new madrid fault prophecy

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For assistance, please contact the Department of Natural Resources at 573-751-3443 or by email at Then I saw a map of the USA and a crack appeared down the right center of the US (I would say where the New Madrid fault is now that I have seen other maps.) This position was maintained by both Democratic and Republican administrations. Paul you will never know how much your post has helped me. speaking of bigger things to come! Earthquakes with magnitudes above 2.5 were registered along the New Madrid Fault on Saturday and Monday. . Hi Kathleen, it might be something I am to add to my list. Infowars has more information about the quake. (Zech. Paul, agreed re Stanley Frodsham Id never seen/ heard it before but found it on the Pentecostal Pioneers website and emailed James the link in February, my first contact with the Z3 news family! Current knowledge about the faults system within the NMSZ is obtained by studying seismograph recordings of the seismic waves produced by the frequent small earthquakes. Thank you, WWPs, and all who will take up this assignment. How do you move links !? Cisco, TX 76437, Whistle Blower Jeff It is responsible for several of the fault lines that run through New York City, including one under 125 th Street. In the second chapter of his 1974 book The Vision, hestates: The United States is going to experience in the not-too-distant future the most tragic earthquakes in its history. (Ps. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I had not heard about Obama signing a resolution causing Israel being divided. WebComputer Simulation of a Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. We left house, cars, and pretty much everything else we owned to go live in a country where we dont even know the language. Because of fear that your lifestyle will decline if you move? Same premise of judgement here. Savage: Do we love danger? They have threatened to take over the Golan heights with force if necessary. So three of the reasons for my thinking NYC is at risk are 1) he says the quake will hit where its not expected, 2) in other places he saw a thousand fires ravaging the city and 3) NYC, if it doesnt repent is on course to becoming the epicentre of Babylon, the political and financial center of the new world order where money and sin are its stock in trade. Christ super-blessed the usa because we were good to the Jews and class Freedoms and Rights for everybody. 4) Again, I went back to sleep, and immediately I had a dream of a partial map of the Americathe southeastern part. Thank you RCT, but I have yet to see/find any of them.. Any specifics? David was like a second pastor to me. Yes Francy, its really hard to imagine. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.,¤cy_code=USD, If you are uncomfortable with those options. Except for along the larger floodplains and areas of loose fill materials, the more distant, densely populated urban area of St. Louis is not expected to experience major damage to the land by liquefaction. Shelly,yes I believe we need a few things like what your daughter mentioned also.May the Lord Jesus guide us. and I do have earthquake insurance on my house because its cheap, and there likely would be structural damage to buildings in this area if the big one did occur (again). Last night there was a fairly deep quake off the shore by Mt Fuji. Robert F. Kennedy Jr On January 19, 2004, Joseph Cook of Evansville, IN, received a series of inner visions and words that portray a future earthquake that will strike his hometown. New Madrid is what I keep hearing in my soul. When I am hesitant about SOUNDING the ALARM, or putting out an ALERT, I am reminded that, as a WATCHWOMAN ON THE WALL, I need to be obedient, and share what I was shown, so the people can pray & prepare! If I dont, then I am responsible for any harm that might come.. (PDF). Why God Really Exists, Spanish: yeshuaelohimvieneya To prepare your home, here are some tips from the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government: Fasten shelves,mirrors, picture framesand similar objects securely to walls preferably not over beds, sofas, or other places you may sit. God has hedged us in with His protection and nothing can touch us there. and all that has been happening. They are run by the world, therefore, Hello Annie Marie. We must not get into fear, and yet there is an urgency many of us are feeling. Like us, she never watches TV. Rev Susan OMarra David Wilkerson was a remarkable man and prolific writer. I seemed to remember that there was a connection with Mammoth Lake Can This Be How America Will Be Judged and Split in Half? If it could help anyone. Definitely recommend this for everyone! you have left in your comment Katherine:. Do others view the agreement as the confirmation of the covenant? This created temporary waterfalls along the Mississippi River, which in turn created a wave upstream; thus creating a wave which caused the formation of Reelfoot Lake by damming streams. Back when there was only the big three on T.V,. In retrospect, I wonder how I was able to so resolutely pack a few things and leave with our twin toddlers in less than 24 hours. If this happens, America will be severely punished. The quakes, which occurred between December 1811 and February 1812 produced seismic events measuring 7.0 and greater. This was called the New Madrid Sequence because it happened over a few months. On December 16, 1811, the first quake which measured 7.5 7.9 (moment magnitude) was named the Daylight Shock. Hes on the east side of st. Louis. So there is a gap to be filled in the ring of fire and a quake could hit: Alaska, Vancouver or California. However, its large number of structures and their contents likely will receive impacts from shaking. There was another deep one under Mt Fuji that the USGS didnt report. God promises over and over in His word to take care of us. Scientists have seen evidence that the central Mississippi River Valley has seen major earthquakesfor more than 4,000 years. He, too, has been interviewed on this subject on Sid Roths show. I even send them articles from and Few care. For those who are preparing, for what could be coming in the future, being a Ham Radio Operator, would be a good hobby to have! 1 earthquake will come from The Great Lakes its self triggering The New Madrid. fall into the ocean!!! An official website of the United States government. John Vidale has provided an excellent technical answer and I echo his point that the when of the next event on this fault is currently unknowable. Great awakening Start from video time mark 40 mm:, Know whatcha mean Landon ive been expecting the crash since 2001, and then preparing for it since 2008, and, Yes Phil, things are tragic , the world has reached the Tipping point so to speak.- (The Point of No, Anne Utter tragic and evil if true regards Phil. There is a freeway, I-5, that runs up and down between both states. All submissions will be read but we will share only the ones the Lord leads us to. I put a lot of stock in Wilkersons visions because they agree with scripture and theres no doubt Wilkerson was a man of God. Elizabeth Vos The Lord made me to understand a few months back a 9.0 earthquake would hit The New Madrid causing inland tsunamis that will flood or wipe out towns along the Mississippis banks. This does at face value sound like something unbelievable, but I tell you, when you watch the videos of what that tsunami did to Japan does that even look real? Silent Warrior I have been born again for about 4 years but suffered many spirital attacks afterwards. In the, I too received a warning of judgement to those that call themselves Christians that preach another Jesus as well as, I like Kraken its the exchange I use the most. We should get our spiritual house in order and have an emergency plan. And he has a web site and blog, Defend and Proclaim the Faith. I heard of John Paul Jackson recently but I have not seen any of his prophecies that have come to pass. The initial shock on December 16, was followed by a 7.4 aftershock on that same day. Joseph Mercola That day is Erev Pesach, or the night of the Seder meal as Pesach begins. N.S., Ive lifted your family in prayer. So either Im meant to stay here by the grace of God or I still need to seek His direction and have enough money/time to do so. I will plan to check on this. Since the faults in the NMSZ are not expressed at the surface, they are not as well understood and are more difficult to study. The swarms of earthquakes that are now occurring under Hebgen Lake at Yellowstone are; 3.2, 2.5, 2.9, 3.0, 2.6. Anne Id heard that we have the ability to change weather patterns and even create weather activity, but I was, Whoever ordered the destruction of our food sources is unknown to me but I have thoughts.. GailW Thanks for sharing Many people have seen a triggering event that will occur prior to the crash. We would feel it and then some They say that this quake could set off others because of its magnitude. Ive followed the ministry of Wilkerson since I read his book, The Cross and the Switchblade, in the 80s in my late teens. This makes me so angry. im not a fan of fracing tho After hearing mena lee and others I asked the lord one night what did he want me to do, is this really the time? . (Ps. I told her I had heard something but didnt know anything about it. Kilpatrick! Also, secure expensive electronic devices such as televisions. He will strike Israel and Jordan with a strong quake. Kathy, that is interesting, my bother and his wife live on a farm north of Montezuma, IA. Some buildings in St. Louis, 150 miles or more to the north, received damage consisting mostly of broken or collapsed stone chimneys and broken stone buildings of Unreinforced Masonry (URM) construction. So I will endeavour to answer the specific re:. Got Questions is an excellent source for general questions. You,,,,,,,,,,, It was clear as day in my dream they it was nyc as I am from this area and recognized the famous bridges and skyline. As she walked past me toward the door I noticed that she was walking more like a man than a woman and then she adjusted her groin area, and I knew that this was definitely not a woman. Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7 (NIV 2011). Required fields are marked *. The program completely turned his life around. He predicts not merely the formation of one Super Church, but two. PO BOX 44 This is not just about territory but also the oil that has been discovered and fracking has already started. If/when the big one happens it will be catastrophic. He even created a website called Also, we sold everything in an auction about 10 years ago. She lives 3 miles from the Mississippi River. Have a professional assess your homes structure for quake vulnerabilities, then repair or reinforce any damaged or weak points. I know there is a huge difference in personal prophetic ministry and that of the office of a prophet, but JPJ called me out of a crowd at Morningstar in Charlotte many years ago and absolutely read my mail and his prophetic words over me came to pass. She said the Lord told her within a few weeks the Southeast part of Japan will break off and fall into the ocean. Yes I have faith that Jer 51:6 is truly a warning from Merciful God and fear I fear God, for He is just, and His warnings are to be heeded. I had no idea at that time I would be leading this class, but the LORD did. If He chooses not to, and it is our time to go, all the better as far as I am concerned! Been praying for family members who dont know him or have gone astray. Everyone please, please pray like never before for mercy and that God would show us what to do to prepare. David Wilkerson is my favorite too. I prayed that your light would shine brightly before them that they may see your good deeds and praise our Father (Matt 5:16). Savage; We already moved from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina just a couple years ago to avoid the upcoming tsunami on the east coast. WebNew Madrid seismicity is spatially associated with the Reelfoot rift and may be produced by movement on old faults in response to compressive stress related to plate motions. Circular Minnesota child of the most High. About how a major event will happen that will as a result bring further unity to the church. I didnt mark the date of my first dream (which was about 5 years ago) but in it He showed me 9-23 is when something really big will hit. This is an area very near to, and involved with, the New Madrid fault zone. Lastweek southern Japan was struck with two earthquakes, first on Thursday April 14, a 6.2 magnitude and again early Saturday April 16, a 7.1 under Kumamoto, a densely populated urban area. I hope Michael meant the archipelago of Japan. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.,¤cy_code=USD, If you are uncomfortable with those options. Damage to the land by flooding, land substance and lateral spread is likely to be extensive and have a large economic impact in the area as it will disrupt farming. Chris Burns When I looked at the clock last, it was 9:11 pm. Its become, Oh Danielle: I am so sorry. I think we as Believers today would do ourselves a great benefit to revisit his prophesies. It can also be interpreted as fleeing in a spiritual sense that He is commanding us that we not be partakers of Babylons plagues and of her sins. Some of the details involved in this prophecy include an unzipping of the fault so powerful that it'll Diana Pulliam Id feel safer in St. Paul than I would where I live, which is right outside of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. First thing that came to, BOB, Sadly, none of these tragic events in NZ appear normal weather events to me. Dana Jarvis of this eventhe was shown in his dream. On 5/23/11 I entered a time of myrrh anointing (like Esthers 6 months with myrrh), ending 70 weeks later on 9/23/12. Few listen. WebExpected shaking intensity of a magnitude 7.5 earthquake on the New Madrid central fault. It will be coverage of the biggest most disastrous earthquake in history., It will cause widespread panic and fear. and he prophesied of an electronic device that would pump filth into our homes (even Christian homes he said) that would make those Christians of that (former) day cringe and blush, he was called crazy. Hi, This site gives a propheti map of the US after the earthquakes. In this video, Shane goes into some detail from his prophetic dream(s) about the New Madrid fault line as well as some exciting predictions about the substantial growth in the price of silver. John Paul Jacksons vision of Mt. When I think of NYC I dont think of it as really being in an earthquake zone. Right now there are swarms of earthquakes under Yellowstone. I have 5 flash dreams that I would like to share. It is His plan. Ditto for the same effect in Texas, Arkansas and Kansas. Go get water, food, dog food, etc. Darrel, I checked the map in Patricia D s comment and there does appear to be a southeast component to the island. Auction off everything and get out! On February 7th, 1812, the largest quake in the series (7.5) occurred in the New Madrid, Missouri area and completely destroyed the town of New Madrid. Just like you, I dont get any visions or dreams from God either, neither have I gotten any intuition to move my family. WebIn the New Madrid Fault Zone, this analysis is difficult because there are few historic moderate to large earthquakes, and the active faults are too deeply buried to monitor effectively. So, what could a big quake look like in the fault zone today? God Bless. Luke 6:38 NLT A minor earthquakeearly Wednesday that centered on Decatur in East Tennessee about 60 miles southwest of Knoxville was felt into Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina and South Carolina. I really liked their CEO who moved to development wanting, Hi Richard I had no issue registering, funding, or setting low buy orders on lbank. This quake has gotten a lot of press recently because it is ready to roll. What you are describing is still many years away. Said this will happen when US moves to force Israel to This one dream God had sent to me over 24xs from 1994 til 2014 about The New Madrid Faultline I didnt get thats what he was showing me over n over but in 2014 he revealed it to me while I was speaking to him about The San Andreas Faultline . Did you know that Oklahoma is now the most seismically active of ALL the lower 48 states? But for the New Madrid Fault Line - When? Once the confirmation of the covenant is confirmed by the son of perdition and others then that would start the we would be going from birth pains to tribulation once that is signed. In the book Eye to Eye, its author William Koenig explains the last time a president (Bush) pulled a stunt like Obama will try to do on Friday.Hurricane Katrina happened a few days later. Billye Brim Blog Always a good time in the Lord! Blessings. The New Madrid Fault Line in Prophecy! God doesnt want his land divided! If the website is not updating, clear your web browser cache. You know to use your authority in your area. It is part of the Pacific Plate subduction and Tokyo is near the southern end of this plate. He was also very highly thought of by Bob Jones. Mr. Friday Today we received something from a person of the Spirit of God. Ali has posted a message recently about the Ohio Valley. We, the true believers, are the foundation that God is going to use to usher in revival after this. I needed that jolt from the Holy Spirit! to set your compass to True North.) Yes All this was caused by the New Madrid Faultline and the 3 earthquakes that hit 1 will be triggered by the Great Lakes triggering The New Madrid. These higher amplitude waves are the more damaging surface waves. Give, and you will receive. If anyone is interested, there is a guy on Youtube named dutchsinse who is always watching quakes and very good at determining where EQs will be striking. They are actually saying the UNs final decision to divide Israels land will probably be this fall (spearheaded by Obama). They did this over and over again. You know to use Hebrews 4:13 John Whitehead (9/23 is Elul 20.) The Department has no control over the nature, content, and availability of the service, and accordingly, cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the translation. Mark Shipowick is a layman, lawyer, and handyman who loves the Lord and wants to be used by Him to help others prepare for the return of His Son, Jesus Christ. The important thing to remember is that if you pray re-speak the Word of God, you know you are always praying in agreement with His Word. It will be massive and it is coming soon. 91:1-6, 10-11, 15-16). The New Madrid zone is actually just as much of a potential earthquake hot spot as the San Andreas zone in California. They also said Obama will start pushing for Israel to accept his plans for peace in the Middle East after Netanyahus April 22nd, 2016 coalition deadline and we all know what happens right around then! Secure appliancessuch as your refrigerator and water heater with straps connected to wall studs. Uplifts in the ground gave observers the impression that the Mississippi river was flowing backwards! I truly beleive that it represents Babylon. . Your husband will be sanctified by you, as his wife you have that authority. We fear no evil because the Holy Spirit comforts us. A 1991 Missouri State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) and FEMA report estimates damages from a 7.6 magnitude NMSZ earthquake to the Bootheel counties of Mississippi, New Madrid and Pemiscot would be 0.2-2% of their population killed, 1-10% of their population seriously injured, 10%of their buildings collapsed and 30%of their buildings receiving severe structural damage. I agree with your statement wholeheartedly. Michael Snyder It saddens me that the churches just disregarded the words the Lord gave to him. Everything this idiot so called President is doing is either bringing this nation down and/or doing things that is displeasing to God. WebThe New Madrid quake is especially intriguing not only because of its unparalleled power, but also because it occurred in an area which is normally devoid of tectonic activity, including earthquakes. Lana Vawser We are the redeemed of the LORD and are in Covenant with Jehovah God; therefore, sickness and disease, poverty and lack, fear and oppression have no power over us. Significant damage is also expected in of southern Illinois, western Kentucky and Tennessee, northeastern Arkansas and northwestern Mississippi as well as in areas of southeast Missouri outside the Bootheel. Please pray I have the courage to share if The Lord leads and that I share it 100 percent accurately as if I were a recorder and The Lord was simply pressing play. however generally speaking there are three zones in which earthquakes occur 0-70kms, 70- 300kms and 300-700kms deep. Also everything around the ring of fire is rocking and rolling right now. Too much truth for the church to handle. I totally agree Mark. Dear Rachel above is a link of quakes above 4.5 Richter scale of the las 7 days, as you can see there are quakes ( from left to right) in: NZ, Indonesia, Japan up to Kamtachka, then nothing in Canada and the US,then you can see quakes in Nicaragua (6.1), Ecuador (7.8) and Chile(5.6). Is it just me or does anyone else feel like something big is about to happen at any moment?? Fuji. Chris, John McTernan has also written and spoken extensively on the New Madrid fault line . The implication is that this monster quake originated far deeper in the North American crust than is usual for an earthquake. Because we dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High God, we abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Everyone keeps talking about a great shaking that is coming. I want to encourage those that are also receiving WARNING DREAMS, WORDS or VISIONS. GOD CAN PROTECT US ANYWHERE He wants. But that is up to Lord to determine. Nothing came of thatexcept the horrible radiation, but THIS TIME, I really wonder., An earthquake will occur that divides the Mississippi. This reminds me of a vision I received a week or so ago. Prophetic Nurse The basic single story log buildings, which are in fact a very earthquake resistant type of construction, often shifted or sunk as parts of the areas submerged and flooded. This animation shows the simulated ground motion of the Earths surface that could occur in the central U.S. region for a magnitude 7.7 strike-slip earthquake on the southern section of the New Madrid seismic zone. The Lord has put it on my heart to pray for the people of Japan. The safest place to be is in His will, not staying in Egypt when its time to go or fleeing from Jezebel when its time to stand. I suppose it isnt surprising, but the Bible says that we will know a tree by its fruit. David Wilkerson had a very fruitful tree! Oil was recently discovered thereon the Israeli side but Syria has claimed the territory. Earthquake science is still in the toddling stage compared with theories of the past. WebTecumseh's prophecy: Preparing for the next New Madrid earthquake: A plan for an intensified study of the New Madrid seismic zone: Series title: Circular: Series number: Back in 1811, New Madrid, Missouri, itself had only 400 people, St. Louis to the north had about 1,500 residents and Memphis to the south wasnt even a twinkle in its founders eyes, according to theCentral United States Earthquake Consortium. USGS studies have concluded that the zone has generated magnitude 7 to 8 earthquakes about every 500 years for the past 1,200 years., Also on this page is the prophesy of Stanley Frodsham. But sequentially, Shane saw this quake happened after economic collapse and mass rioting in the streets, then revival broke out after the quake. I too have been wondering if anyone else thought these earthquakes could be the precursors to what David Wilkerson described in his vision. I turned and started running toward my kids to tell them we needed to get out of there right away because I thought that these people were there to do us harm. Illinois,Wisconsin,Ohio,Indiana,Michigan Ive made to understand some of these states will vanish but not all of them God will decide this. Same day of one Super Church, but the Bible says that we will share only the big happens. Could set off others because of its magnitude its become, Oh Danielle: I am so sorry does to. Fracking has already started as the San Andreas zone in California the past 1,200 years any! Responsible for any harm that might come.. new madrid fault prophecy: // and:. Has claimed the territory toddling stage compared with theories of the us after the earthquakes please pray never! 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