fallout: new vegas i put a spell on you

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She'll tell you about break-ins. Wait by the plane outside the door in sneak mode - at around 1am he shows up and enters the tower. However, if you are hostile with the NCR, you will need to pass a speech check to continue with this quest line. He did first night, but even tho I was hidden by the planes he saw me and approached me, then went back to his hole. Once you collect the explosive charge, you are committed to the Legion arc of the quest and can't use the monorail even if you fail the mission by killing Curtis. Investigate the late-night break-ins at the Camp McCarran control tower. This quest is obtained from two places, and involves intelligence leaks at Camp McCarran. On top of everything else, I can't send a patrol on a bathroom break without them being ambushed by someone that heard they were coming. Here you will find Private Crenshaw patrolling a low traffic area. Check out the control tower during the night (between 1:00 and 2:00 AM) and listen in on the spy. Thankfully, New Vegas keeps a backup of your quicksave slot, which I was able to restore, go back, and figure out how to salvage the situation with console commands. PS: I don't know If change something but I have no Speech check to convince Hsu allow me investigate this case. i have been reading about this quest and it seems most people haven't run up against the issue i am having. There should not be a problem collecting the reward and XP from Hsu despite the hostile guards outside. Fallout, after finding Benny 1:Kill him then and there 2: Talk with him in his suite 3: Seduce him and kill him during sex. Investigate the late-night break-ins at the Camp McCarran control tower. Do flight companies have to make it clear what visas you might need before selling you tickets? Pick up the explosives in the in the trash can by the ticketing counter at the Camp McCarran terminal building. Or can you help others? Talk with Curtis regardless to receive the reward of [250 CAPS], [500 EXPERIENCE POINTS], and Caesar's Legion Fame. The game then tells me to go back to Hsu. Disarm the bomb with 45 Science, 35 Explosives, or the. Fallout New Vegas McCarran I Put a Spell on You Denny Ayard 16K subscribers Subscribe 2.1K Share 376K views 11 years ago Recommend bringing Boone. Return to Curtis and let him know he is in the clear. Is there a way to only permit open-source mods for my video game to stop plagiarism or at least enforce proper attribution? If done so, he will still go to the tower but he will not talk on the radio, and there will be no way of knowing about his plans to destroy the monorail until speaking to Hsu after confronting Curtis (or pickpocketing the codes). If he is not seen by 3 a.m., enter the tower and stay hidden as per the next instructions. You might have to rush somewhere else first. To disarm the bomb, you need an explosives skill of 35, science of 45, or the activation code from Curtis. 2) In the Object Window, expand 'Actor Data', then click on Quests. So somebody's getting the word out. Offer to help Colonel Hsu to find the spy. When you speak with Colonel Hsu about the intelligence leaks, the quest will become active. Return to James Hsu ( M25A:1) and report back that you've found a spy. Eavesdrop on the radio transmission. We are working on resolving the problem.". The Mojave's two biggest factions vie to gain the courier's trust and employ. When I talk to him about what happens, he tells me to go check on the monorail because he thinks it's been sabotaged. Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2023. After this, it will be revealed that there is a bomb on the train, the explosion of which cannot be prevented. Of course, with the many high points in the series come moments that even the most hardcore Fallout . He had to fix this. Travel to Camp McCarran and speak to James Hsu. Listen to the radio conversation. Being spotted by Curtis waiting outside the radio tower will also have the same effect. The mole said "You're getting too close, Seamus!" Do not inform Curtis about this lead if one wants to save the monorail. Basically every single NCR route I've done. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Ask her if there was anything suspicious lately. If you tell him that Crenshaw confessed and used a latin word then that works as well. After that, make sure the time is not in the frame where he should go to the tower, and reset the trigger: set "f62ab".bDoneOnce to 0. Jun 18, 11 at 7:45pm (PST) ^. I Put a Spell on You is a side quest in Fallout: New Vegas. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If your reputation with the NCR is high enough, you can get the quest from Hsu. If your reputation is not high enough with the NCR, you'll have to sneak by the guards. Plant the explosive within the vent, located on the back of the monorail. Where can I get the Wild Wasteland gauss rifle? I make a beeline for the monorail, but as soon as I walk through the door to the platform, I hear "The train is departing, please keep bla bla bla" and it immediately rockets off towards the Strip before I can get to it, promptly exploding a couple of hundred yards down the track. Run out the tower and head to the terminal building. This can be quite common if you are doing the quest. 5. "I Put a Spell on You" is a 1956 song written by Screamin' Jay Hawkins. If you've already killed the mole and talked to Colonel Hsu, you can fix the situation by executing the following console command: After executing that command, enter the monorail platform and you'll be able to disarm it, it won't leave. Head back inside and speak to Colonel Hsu, the first option telling him about the evidence will reward 100 caps, so will the second option using speech. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Copyright 2000 - 2023 GRY-Online S.A. for gamepressure.com, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Ask her all the questions you need to but specifically the late-night break-ins that have been occurring. Optional: move away from the McCarran area for 72 in-game hours to force a cell reset on everything. With the monorail destroyed, one will need a very good reputation with the NCR to complete "No, Not Much.". How do I get past the barriers before the vault? Thankfully, New Vegas keeps a backup of your quicksave slot, which I was able to restore, go back, and figure out how to salvage the situation with console commands. Stay crouched and don't let the spy hear you. Colonel James Hsu is concerned that there is a spy somewhere around Camp McCarran leaking vital information to Caesar's Legion, and asks for an outsider's help in finding the culprit. You will need the GECK game editor for New Vegas. Now before going in, make sure that you're in sneak mode, and don't rush up. Head downstairs and out through the back doors. Subsequently, even if he is followed into the tower, he will not talk over the radio and will ambush the player instead. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki, https://strategywiki.org/w/index.php?title=Fallout:_New_Vegas/I_Put_a_Spell_on_You&oldid=575046. My problem: The **** R. Curtis won't show up. Inform him that you know who he is and that you are working for the Legion as well. If you don't take everything, you won't be able to frame. Head back inside and speak to Colonel Hsu. Just go in, and wait 15 seconds. He'll start talking and give away the plan to blow up the monorail. Despite two different choices with this quest, it is not possible to double-cross either faction - once you receive the quest, you are stuck along the path to completion. Sometimes if the player has talked to the Securitrons on the Strip after the monorail blows up, they may say something like "The monorail leading from camp McCarran has been destroyed. Brandon Wilson Posts: 3487 After collecting all the items in the garbage can, talk to Hsu and offer to lead the investigation about the information leak. Showing 1 - 12 of 12 comments. Fallout: New Vegas Caesar's Legion quests. If you tell Hsu that Crenshaw had explosives and plans then he believes you. There are also times where the solders are not at the monorail gate, allowing you to sneak past. We're sure you can find a place among this amazing community. Go outside and take an escalator up ( M25A:5 ). Alternatively, the player character can put on an NCR uniform and the guards will let them pass without attacking. How can I get President Kimball to retreat to the safe room during the Arizona Killer quest? Reward: The bomb explodes when you leave the terminal building. Pick up the explosives and bomb ingredients in the trash can by the ticketing counter at the Camp McCarran terminal building. To fix this, I left the tower and executed: When I entered the tower again I stayed crouched and didn't move, and he talked on the radio as he was supposed to. Go to Hsu and tell him you will investigate the information leak. To catch the spy, wait outside the control tower, hidden from too much view. She will say that there have been break-ins at the control tower every night. Valve Corporation. I remember finishing it years ago when the game was new but forgot all about it. Captain Ronald Curtis is your contact, and is found on the western wing of the first floor. You can succeed with a speech check, or by telling him about the evidence. re: I put a spell on you. Contreras and head outside. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. Run towards the monorail station taking the stairs up (M25A:5). Hello, I'm doing this quest "I Put a Spell on You", in McCarran, and I have to deactivated a bomb in the train, the problem is the FREAKING train leaves when I enter the zone of the train, I can even reach to enter it. Do not confront Curtis unless you want to kill him. 6. 2. Fallout: New Vegas side quest I Put a Spell on You Suspicous activities in the control tower Location Camp McCarran The Fort Given by Colonel Hsu Vulpes Inculta Rewards 600 XP 250 Caps NCR fame OR 550 XP 250 Caps Caesar's Legion fame Quest chain Previous The Finger of Suspicion Technical Editor ID VMS08 Form ID 000E790F " Yeah. approaching him in the tower). Speak with Colonel Hsu and state you want to investigate the leak. Return to Colonel Hsu. If one ends the dialogue successfully, he will then walk back into the base and one will need to wait until the next day (unless a Speech check of 50 is passed to keep him on course after a brief return to the terminal). Regardless of the result, return to Curtis and report. Plant an explosive charge in a vent at the back wall of the McCarran monorail car. Follow the map marker to the garbage can in front of the ticket counter, and take everything inside it. 5. Now you have two choices: Do not wait any longer. Otherwise, the Activation Code will need to be pickpocketed off of Curtis for a loss of Karma. I'm investigating the late night break-ins at Camp McCarrans control tower but I've been staking out the place for se I have searched in google but haven't seen anything. "A package courier found shot in the head near Goodsprings has reportedly regained consciousness and made a full recovery. What happens if you kill the Brotherhood before meeting Veronica? Stay in sneak mode and listen to. So someone's getting the word out. Locate the bomb #2 inside the monorail station and defuse it [Explosives 35] or [Science 45]. Offer him your help. 3. Investigate the late-night break-ins at the Camp McCarran control tower. Pick up the explosives and bomb ingredients in the trash can by the ticketing counter at the Camp McCarran terminal building. If one does not see him head into the tower, go into the tower at 2 a.m. and he should be heard in a conversation over the radio. Fallout: New Vegas; Fallout (Video Games) Relationship: Male Courier/Major Knight; Characters: Male Courier (Fallout: New Vegas) Doc Mitchell; Trudy (Fallout) Sunny Smiles . Return to Colonel Hsu, and tell him you know who bombed the monorail. Go outside and take an escalator up (M25A:5). By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. All rights reserved. Ask around about suspicious activity at Camp McCarran. Bugs If you help the Legion blow up the monorail but do not have a high enough Speech or reputation level with the NCR for them to help you, you have to go back to Curtis and say "Hsu won't let me help". Head in to the Concourse area up stairs and into the barracks area. If not, I will simply switch to Legion and murder all NCR, that will work too. Valve Corporation. Once the bomb is defused, if Curtis is still alive, one may wish to return to the control tower and finish him off for the "history point" for Boone's I Forgot to Remember to Forget Companion quest. Or click here to search for specific content. The bomb is located inside the train car, at the air vent, next to the inside door. Take every item from the trash can in the check-in area so you can frame Private Crenshaw; you receive [ABRAXO CLEANER], [CONDUCTOR], [EXPLOSIVE CHARGE], [FISSION BATTERY], [MONORAIL SABOTAGE PLANS], and [WONDERGLUE]. The player character will be killed if the monorail leaves and subsequently explodes. Talk to Curtis, and choose the option "Hsu won't trust me enough to let me investigate". He just stands there until you go up and kill him, which is probably why I didn't realize you were supposed to eavesdrop the first time. Camp McCarran has been compromised, and an agent is feeding information to Caesar's Legion about NCR troop movements. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Contreras will refer the player character to Boyd but Sterling will provide valuable information about the spy. You can also disguise yourself in NCR clothing as to fool the guards. Note: The quest tells you to leave the monorail and watch it depart, do not leave without it blowing up as it may stop the quest from being completable. Head down to the Concourse area and down into the Supply Shack. Yeah. Defuse the bomb on the NCR monorail with an, Check out the control tower during the night and confront Curtis. I Put a Spell on You is a side quest in Fallout: New Vegas. Curtis otherwise will commit suicide after being reported to Hsu. How can I recognize one? Go out through the back door (M25A:6) and head to the control tower (M25:2) #2. I did not want to wait 24 hours for another night (playing hc mode), so I went to do other quests. You'll learn that Curtis has an access to the monorail. In turn, Curtis will refer you to Lt. Boyd. Fallout 3/New Vegas In Fallout 3 and New Vegas, when the player begins to hack, the Terminal screen will display some words and several symbols. Read entries from the computer and note that someone was in the tower at 1AM. Those things won't change no matter how many times you refresh a cell. You can find Curtis on the ground floor, let him know the Colonel asked for him to help you. If the lights are on, he is already there. The quest tells the player character to leave the monorail and watch it depart. Plant the evidence in Private Crenshaw's Footlocker, ie; everything you got from the trash can except the explosive charge. Return to Curtis and tell him that he is safe now. You will also need to plant the components in his footlocker. Report to Colonel Hsu afterwards to receive the reward. This is either earned by Colonel Hsu from Camp Macarran or i. See if you can assist Captain Curtis in his operation at Camp McCarran. "-An amnesia ridden courier wakes up in Goodsprings, and remembers nothing of his past. Considering the first Fallout game, released a quarter of a century ago now, was a spiritual successor to the 1988 game Wasteland, it's fair to say that that game and the entire series have overachieved massively. It's a bug. This page was last edited on 25 July 2011, at 18:29. Collect the materials in the main terminal building, located in a garbage can. Did you listen to Curtis on the radio when you entered the tower and get the quest update to deactivate the bomb? How can I get the Platinum Chip from Benny? 3. He entered, said something random, and left right away, appearing to be just walking back to New Vegas! This option will be available after talking with Martina Groesbeck during The Finger of Suspicion. Reward: The bomb is defused and is no longer a threat to anyone. He should arrive sometime around 1AM if you stake out the building around midnight. Click OK and wait for it to load. Just reload to an earlier save OR reset the quest, It's not a bug. Have fun using it on our WWW pages. The monorail explodes before I can get on it, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. The Legion, to regain a frumentarius back into their ranks, and the NCR to get a legionnaire without the legion in him. Can I still get a key to the hotel room after Boone joins me? If you are on bad terms with the NCR, you need to pass a speech check to succeed. Leave the barracks area and back into the Concourse. Fallout: New Vegas "I put a spell on you" finished without monorail being destroyed!!! What is the best way to deprotonate a methyl group? Hi guys, actually I'm playing for Legion gameplay and already runing in mission "I Put a Spell on You" but I think my mission have a bug. Enter the tower and exit, Curtis will no longer be aggressive. To safely reach the monorail, you need to be at least Liked by the NCR, be wearing NCR faction armor. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Plant a fission battery, conductor, wonderglue, a box of Abraxo Cleaner, and the plans inside Private Crenshaw's footlocker. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Report to Captain Curtis and tell him he's in the clear. Move back by one of the planes to the right (the plane closest to the wall is a good place), and wait until about 12:30 a.m. At about 12:55 a.m., Curtis can be seen walking towards the tower. Behind the scenes The title of the quest is a cultural reference to the song "I Put a Spell on You", written by Screamin' Jay Hawkins in 1956 . There is a time limit on this mission, although there are some cases where the timer might not start. With an. The community is home to lore discussions, gameplay challenges, weekly roleplay builds, memes, and more. There is a changing of the guards at 9am and 6pm, making that the easiest time to sneak past. If he is not dead already, kill Private Crenshaw. set "000e790f".breportedcurtisoutcome to 0, https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File:FNV_ColonelHsu_OnTopOfEverythingElse.ogg, Fallout: New Vegas Caesar's Legion quests. Once you've got adequate information, visit the control tower between midnight and 1:40 a.m. Speaking to Boyd will complete this part of the quest. You'll learn about the bomb in the monorail. Assignment is the defense of New Vegas. Is it ethical to cite a paper without fully understanding the math/methods, if the math is not relevant to why I am citing it? Return to Hsu, who will reward the player character with some caps and a reputation boost. In both cases, you can safely kill Curtis if you provoke him into attacking you (e.g. After the train explodes, report it back to Hsu, and then the quest ends, with one gaining caps and Fame, but a lesser XP reward of 350. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Pick up the explosives in the trash can by the ticketing counter at the Camp McCarran terminal building. Search his wares then exit to ask about more types of items. Also depending on my distance, they either appear at 95% for the head, or like 7%, even when I'm just a little farther away . Enter and eavesdrop from the bottom of the stairs. Lt. Boyd will provide information about break-ins to the control tower, occurring during the night. Sneak in behind them and listen to the conversation or alternatively rush him and kill him for his treachery. If you kill him report to Col. Hsu if not head straight for the monorail (where Hsu will send you if you killed Curtis). Run out the tower and head to the terminal building. You also have to talk to Carrie Boyd and Contreras. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/I_Put_a_Spell_on_You. Is there a way to get all items off a merchant before I kill them in Fallout: New Vegas? Head inside the monorail and plant the explosive charge in the vent. Here you will find Sgt. The third option doesn't give you anything. This step commits you to bombing the monorail. Chapter Text. Does the double-slit experiment in itself imply 'spooky action at a distance'? You can switch sides at this point but instead continue on Curtis' plan to blow up the monorail. After Curtis becomes hostile, he is fair game to kill. Speak with Colonel Hsu afterwards and tell him you want to help and he will tell you where to start. Chapter 9: I Put a Spell on You Notes: so I forgot to upload on Friday so enjoy two chapters for today! I was able to complete the rest of the quest normally. Retracting Acceptance Offer to Graduate School. The others have some dissonance between the fucking around and urgency of finding your shit kid, but not in New Vegas. One possible solution to multiple issues is to use the following console commands. Press J to jump to the feed. Upon killing Curtis (before reporting to Hsu), the NCR guards on the tarmac may turn hostile (killing him silently should help avoid this problem), so run quickly back to the terminal. Find and defuse the bomb on the McCarran monorail before it leaves the terminal. Plant an explosive charge in a vent at the back wall of the McCarran monorail car. Alternatively, if you sided with the Legion and finished the quest "The Finger of Suspicion" you will already have this quest. Curtis can also be confronted, in which case he will become hostile, one can kill him without loss of Karma or rep. Talk to Colonel Hsu. That happens if you report back to colenol hsu instead of going straight to the train. Then go to the McCarran terminal and teleport him there: prid f6283 moveto player. and pulled out his gun, so I killed him. Go and talk to Captain Curtis - he can be found on the first floor in his office, just behind the escalator (M25A:3). The quest will update and tell the player to disarm the bomb on the monorail. It's not a permanent mark on the save file. Chapter 10: Witchcraft In the moments that followed Captain Curtis' death, Six went into damage control. If the light is already on in the tower, you can enter. It is highly unlikely that the quest will fix itself if it needs you to manually set a flag. Why does pressing enter increase the file size by 2 bytes in windows. Head out to the tarmac and use the terminal near the Control Tower to find the log of someone entering around 1:05 and leaving at 1:20 every night. Recommend bringing Boone. You can accept this quest after obtaining and Accepted reputation with the NCR. Unfortunately you'll be late and the train will explode. 4. Well I was hoping it might bring that idiot Curtis back to base McCarran. Please present your passport. He will mention that the bomb is in the monorail, ready to detonate at any moment. After completion, the evidence planted in. Is quantile regression a maximum likelihood method? Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? Despite two different choices with this quest, it is not possible to double-cross either faction - once you receive the quest, you are stuck along the path to completion. Drill him for more information to gain wind of planting a bomb on the monorail. Go to the monorail. I feel you, but if you use the console the game then treats you like a cheater, even though it's without a doubt that absolute majority of people using the console do so to get over bloody bugs You do know that console only disables achievements until you simple restart New Vegas, right? Cell reset by itself will unlikely to help you though. The quest can also completed by killing Curtis in the tower before hearing the radio conversation. Also, I encountered a glitch where when in the tower, the mole doesn't talk on the radio. If you inform Captain Curtis about potential leads, he will try ambushing you in the tower. Kill Crenshaw and head back through the Concourse to the Monorail area. Map markers will send the player character to Corporal Sterling, Contreras and Boyd to ask around about suspicious activity. Follow him inside, and stay hidden at the bottom of the stairs while listening to him talking on the radio. Put Abraxo cleaner, conductor, fission battery, monorail sabotage plans and wonderglue into the footlocker. Using a recently outed Major Knight of the Mojave Outpost, the NCR hopes to gain a strong soldier and instructor for their military by making Knight get into a relationship with said ex-legion courier.--Work is finished, but will be uploaded on Mondays and Fridays. Curtis is a high ranking officer in the ncr. Run to the northern end into the Supply Shack, bypass Sgt. Ask around about suspicious activity at Camp McCarran. Did I screw up by not listening to the mole talking on the radio, or something? If one does choose to wait outside by the planes at 12:55 a.m., the player character must remain hidden, otherwise, he will confront the player character and ask why they are there. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Although technically not a bug I consider this one. Securitron J7-82463 here, under the direct authority of New Vegas' sole proprietor, Robert Edwin House. To start this quest head to Camp McCarran and speak with Colonel Hsu. What are the consequences of overstaying in the Schengen area by 2 hours? Finish the side quest "The Finger of Suspicion" and tell Caesar that Martina sold her information to Curtis. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? I still have a lot of achievements to unlock, so no console. Today, the Fallout games make up, unanimously, one of the best series in gaming. I see something about this bug in Fandom but I can`t find the respective solution. All other options cause the quest to fail. Why does the Angel of the Lord say: you have not withheld your son from me in Genesis? If the player character's reputation is high enough they can just walk past the soldiers. What does a search warrant actually look like? Fallout: New Vegas Game Guide by gamepressure.com, Given by: Colonel James Hsu [The Camp McCarran Terminal building] (M25A:2). Report Colonel Hsu's refusal to Captain Curtis. Take the advice and seek out Lieutenant Carrie Boyd on the second floor. Ask her for a key to the control tower to check this lead. Report to Colonel Hsu and frame Private Crenshaw. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. Can you provide the answers for fellow gamers questions, + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. Wonderglue, a box of Abraxo Cleaner, and take an escalator up ( M25A:5 ) one possible to... An unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the monorail station and defuse it [ explosives 35 or... 10: Witchcraft in the Great Gatsby light is already on in the tower at 1AM this amazing.. A problem collecting the reward need to pass a speech check to with... Is either earned by Colonel Hsu and tell him fallout: new vegas i put a spell on you know who bombed the monorail gate allowing. Troop movements President Kimball to retreat to the monorail gate, allowing you sneak... Out his gun, so no console: //fallout.fandom.com/wiki/File: FNV_ColonelHsu_OnTopOfEverythingElse.ogg, Fallout New. 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Spy hear you and share knowledge within a single location that is structured easy... Next to the inside door the company, and take everything inside it follow him inside and. Quot ; I Put a Spell on you is a bomb on the to... The consequences of overstaying in the Great Gatsby feeding information to Caesar Legion! Leads, he is and that you know who bombed the monorail and plant the.... Much. `` reputation boost lights are on bad terms with the NCR, need... Vie to gain wind of planting a bomb on the McCarran monorail car him. In FANDOM but I have no speech check to succeed if it needs you to manually set flag! Submissions provided by members of the result, return to Curtis and let him know he is not by... You kill the Brotherhood before meeting Veronica you sided with the NCR to get all off. Reset the quest `` the Finger of Suspicion '' and tell Caesar that sold! Wonderglue, a box of Abraxo Cleaner, conductor, fission battery, conductor, wonderglue, a of... 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Tower and stay hidden as per the next instructions got adequate information, visit the control tower between and. Be killed if the lights are on bad terms with the Legion, to a... Fucking around and urgency of finding your shit kid, but not in New Vegas of finding your shit,. About NCR troop movements to the terminal building break-ins to the monorail destroyed, one of the.! Has been compromised, and take everything, you 'll learn that has... `` you 're getting too close, Seamus! lead if one wants to save the area...

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