snow in jerusalem prophecy

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Do not be amazed that I said to you, You must be born again.. Everything that makes a nation state legitimate bloodshed, soil tilled, two millennia of continuous residence, international agreements ,argues for Israels right to exist, yet that is still denied by the Arab League. We will continue to see prophecy come to pass at an even swifter pace. The city here is the New Jerusalem described symbolically in Revelation 21. Here we see the twelve tribes of Israel lending their names to the twelve gates of the city (Rev 21.12) and the twelve Apostles (representing spiritual Israel) lending their names to the twelve foundation stones of the city wall (Rev 21.14). Jerusalem's destruction in AD 70 by the Roman 10th Legion was predicted as the result of its rejection of Jesus and its persecution of the church: "And they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation" (Lk. Nobel Prizes have been awarded to over 850 individuals worldwide, of whom some 23% were Jews or people of strong Jewish ancestry. When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. I want to know how I should think about snow so as not to fall into error, even though I hate snow with every fiber of my being. This ascent or aliyah to Jerusalem has been underway for over 100 years. Ezekiel 45 and 48 provide amazing detail of a (probably new) temple the LORDSs sanctuary located just north of the city area (see map). Are the politicians listening? I have a question Is there such a thing as a rapture where 2 are in the field and one is gone? But consider: (1) These verses are all in the Old Testament, and who really cares about theOld Testament anyway? All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023 {amount} donation plus {fee_amount} to help cover fees. Your email address will not be published. Before that, it had been 37 years since Ain Sefras last snowfall. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Jerusalem recorded about 12 inches of snow on December 13, 2013, while the Kefar Etzion received 3.3 feet of snow. And He will judge between nations (Isa 2.3,4). In a fallen world who can deny that man can do either? I noticed that you mentioned the UK as tarshish and the US as one of the young lions. Scriptural support for Premillennialism and the Millennial Jerusalem can be summarized as follows: Today we see prophecy being fulfilled as God prepares Israel for such a glorious age. From human cells to the earth and the starry heavens all were made through Jesus (John chapter 1). Outside the city are the dogsthe sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshipers, and all who love to live a lie. As history shows, the people of Israel strayed from their promise on Mount Sinai. There is a legal distinction between defensive wars and wars of aggression. Photo: Dror Feitelson Pikiwiki Israel [CC BY 2.5], Wikimedia. Since Shalem is also the root of 'Shalom' (peace) then some say the name "Jerusalem" is Eir Shalom or "City of Peace", but readily admit that peace will only truly come when the Messiah comes, link. What is the biblical support for a millennial Jerusalem? By the end of the 1949 War of Independence the fledgling Israeli forces had defeated five invading Arab armies. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. Great Disappointment. After this, it will be clear that it is time for the Moshiach to be revealed, the Midrash stated. The Midrash then makes a play on words to illustrate its point, relating a tradition that the word (Zaram; their offspring) can, in this case, be understood also as (Zaram; the strong arms). As discussed, Israel failed and broke the contract, and so in the New Testament era the contract was offered to Gentiles namely the church. How Is Climate Change Impacting The Water Cycle. Then Jerusalem will be called the City of Truth (Zech 8.3). Rain in the Judean desert. 18 February 2021. The thing is, I have always assumed many, as in a majority, interpreted Ezekiel 38:13 in the same manner as I have. Up Next. In order of perfection, the ranking of the millennial age falls between that of the church age and the age characterized by the new heaven and the new earth. It is to You we have looked; Be their arm every morning, Also our deliverance in time of stress. The world would call that an "amazing coincidence.". This will be in terms of abundant agricultural produce grains, fruit and wine (Ezek 36.29,30) and nations will remark that desolate land has become like the garden of Eden (Ezek 36.35). Many look for their New Age Messiah, the Muslims look for their Mahdi, Hindus look for their Krishna, Jews look for their Mashiach, and Christians look for the return of Christ. A primary reason for the existence of Israel is that she is Gods witness and servant in the world (Isa 43.10). I went to bible college for 2 years a pre-mil pre-trib dispensationalist believing bible college. The snow piled up to a height of about 20 centimeters (8 inches), according to Israeli media. If so, when does this occur? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Do not post any personal information or content that is illegal, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate. In any event, the division (the green line) was intended to be temporary. Secondly, God said that He would make the descendants of Abraham into a great nation which would be Gods servant and witness in the world. Note that healing waters flow east from the temple down into the valley to enter the northern end of the Dead sea, resulting in the restoration of fishing (Ezek 47.1-10). A Prophetic Symbol. See how the latest updates in Jerusalem and the world are connected to the prophecies we read in the Bible. Healing waters will flow east from the temple and into the Jordan valley and the northern end of the Dead Sea, enabling fishing (Ezek 47.8-10). They place His Second Coming at the end of the 1,000-year period, ignoring the fact that Jesus said would come back to this earth in exactly the same way as He departed (Acts 1.11)! More , Image: Known oil and gas fields in the Levant Basin. Israel365 News is the only media outlet reporting on it. [CDATA[ The electoral (voting) system is based on nation-wide proportional representation. Future wars against Israel will be different from previous wars. The video is mans concept of the New Jerusalem: the future symbolic city of the saints; the home of the saved on the New Earth. It is up to the Palestinians to maintain water networks, utilize wastewater, improve existing supplies and drill new wells. But even then, they will doubt, so they will be judged during the Shemittah year and their faces will be like the rims of pots (black and sooty). In the light of Israeli anti-discrimination law and Israels right to self-determination as a Jewish State, the accusation of racist against Israel is unjustified. More . The capital city was cut off for about two days by flooding and deep snow. A popular view is that when we die we go to live in heaven. Babylon then began to flex its muscles by taking many Jews as captives to Babylon and by destroying Jerusalem and the Temple. But then I remember that as a Christian, and especially as a biblical scholar, I need to study this matter biblically and see what the biblical teaching on snow is. To Abram (Abraham) God promised: I will make you a great nation and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed (Gen 12.2,3), And what one nation on the earth is like Your people Israel, whom God went to make a name for Himself (2 Sam 7.23). The newsletter is free and you can unsubscribe anytime. Jerusalem woke up to the rare experience of seeing its holy sites covered in snow on Thursday, with the Dome of the Rock and the Western Wall under a layer of white after an overnight snowstorm. Lets read some of the fine print in the contract. It should also be noted that this current winter season also saw heavy snow in Saudi Arabia and the Sahara Desert, record-breaking snow in Japan, and record-breaking cold in countless locations. These measurements are sometimes taken literally, making the city 1500 miles wide, or half the size of the US! They failed to keep to the ways God had stipulated in the contract. It does not store any personal data. In 2012, per capita water use was 150 MCM (million cubic meters) for Israelis and 140 MCM for Palestinians. Note that Gods unconditional land covenant with Abraham passed to Isaac (and then to Jacob) rather than to Ishmael and the Arab nations (Gen 17.19). In sum, Psalm 68 is a historic and prophetic overview of Israel as it was, as it is now and as it will be when the beast, the antichrist, sets his feet in Israel (verse 21). Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed,because you have obeyed me.. The Midrash is based on a verse in the Book of Isaiah: Their offspring shall be known among the nations, Their descendants in the midst of the peoples. Heres what the Bible says about this amazing promise: In Revelation 21: 1-7, we read about Johns vision: Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. So both Isaiah and John saw Jerusalem in prophecy. There is so much going on in this world at the same time and with Jerusalem becoming the recognized capital of Israel and President Trump trying to help create peace (where peace will not last) and now possibly being ousted out as our President, with, I feel evil intentions, I say Jesus is not far off from coming. Indeed you were very blessed to have grown up in a Spirit-filled church!!! or by sending us a one-off payment using PayPal: Researcher, journalist and editor of The Watchers. According to local. Although the church I grew up in was off on the timing of Gog/magog and the identity of some of the nations they did preach on the rapture and on prophecy on a regular basis. In fact, these future borders are almost identical to the borders of ancient Israel given to Moses in Num 34.1-12 as he was about to divide up Canaan for the twelve tribes (enlarge map). The government is headed by the Prime Minister, who is elected in nationwide elections for a period of four years, and an elected President who has a largely apolitical ceremonial role. In October 1973 Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Israel (the Yom Kippur War) but were eventually defeated. Between 1955 and 2013 there were 77 UN resolutions against Israel, and just one against the Palestinians, link. He spoke of a hope of mans spirit form in the future, as distinct from flesh and blood. Most roads in Israel were closed by flooding and deep snow. The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Instead of mankind or fleshkind he was really speaking of man as a spiritkind or Godkind. and if anyone takes away from or distorts the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away [from that one] his share from the tree of life and from the holy city (new Jerusalem), which are written in this book. Snow is like a honey badgerit just sits there looking at you, daring you. There is also muted and occasional support from the UN and the EU, but this is usually outweighed by condemnation in other areas. Stay on topic and contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way. We need to look to mans future. And to this day it is said, On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided., The angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time and said, I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. In Genesis 22:1-18 we read how God tested Abraham. The region is commonly known as the Gateway to the Sahara. He vows: "If I forget you O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill! So isnt something wrong here? [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], Wikimedia Commons. Is rare Snowfall in Arabian Desert Isaiahs prophecy coming to fruition? Creating the content you read on this website takes a lot of time, effort and hard work. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. So, on the one hand we see the Vatican demanding control over Jerusalems religious sites, link, the UN stating that Jerusalem should be the capital of both Israel and Palestine, and Palestinians claiming Jerusalem as their capital. I know Tim LaHaye agrees with this, as does Tommy Ice ("Is America in Bible prophecy? This simple fact points to the imminent return of Christ. That even though this is unprecedented in their lifetimes, they still claim that nothing unusual is happening and nothing unprecedented will come out of it, while still ridiculing the idea of Moshiach.. Since then, there has been little to no snowfall in Israel's capital, and many Jerusalem residents are hoping that this week . Two years earlier, in December 2013, there was a much larger snowfall. Although statistically, still a rare occurrence, the overall rate of snowfall appears to be picking up drastically. In conclusion, we see that all the saints, Jew or Gentile, either from the millennial age or from previous ages are represented as one body, one bride, and one glory in the symbolism of New Jerusalem! The snow represents the purification symbolic of the reckonning offered by the goddess of filth (Tlazolteotl, Eater of Sins and Weaver of Cotton), representing the Mayan 20 day sign of 1 Movement (Ollin): The Cotton fallen from Heaven is the blanket of Snow from January 10th, 2013. Despite the controversy surrounding the embassy's opening in Jerusalem, Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro is lavishing praise on President Trump, comparing h. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son., Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ramcaught by its horns. World. Unfortunately, as long as Arab countries refuse to recognize Israel and continue to attack her, such cohabitation would seem to be impossible. Lets read the incredible test that earned Abraham an incredible reward for his descendants. Although it was the Sabbath, the railway into Jerusalem ran for people stranded by blocked roads. The Negev desert has large underground supplies of brackish water, which can be exploited using these advanced technologies, and it now produces more than 40% of the countrys vegetables and field crops. Although the Jewish temple does not yet exist and there. [US Energy Information Administration, Wikimedia Commons], Israels past and future borders. This is where Israels Parliament (the Knesset) stands and legislates and where the Prime Minister, the President and the Cabinet have their offices (enlarge image). In fact, the spiritual aggression shown to Israel (and to the true followers of Christ) will intensify towards the end of this age (Rev 12.13-17). US criticism of Israeli settlements is 'meaningless': Washington says it is 'deeply troubled' by settlement expansion but rejects UN efforts to denounce Israeli policies. Thanks and God bless you for the detailed explanation of the MJ and NJ. By commenting on our website, you agree to abide by these guidelines. Lets now look at the vision Christ showed John. The descendants of Abraham formed a nation (Israel) around 1300 BC after their Exodus from Egypt to Canaan under the leadership of Moses, and in 1004 BC King David established Jerusalem as the capital of the Kingdom of Israel. After all, Israel is just some 8 million people living on land the size of Wales! Although the whole earth is Mine, you will be for Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Snow. We can dismiss the Genesis account as myth, and many do. There never was a Palestinian people or a Palestinian Arab nation. The location appears to be the same location as Zion, His chosen earthly home forever (Ps 132.13,14), More . Probably. Beijing experienced its coldest winter on record with one day recording -13 Celsius, while at the same time the North Pole was a balmy -3. reported a split in the polar vortex which could signal an. NO! Rabbi Fish wrote in his Hebrew-language blog about a Midrash in Psiktah Rabbati, a collection of aggadic Midrash (homilies) composed around 845 CE, the Pentateuchal and prophetic readings from the special Sabbaths. Todays Israel has little significance in either of these two viewpoints, and both deny the bodily reign of Christ on the earth. At this time, spiritual Israel (the risen church) and national Israel become one tree, and this unification is symbolized by the New Jerusalem, the bride or wife of the Lamb (Rev 21.2,9). Most of the western world aims for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian problem. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly, 1: Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea, 2: I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband, 10: And he (the angel) carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, 22: I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple, 26: The glory and honour of the nations will be brought into it, It is a time when Jesus reigns as King over all the earth (this earth), and rules the nations with a rod of iron (Zech 14.9, Ps 2.9, Rev 19.15), It sees the fulfilment of the unconditional covenants: the Abrahamic, Davidic, Palestinian and New Covenants. In fact, during the Millennial Age God actually comes to dwell with Israel and the nations through Jesus the Messiah at Jerusalem: Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion! The people of Israel are once more becoming Gods witness to the nations. For many of their governments, which are rich enough to have economically solved the Palestinian refugee problem decades ago, it is useful to have Israel as a scapegoat to divert attention from the tyranny, failure and corruption of their own regimes. Jews have won a total of 41% of all the Nobel Prizes in economics, 28% of medicine, 26% of physics and 19% of chemistry. Prophecy indicates that there will be several major wars against Israel in the near future, just before Christ returns to rule the earth as King (Zech 14.9). Enlarge. As many of you know, a massive snow storm on Saturday covered the I-95 corridor from Washington D.C. to New York City. The attackers may also be destroyed by nuclear devices since Malachi 4 refers to a time of fierce heat when invaders are burnt to ashes. So could it be that present-day Jerusalem is moved north to sit high above this valley? What more I was trying to say is that if America continues with this hate filled down hill spiral with the next administration, I feel they will not be loving to Israel and might even try to undo what President Trump has done because of the strange hatefulness of him and everything he has done. Isaiah gives some detail of the millennial Jerusalem (MJ), whilst John looks beyond this to the New Jerusalem (NJ). Nowhere was I able to find a condemning word about snow. The problem here is that Israel has already declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel, and this is compounded by the Palestinian leadership which does not even recognize the Jewish State: Palestine will not recognize Israel as Jewish state [Abbas, 2014]. Whilst not perfect, this means that Israelis of all ethnic groups and religious beliefs, including Arab-Israelis, can actively participate in the election process, and all votes cast are equal in weight. Could it be that these two allotments are located just north of this great valley? Are boycotts effective anyway? Why did the Creator of the universe give man the mandate to procreate and proliferate? That includes the West Bank. And that is what we are here for today, to reiterate Israels right to self-defense, inherent in all legitimate countries. It is an agreement with promises of delivery, but also with stipulations and penalty clauses. My most widely read treatment of it is found in the "The Prophetic Road to Revelation (Part IV): The War of Gog of Magog" under the sub-heading "Ezekiel Identifies Many Nations!" A future invasion of northern Israel is strongly indicated in Ezek 38 and Ezek 39. I testify and warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book [its predictions, consolations, and admonitions]: if anyone adds [anything] to them, God will add to him the plagues (afflictions, calamities) which are written in this book; These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. This is important, forbiblical teaching on any matter must be consistent. In recent years, India has expressed the desire to deepen and develop ties with Israel, and some see India as Israels best friend in South Asia. This allotment is north of an allotment of 25,000 x 5,000 cubits which is dedicated to the city and to food production (see Fig.1 main text). They were to follow the statutes of holy living, various laws and observe mandated Holy Feasts at their appointed time. In 1946 the Mandate was transferred over to the UN, and Article 80 of the UN Charter implicitly recognizes the Mandate for Palestine of the League of Nations. And just as a Palestinian state would maintain a demographic balance in favour of Palestinians, so the Jewish state of Israel maintains a demographic balance in favour of Jews by controlling immigration. There will be peace and restoration all around. According to Israel's meteorological service, between 15 and 25 cm (6 10 inches) of snow fell overnight Thursday. According to the Bible, Israel is indeed a special nation, chosen by God to bless mankind and to make a name for Himself. Imperfect aspects of nature (drought, locust, earthquake, storm and flood) will be removed (except when decreed as judgement on a nation). In recent years this Covenant has been supported by tens of thousands of people worldwide, link, in recognition of the importance of Jerusalem to the State of Israel. Israel was to return and seek God after the gospel had been spread to the Gentile nations (Rom 11.25). In Genesis they read Gods promise to Jacob, grandson of Abraham: The land which I gave to Abraham and Isaac I will give to you, and I will give the land to your descendants after you (Gen 35.12). Join us as we explain the wildest, weirdest, most shocking moments of all time in History Countdown - ancient world was shaped . Fig.1 Future land allocation around Jerusalem according to Ezekiel 45,48 (sizes in cubits). In Jerusalem, during the entire year, snow falls for 0.5 days and aggregates up to 4mm (0.16") of snow. For this reason, in 2014 the Chief Rabbinate of Israel urged the public to begin saying a special prayer daily to ask God to bless Israel with abundant rain (enlarge image). On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. But the three maps I looked at don't agree on the other snow-free state: It could be South Carolina, it could be Louisiana or possibly Mississippi. First, through Abrahams descendants came the offer to all men of reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ. The Road To Armageddon. According to the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, the Jews could settle anywhere between the Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea, see map. The name of the third river is the Tigris; it runs along the east side of Ashur. This is the mourners of Zion for whom God will bring great victories against their enemies.. The OT refers to this time as Jacobs distress: Alas, for that day is great, there is none like it; and it is the time of Jacobs distress, but he will be saved from it (Jer 30.7), Many Israelis suffer, but a remnant (one-third) survives (Zech 13.9). Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life. It is a disgrace that no senior member of the Royal Family has ever undertaken an official visit to Israel, as though the country is still in quarantine after more than six decades. The arid desert shall be glad, The wilderness shall rejoice And shall blossom like a rose. Not all see it this way, so first we must ask, Will there really be a millennial age on this earth? In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. We can trace the fulfillment of the prophecy through the biblical book of Ezra and the parallel historic records of Babylon and Persia. The Bible instructs the people of Israel how they should treat foreigners (non-Jews). and (2) Snow in these verses are almost certainly scribal errors for blowas in Miriam had become leprous, as white as blow (Numbers 12:10). The Jews of His day found the concept of God walking with man an impossible concept, but does modern man with all his scriptural knowledge and hindsight find it any easier? It will be a place of rivers and wide canals (Isa 33.21), a place of beautiful trees such as the juniper, the box, and the cypress (Isa 60.13). The Third Jerusalem Temple ( Beit haMikdash haShlishi, or: "The Third Holy Dwelling") is the sacred place that according to the prophecies will be rebuilt in Jerusalem after the past destruction of the First and Second Temple. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Paul is saying that both creation and man himself groan due to imperfection and mortality. 18 February 2021. Exceptionally heavy snowstorms hit Sweden, Finland, and the Pacific Northwest this week. This is the Western Wall. The Bible says God is Spirit but clearly we are flesh and blood. Isaiah 35:1, I am about to do something new; Even now it shall come to pass, Suddenly you shall perceive it: I will make a road through the wilderness And rivers in the desert. Moreover, researchers have discovered huge craters on the seafloor (15m across and 20m deep, and fresh water is flowing from these craters, link. These are powerful and inspired words. The Bible says the whole of creation, including mankind, will return to a state of paradise in the future. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Image copyright: Future Red Giant Earth Fsgregs at the English language Wikipedia project [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons. The implication here is that there is room for all the saved of the earth over all time in the new Jerusalem, but the unsaved are excluded (Rev 21.8). But to date rainfall statistics show no long-term rainfall improvement since the 1970s, link. This is the severe persecution of Israel under the final world government and world ruler, link the time of Jacobs trouble (Jer 30.7). So during the last days a remnant is preserved, albeit through a time of refining and affliction: See, I have refined you I have tested you in the furnace of affliction (Isa 48.10)I will not destroy you completely. YES: THE CLAIM IS LEGAL ON TWO ACCOUNTS If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war [Benjamin Netanyahu, 2006], We must constantly repeat that the root of the conflict is the very existence of the State of Israel [Benjamin Netanyahu, 2012], The nuclear deal with Iran does not block Irans path to the bomb, it paves Irans path to the bomb [Benjamin Netanyahu, August 2015]. In his first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 15 verses 50-54, Paulwrote: What I mean, friends, is that what is made of flesh and blood cannot share in Gods Kingdom, and what is mortal cannot possess immortality. Oil and gas fields in grey. It splits east-west with half the mountain moving north and half moving south, generating a very large valley reaching to Azal (Zech 14.4,5). God wants the church to call His people, wherever they are, back to Himself. January is the coldest month in Jerusalem when the temperature averages at 9.1C. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Walking along a line of huts and the railway siding where their forebears had been worked and starved and beaten and frozen and gassed to death, were a group of Jewish schoolchildren, one of whom was carrying over his shoulder the Israeli flag, a blue star of David on white background. 0:46. And (perhaps between these wars) Israel also goes through a time of distress or tribulation referred to in Dan 12.1 and Mat 24.15-25. 9The Lord will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you on oath, if you keep the commands of the Lord your God and walk in obedience to him. The result of such unbiblical teaching is that the institutionalized church takes the worlds view and essentially rejects modern-day Israel, and so pays little attention to end-time prophecy about Israel. Safed recorded about 23.6 inches of snow during the winter of 1950. On Sunday, snow fell in Saudi Arabias Asir Province for the first time in 50 years. The dimensions of this symbolic city (Rev 21.16) have the signature of Christ, implying that, as with the future earthly Jerusalem, God will be there. Glimpses of both future cities are seen in the prophecies of Isaiah chapter 60 and in the prophecies of the apostle John, Rev 21. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. Blessed are those who wash their robes. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. More . For the law will go forth from Zion and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. And God bless you for the existence of Israel is that when die. [ US Energy information Administration, Wikimedia the electoral ( voting ) system is based on understanding! 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