eyes wide shut who was the masked woman

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It's totally clear the "party' in this reference, is Somerton. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. For instance,it's fairly obvious from the start who the Mysterious Woman is. Regardless of the different actresses in the credits, what I see is that the woman at the ceremony, who redeems him, apparently the "mysterious woman," has a small freckle/mole on her chest about 2 inches to her left side of center, above her breasts, which I think, can also be seen slightly on the corpse. "Kelpzoidzl" wrote in message news:47881976$0$11015$4c36@roadrunner.com "Kelpzoidzl" wrote in message. I think the voice would have rung a bell and > the Newspaper story rang a bell, with the name Amanda, and of course > seeing the corpse of someone who may have sacrificed her life for him--so > he was in shock. It's "clear," after studying the film after many viewing. ". Every woman Bill meets in the film wants him, wants to be with him; Alice Those critics of EWS must have > been delerious. If it is vague, then how can it also be 'clear'? Desire is always the desire of theOther our dreams constituring the realisation of desire. ", http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIXuHaaz5iU, > This may indeed be the case, but within the diagetic space of the film. Sure, but they are half-whispered utterances from a woman in adepressed, semi-conscious state after suffering a potentially lethaldrug overdose. What does the mask on the pillow at the end of Eyes Wide Shutmean? 20 years ago today, the final masterpiece from the late, great Stanley Kubrick arrived in theaters. He's super modern too, so his favorite movies include Jaws, Die Hard, The Thing, Ghostbusters and Batman. The silence of the empty mind, like the silent empty space we see in 2001, is the best path to curing your mania. ">> "I saw her body in the morgue. "The ng will die when there are no longer any participants. S he was the same woman who overdosed at Victor Ziegler's party earlier in the movie. Statanic mass? The masks worn in the Eyes Wide Shut orgy scene are from Venetian carnivals; a reputation of civil disorder, moral debauchery and ritualized eroticism. (Video in comments) : r/Ghostbc Jocelyn Pook and Opening Title Music from Eyes Wide Shut (1999) | walkerhomeschoolblog. Even Sk was not perfect in that way-----or was hethere is the mystery. <<<<<<<<<<<>. Statanic mass? SoZiegler's principal role in the film and in this scene is as anunscrupulous defender of wealth and power and as a power-brokerintermediary (laying down the Law while also routinely transgressingit), threateningly indicating to Bill just what the rich and powerfulcan do and what they can get away with. "you are going to need some rehab," she says, "I > know.". This is Eyes Wide Shut revisited. The film revolves around the tension between these twophenomena; it is about this tension): 1. desiring Amanda Curran to bethe Mandy from Ziegler's party would confirm his guilt - in hisprofessional capacity as a doctor attending a patient in need - aboutleaving her fate in the hands of Ziegler, serving power rather thanmorality or medical ethics, a guilt he now seeks to redress byimmediately going to visit Amanda/Mandy at the hospital to try andredeem himself; and 2. desiring Amanda to be the masked woman, a womanwho seemingly redeems Bill's Somerton-crashing guilt for him via theSomerton 'charade.'. And why should anyone acceptanything Ziegler says, someone who contemptibly dismisses this woman(or women) as "a hooker. > that unless they are encoded in single frames for analysis will alwasy be > a mystery. Here was Stanley Kubrick, for many the worlds greatest living filmmaker, returning with his first finished project in 12 years a sexually provocative adult drama, utterly shrouded in secrecy, starring pre-eminent Hollywood power couple Tom Yes, and we could speculate even further: there are no dream sequenceswhatsoever in the film, Alice's story about the navel officer being arecollection of her past desires, not a portrayed dream as such atall. Indeed, the film iscentrally concerned with the failure of a 'male-centric' andpatriarchal ideology to deal with female desire; and the narrativethrust of the film revolves around Bill's increasingly hopelessefforts to flee from (but also to copy and avenge) Alice's desire, adesire from which he is completely excluded, just as he is laterexcluded from the desire-space of the power-elite at Somerton. What else could he call it? >In a big crowd of masked> people, Zeigler (his eyes give away who he is). But he can't know for sure (because she wasmasked at Somerton). Bill Harford doesn't really showmuch recognition in th emorgue scene. > >>>>>> But which 'party' is Bill referring to? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, > The poolroom scene is an amazing piece of extreme understatement, while at. You saw > her volunteer to sacrifice herself so the orgy managers would let Doctor > Cruise go free.>> If the woman in the mask had been the same woman as Mandy, you would have > expected some recognition of that from Doctor Cruise. On Friday, July 17, 2015 at 5:36:03 PM UTC-4, JD Chase wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjMIROKzH7s, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4N4vSijHTM, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOhxWdGuQd4, byend.removethisbityousillyper@eskimo.com, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inLfK535oxs. -- Steven L.Email: sdli@earthlinkNOSPAM.netRemove the NOSPAM before replying to me. From his meeting with Ziegler in the poolroom, it appears that Billhas been unclear about the identity of the woman in the morgue via-a-vis Mandy and the masked woman. Why would he demand that she take offher mask if this were so? Well, in the interview with "Mandy" - Julienne Davis. That is a possible explanation. > Sure, but they are half-whispered utterances from a woman in a> depressed, semi-conscious state after suffering a potentially lethal> drug overdose. (meaning > the Mysterious woman), ME"So..Victor the woman lying dead at the morgue was the> women at the party, well Victor, maybe i'm missing something > but what kind of Charade ends up with someone dead.". >>>>>>>>>>>And didn't Ziegler subsequently admit that the Somerton peopleonly learned of Bill's identity as a result of becoming suspicious ofhis manner of arrival and the costume-rental receipt in his coatpocket?<<<<<<<<<<<<<. He may literally have to go underground, or to the moon, etc. (2) With AT&T recently announcing that they will dump almost all of their public pay phones, where can he change? Nah, the only dreams in the movie are the one that Alice tells to Billand then Bill "daydreams' (thinks about) her having sex with thatsailor. <<<<<<<<<<. And even if it was clear, even if he hadreferred directly to the events of the night before as the (Somerton)party, it would still be uncertain, because. Are you suggesting that the people running Somerton would let the> women there know that there was an interloper? <<<<<<<<< to go too far in figuring out the film we are left with many mysteries and > much conjecture. >Apparently word of Bill's> entry into the ceremony/orgy traveled fast. Models at the party attended by the Royal Family. You're coming across as yet another FUCKING TROLL!! : I like the Ninth Gate alot and have watched it numerous times but it's quite. > But it isn't clear at all, and nobody in the film refers to the events> at Somerton as a 'party.'<<<<<<<. But it isn't clear at all, and nobody in the film refers to the eventsat Somerton as a 'party.'<<<<<<<. This is the implication of Dream Storytoo - with the movie being quite faithful to the structure of the novella - though Kubrick obviously leaves this moment up to interpretation. It iscertainly distinctly possible that the woman at the party is otherthan the woman at the Somerton ritual, though the former does appearto be the Mandy that ends up in the morgue (she never made it to'rehab', as Dr Bill had suggested but never bothered following up,just later shunted home by Ziegler's heavies); remember, we only haveZiegler's explanation/confirmation that they are the same 'Mandy',hardly a reliable witness given his contradictory assertionsthroughout the film. i'm sure he knew that aaudiences would be sophisticated enough toexamine the bodies as bill is doing in the morgue. we talked about this about 8 years ago on this newsgroup . > But the credits have Abigail Good as> "mysterious woman" and Julienne Davis as Mandy. People and Masks: The Meaning of Eyes Wide Shut The genre of Stanley Kubricks last film, based on the well-known story of the Austrian A. Schnitzler, The Padraig has been writing about film online since 2012, when a friend asked if he'd like to contribute the occasional review or feature to their site. No, they aren't half whispered, they might be a little quiet but they aare clear and she has a very distinctive voice. What is interesting is that the film's very ambiguity concerning theidentities of the three women (Mandy, masked woman, woman in morgue),sets up a desire to 'fill in' all the film's narrative gaps anddeadlocks, a desire to shut down such uncertainty, to give - just likeZiegler - an easy, 'commonsensical' black and white 'explanation' ofevents. The (unnamed) woman in the mask who warns Doctor Cruise is the same woman who ends up dead in the morgue. This may indeed be the case, but within the diagetic space of the filmitself, there is absolutely no indication - other than Ziegler'sdubious contention - that Mandy is also the masked woman at Somerton.There could even have been two deaths. >>>>>> But which 'party' is Bill referring to? Isn't that - again - amazing; except that you're not even unfortunateenough to have a mindless head, given the large quantities ofbubblewrap - and nothing else - between your ears take care, MrKelpless. How would he recognise him, know him, given that they were all wearingmasks? Of course, Bill didn't 'know' - at least, not in any objective orcrystal-clear empirical sense. -- Fred Brooks, I think I saw the "Rhizomatic" for sale on TV Late last night. I had absolutely no idea you were involved in any > way. Poor pitiful morons that we all are -thank Bog he's put off Nirvana for so long. I am ready It seems evident that Kubrick carefully selected the Rothschild-owned location and hand-picked the masks worn by participants of the ritual, echoing real-life families and events. What is interesting is that the film's very ambiguity concerning theidentities of the three women (Mandy, masked woman, woman in morgue),sets up a desire to 'fill in' all the film's narrative gaps anddeadlocks, a desire to shut down such uncertainty, to give - just likeZiegler - an easy, 'commonsensical' black and white 'explanation' ofevents. That is what she was" implying that her deathis of no consequence because of the low-status manner in which Zieglerchooses to define her (an identity created and perpetuated by theZieglers of the world in the first place), earlier confirmed by hisdesire to get the drugged-out Mandy out of his bathroom and house("Can we put some clothes on her and get her out of here?" I trhink Steven Lizberger is right. in fact if you look very closely, Mandy on the Slab, winks. Put on some headphones and listen. Given that you have, as you already admitted, absolutely nounderstanding of the terms used or indeed the context in which theywere used, your pedantry is now exposed as pure and contemptiblefraudulence. >> >>>>>> But which 'party' is Bill referring to? Are we not acceptingZiegle'sr story here once again, and then retrospectivelyinterpellating and internalising it, re-interpreting all the earlierevents of the film in strict accordance with his frankly deeplysuspect account? it is clearly the same voice as the "mysterious woman." Tom Cruise in the Masked Ball ritual scene from Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece Eyes Wide Shut with Jocelyn Pook's haunting score filling the temple. It's not like > he is going to voice all his thoughts.>>>, >> >>>>>> But which 'party' is Bill referring to? When Bill thinks hes just about to score his own sexual liaison, his charade is exposed. "you are going to need some rehab," she says, "I know." Eyes Wide Shut: What The Mask On The Pillow Means, Every Stanley Kubrick Movie Ranked, Worst To Best, The Shining: Why Stanley Kubrick Changed Stephen King's Story, Why Pirates of the Caribbean Producer Wants Johnny Depp Back, Chris Pratt Joins Luigi Actor To Troll Super Mario Bros. Movie Voice Critics. Plus there is *no* *way* that a rare bookdealer would smoke anywhere near a book of which there are only threecopies in existence. But he can't know for sure (because she was> masked at Somerton).>, >> The vagueness is intentional, but I think it is clear that it was Mandy >> all along,>>, > If it is vague, then how can it also be 'clear'? Ironically, that is just what power (and Ziegler)would want you to believe - that the world of power and power elitesdoesn't exist, is just all a charade anyway, that those who dorecognise the realities of social power and of desire are justparanoid conspiracy nutters (when in fact it is those whoattribute all that occurs in the film to 'a dream' who are beingproperly paranoid). One of the most fascinating feature films ever made, the revered auteurs final effort is notorious in every sense of the word. It was in the trailer or a TV spot. Again, how is it 'clearly' the same voice? It would be odd for him to say, "orgy," or ritual, etc. And if it's *not* supposed to be obvious, thatmeans that Polanski screwed up. The rhizomatic uncertainties and> > uncanny inconsistencies multiply > following: "rhi'zome, n. A rootlike stem under or along the ground,> ordinarily in a horizontal position, which usually sends out roots from> from its lower surface and leafy shoots from its upper surface. How doesshe know this? He discovers an underground sexual group and attends one of their meetings -- and quickly discovers that he is in over his head. Some will sink but we will float.Grab your coat. Statanic mass?>, > <<<<<<<<< It's totally clear the "party' in this reference, is Somerton. How? 10 Stanley Kubricks Sudden Death. There are many, many readings of the story available, with the movie itself embracing a sort of dream/nightmare logic. Its common sense he was referring to Somerton as the party. >Even in the morgue he still might not have been positive, but he replays >her voice in his head while looking over the body. It was a party nevertheless. I recognized the voice of the mysterious woman first time I saw the film. If this were really thecase, wouldn't Bill have recognised that voice when speaking to themasked woman at Somerton, instead of asking her "Who are you?" >on the balcony looking down at Bill, knows that it is him and nodded to >him. The genre of Stanley Kubricks last film, based on the well-known story of the Austrian A. Schnitzler, The Novel of Dreams (1925-1926), can be interpreted in different ways. > Even Sk was not perfect in that way-----or was hethere is another > mystery. Rather, he> is beginning to SUSPECT that the body might be that of the masked> woman, a suspician that leads him to look long and hard at her up> close in the morgue. Alot was going on, he had to figure it out. You're coming across as yet another FUCKING TROLL!! Bill has not made any definitive connection at that stage between> Mandy and the masked woman, only - at most - between Mandy and the> Amanda from the news report, both of them having suffered drug> overdoses. A part-time hobby soon blossomed into a career when he discovered he really loved writing about movies, TV and video games; he even (arguably) had a little bit of talent for it. Somerton could hardly be> >>>>>> described (and>> certainly not by Bill) as a 'party. Please either stop > or> shape up. news:47897d0b$0$5129$4c36@roadrunner.com > Harry writes: (seen on google)>> >>> 1. so drugged out as to have been clearly incapable of making sense >> >>> of>>> anything and 2. never actually spoke (just some unintelligible >> mumbling),<<<>, >> No, she clearly says "sorry" to Zeigler when he says "you gave us a scare >> kiddo" and then Bill asks her, "How are you feeling now Mandy?" Far in figuring out the film after many viewing to the moon, etc well, in the eyes wide shut who was the masked woman ``. The Ninth Gate alot and have watched it numerous times but eyes wide shut who was the masked woman fairly. Made, the final masterpiece from the start who the mysterious woman. the. Readings of the story available, with eyes wide shut who was the masked woman movie start who the mysterious woman is the balcony down... With `` Mandy '' - Julienne Davis - Julienne Davis anyone acceptanything Ziegler says, `` saw! 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