in this verse comes from the Greek word psych and it is properly translated in a number of other bible verses as the word LIFE. The Greek words translated as ever in this bible verse comes from the Greek word AION which is appropriately translated as AGE in many bible verses. David wants you to believe that Jesus was ALIVE literally preaching to some spirits in prison when he was supposed to be DEAD and dying for the sins of the world. Very simply put, the rich man died and he was buried and where do dead people go? You either believe the good news or you dont. I will bring your ministry up to my pastor at Calvary chapel Im sure youve heard of Calvary chapel since I dont know anything about you. When he returns, he reviews the work of all his employees and especially of those he entrusted with his business. Guess what Im going to do? If this part of the scripture isnt literal then why does David contend that the supposed everlasting fire is literal? Im glad you asked, Isaiah 46:9-10 Remember what I accomplished in antiquity! Ministry and Spiritual Position were not even a concept in my mind. David is a unique and emerging spiritual leader, called to take Gods saving and healing power to this generation. He associates with the heretic false healer Benny Hinn so it tells you his brand of Christianity. Do you ever ask the Holy Spirit Why when someone is called mad? So I preached my first sermon the next thursday. If people are conscious in Sheol then they must be in a vegetative state. There was, however, a major turning point. Truly I am God, I have no peer; I am God, and there is none like me, who announces the end from the beginning and reveals beforehand what has not yet occurred, who says, My plan will be realized, I will accomplish what I desire,. or thousands astray or part of the movement that led millions astray What would you say to God? Keep looking for truth amigo. So he went and preached to the spirits in prison those who disobeyed God long ago when God waited patiently while Noah was building his boat. I could waste my time arguing with you but Im not because for one, youve offered nothing worthy of even arguing. Why even stop at all? He dropped that on me, turned and then walked away. I was picked up off the floor. Davids grandparents Danny and Linda Manch are also preachers. Understand? 56 Mi piace,Video di TikTok da Grace (@grace.to.follow.christ): "#christiantiktok #the Word@JESUS TO THE WORLD @David Diga Hernandez". I took advantage of all the different ministries the Lord put before me. He joined a Charismatic Church where he nurtured his leadership and teaching skills. In the first section, he proclaims that the early church fathers supported the modern teaching of a literal conscious hell but David is quite ignorant and irresponsible in his research. The Holy Spirit led me to your teachings as I looked and was hungry to know about the Holy Spirit. But before my ministry was ever expressed on platforms, it was cultivated through discipleship and private devotion to the Lord. Thank you for saying it. I plead the precious blood of Christ Jesus over you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. How can someone receive everlasting punishment without also having everlasting life? God gives, and God takes away so at death, you no longer have the spirit that God gave you but this doesnt mean that God has forgotten about the dead. Remember what constitutes a living soul which we learned in Genesis 3 and it is the combination of a body and Gods life giving spirit. Remember what I said earlier? I seriously do not understand why you keep using that spurious word. This is no proof at all that the early church fathers taught about hell it only proves that the bible translators were consistent with inserting their lies into the scriptures and into early church writings. But you have not merely sinned as they did. David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author, and TV host. But God created a collaborative work surrounding my life. David Diga Hernandez is a spiritual terrorist of Christianity that has a YouTube channel called, "Encounter TV" which broadcasts his internet "Spirit Church" through video blogging on YouTube. Lets read the actual full scriptural passage since David so graciously left out the context in his failed attempt at perverting the word of God. So David thinks that necromancy is an actual real thing simply because the PAGAN NATIONS practiced it? We are now in preparing to launch the next phase of Encounter TV. David says, The only reason that we are offended by the thought of hell is because we are not offended enough by sin. I rest my case. At the time, he directed worship for our church. Thank you David Hernandez for you teaching on holy spirit. Now, the CEO of course is Christ and the employees of the business are the inhabitants of the world. I am thankful for being a vessel for God in delivering people from the lies and deceptions of the church. Top TV Evangelists Televangelists Ministers Net Worth Houses Homes. From beginning to end, God is God There is NOTHING wrong with that statement and it would appear again that David is the one playing biblical gymnastics. God bless u richly, abundantly, and use you globally. Play all Word and Spirit features the sermons of David Diga. The quoting of Isaiah 51:6 doesnt change anything Gods salvation will endure for that particular age for God will not be saving mankind FOREVER as David suggests. Its a really good thing for me that I could careless what you think. If we translate the Hebrew word as it is supposed to be translated which is AGE-LASTING, those who are wise will rise to AGE-LASTING life and THEY will be the ones leading MANY to righteousness when the they later rise to AGE-LASTING judgment (shame and disgrace). Currently, he is the Host of The Encounter Tv Show where he delivers his teaching, interviews guests, and offers Bible Q and A sessions. STOP SCROLLING!!! I am praying for you. How he works in our lives his nature etc. I needed Jesus. Anyone that has ever had to keep a camp fire or a fireplace lit knows this. Thanks, Pastor Hernandez, you are a blessing from God to the world. David has two siblings: Raquel and his younger brother Michael. There was a constant awareness of God and the scripture. When Jesus spoke to the rich man who couldnt enter the kingdom without selling all he had, He saw the mans heart and worldliness! There is no such thing as dividing people with the gospel. Later that year, I began to travel and preach in churches all across the U.S. It is important to know Jesus Christ and the ways of the Father and the Holy Spirit, and when you do, you wont have an issue with the wealth of Godly men and women. Is this a clear enough explanation? Higa has been able to make a decent income from his work as a preacher and evangelist. PRAISE THE LORD ! (Note: the word might is NOT in the Greek) and bible translators often added these kind of helping verbs to help perpetuate the lie that Christ will fail at drawing ALL of humanity to Gods salvation. If it is on the way, then it hasnt arrived yet making the process of Gods salvation IMPOSSIBLE to last forever. Lord be with us. 18 Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish." 19 This He spoke, signifying by what death he would glorify God. There was no egocentric motive. David was only 14 when he wrote his first book, followed by Living a Life on Fire at the age of 16. The witch told Saul in verse 13 that she saw a spirit ascending out of the earth and in verse 14, we read that this spirit had the form of an OLD MAN Remember that spirit is INVISIBLE so Saul PERCEIVED (that is, thought in HIS OWN MIND) that this old man envisioned of by a witch to be Samuel. What do you do if God doesnt need you anymore?2. 2022-12-23 Follow. When God cuts off or cuts out our sinful carnality, we will grow (learn righteousness) in the future and this is through the experience of Gods age-lasting pruning (corrective judgment). I guess Since the age of 11, I have been intrigued by the healing ministry. Man has struggled with the concept of death for centuries and the best way to cope with such a difficult idea is to just make up fantasies. The bible translators changed sheol and hades which means the grave to hell. 1. The CEO goes away and comes back entrusting a few to keep the business operating in his absence. That would be like calling an ocean a big ocean. He shall enter into peace; They shall rest in their beds, Each one walking in his uprightness. The day of His coming may be the last day of what could be hell on earth. I have one older sister, Raquel and one younger brother, Michael. But what would you do for the sake of the gospel? There are no varying degrees of hell and there is most certainly no purgatory. Well, the only way to figure that out is to read the previous verse so prepare yourselves for a magnificent pearl of information hidden by the church to keep its own believers deceived. Whatever. First of all, the way Matthew 10:28 is translated in the New Living Translation makes it appear as though one can live without a body but that is not the case. David should be ashamed of himself for promoting such poor scholarship. And Im thinking once the price is paid, through our suffering, and the lesson learned hopefully, then we are allowed entrance through the gate. You will know with confidence that the Holy Spirit lives in you. Personal Life, Parents and Family Details : David's grandparents Danny and Linda Manch are also preachers. The word preach in 1 Peter 3:19 comes from the Greek word kryss and it is also translated as the words proclaim and publish in addition to preach. Learn how your comment data is processed. And he did as the Lord commanded Moses. In John 5:28-29, Christ says that EVERYONE that is in the grave/hades (which includes the rich man) will hear his voice and shall come forth so in the resurrection to JUDGEMENT, the rich man will lift up his eyes in age-lasting torment (testing) when he has to face the sin-purging carnal destroying fire of Gods consuming spirit. His ministry is distinctly marked by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Well, in the book of Matthew, the theme of Christs usage of Gehenna centers around JUDGMENT. He pointed at me and called me to the front. Why not forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. But God used Pastor Eddie to start me in the ministry. For He must reign until He has put all enemies under His feet. David has written over 12 books in total. Praise defeats the devil quicker than any other battle plan. My question for David is have you ever even read or looked at a Greek concordance? It was a wonderful time. A refiners fire? There were seven miracles of healing that day. I share > my >. Luke 14:16 Then He said to him, A certain man gave a great supper and invited many. I could feel the forces of Heaven and Hell battling over me. The topic: Our Relationship with God Almighty I still have the original notes. If Gods initial intent was for man to be obedient, then God sure set that stage for man to fail. He has a variety of sources of income, which has enabled him to rise to the top of the list of the most prominent celebrities so rapidly and to the side of . God-ordained people cant serve globally if they live in poverty. Greetings from Spore. Well, it is a parable and Ill prove it Luke 16:19-31 is actually part of a series of parabolic teachings from Christ going back to Luke 12 and watch the similarity of Christs parabolic introductions. A persons reality is only interpreted and understood through the mind based on ones life experiences and circumstances. My daughter watches you. In fact, to this day I still battle depression. David fails to mention in his argument that going to prison for a life sentence is typically reserved for the most serious crimes and while a person can go to prison for life, they are not sent to prison to be tortured for their entire life. 25 Truths about Demons and Spiritual Warfare: Uncover the Hidden Effects of Demonic Influence. You have to keep adding wood or the fire and smoke will go out. Now, we have to deal with this word preach in 1 Peter 3:19 for David makes it seem as if Jesus Christ literally went to a place called Sheol/Hades and literally preached a sermon to dead people which are the same dead people that have NO WORK, NO PLANNING, NO KNOWLEDGE, and NO WISDOM. In this e-course, David Diga Hernandez will give you both the practical and the spiritual tools you need to become fruitful in the ministry God has entrusted to you. Thanks, Pastor David Diga Hernandez. If thats really what you think, then you seem to indicate that you believe the death of Christ to be an insufficient atonement for the sins of humanity. So when the age of the first resurrection comes to an end ushering in the events of the second resurrection, believers or (first resurrection participants) will continue to live because they were made immortal in the first resurrection. 22:22-23 the Lord to move, feel, or respond the mind based on ones life experiences and.! Real or what isnt real is to be obedient, then God sure that... But what would you say to God, Pastor Hernandez, you are a symbol for believers not! Great supper and invited many, lived and loved our God and his younger brother Michael,! In the ministry, I would watch videos and documentaries of the generals... Ones life experiences and circumstances of david Diga Hernandez if I came into contact with him, would! Would head back to class with the gospel international healing ministry could waste my arguing... 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