did cain have a twin sister

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3:19-20, 12:7). Instead it was a foreign woman and nothing more mentioned. SCIENCE IS BELIEVING WHAT EVIDENCE IS AVAILABLE RATHER THAN THE PERCEIVED ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE. The only wife I identified of Cain is written in the banded books Eden, called The First & Second book, or The Testament of Adam & Eve. Stop wasting your time and the time of others. I find it amazing that people get so caught up in religious teachings that they dont even want to hear what someone else has to say or accept solid scientific facts. The pamphlets will examine the biblical evidence for this. Im only using Jewish sources. National Center for Biotechnology Information, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. If we are incapable of understanding cultural and historical context, then its better to remain silent. This is a very disapointing take on the biblical account. Did agriculture begin in Paradise (Gen. 2:15) or after the expulsion? Thats why its important to read the Bible over and over, as you and your spirit mature, you will understand more. It is steeped in occultic practices that the Israelites were warned against practicing, and is full of superstitious teachings. But the fact that Cains ultimate fate is not described means only that it was irrelevant to the basic story and thus omitted. That is NOT in 1 Enoch, which is the third most frequent manuscript discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. They had a rocky relationship that culminated in a heated quarrel, which ended with Cain The Torah 's description of their life is brief and cryptic murdering his younger brother. The biblical example above demonstrates the potential for long-term consequences. The children grew up . Abel was commanded also, to marry Cains twin sister. Earlier (comment 17) I referred to attempts to infer the original population size and how they overestimate the original size. Its fascinating how opposing views collide, producing sparks like atoms smashing together in a particle accelerator, putting an end to darkness (Job 28:3). Utterly ridiculous There were no Jews until Judah was born. Asa and banah refer to the action of building an object, by definition, out of existing material. The pinnacle of earthly bliss was reached when Adam and Eve witnessed the birth of their first children, a set of twins. Both refer to single pairs, not groups of male and female animals. So, Adam would have come from the animals as well. Adam, Cain, Abraham, Moses- all nicknames. Except for dear Noah and family. Who cares? Lastly, we find zakar and neqebah and ish and ishsha are used interchangeably for the individual mating pairs which entered the ark. Genesis 5:4 tells us that Adam and Eve begat sons and daughters. Josephus, the Jewish historian, states that The number of Adams children, as says the old tradition, was thirty-three sons and twenty-three daughters. The point, of course, is that Adam and Eve did have many children. As for Deano he has another version. Cain would have married a close relative. The important part is that BAS seems to be quite liberal in what they print. Thats the actual meaning of ruling over the animals. At that early date, there were no frontiers at all. This land seems to have been where the Persian Gulf is now. Could have already been here and that is where Cains wife came from. All of them are not recorded. So Adam must have given birth to so many children and had many other grandchildren before Cain even got married. They to allowed themselves to mingle with these species ( refer as gentile). prior to writing or Peking about it. The Bible doesnt say he was, it just mentions him first. How could Cain have married an aunt when there were no women of Eves generation: neither Adam or Eve had a sister. It requires no mystery nor does it require incest. However, if Adam is the faculty of intellectual wisdom and Eve is the emotional nature of love, something missing in any/all other beings on the planet at the time, we might come to understand the tendencies of man and woman, plus understand what makes us as we are today, complete people, as in a balance of the two. Cain could have married his sister or even his niece. If the Bible is not meant to be taken literally then I assume you also dont believe in a literal God Not sure why you bother becoming a Pastor if you start of with not believing the foundation of the Bible. I live to climb that mountain was? Anyway its much more complicated than this, but these are the basics as to what my studies have found, while studying under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Aside from those details, I see no harm in wondering whom Cain married. 3. Hence, The Amplified Old Testament describes Cains wife simply as one of Adams offspring., Nineteenth-century Bible commentator Adam Clarke speculated that Gods establishing a sign as a result of Cains fear came about because several generations of Adams descendants already existedenough to found several villages.. Should the explanation in Genesis on how God created plants before the sun affect the understanding of creation? Required fields are marked *. The apocryphal story of Tobit written over two hundred years prior to Paul tells of a pious Jew named Tobit who had the dung of a bird land in his eye and blind him. It was also typically held in the aboriginal cultures of the Americas, and a flat Earth domed by the firmament in the shape of an inverted bowl is common in pre-scientific societies. So sin and death, cos death is a reaction to action, a consequence of sin must be older than Adam, because the serpent must have fallen first. fascinates and captivates Share Genesis 1 says Yahweh created mankind, male and female. Sexual depravity was so openly displayed that it is reasonable to imagine Lots daughters witnessed incest. As marriage in the Bible specifies one man for one woman for life, this means Christians have to be able to explain how Adam and Eves sons could marry and have children to propagate the human race. Lilith, Well Ethane, unfortunately Adam and Eve did sin, by being disobedient, the result being stated in Genesis 3:19 which is read or quoted at most Christian funerals when they say: for out of the dust you are and back to the dust you return,: or words to that effect..and as the apostle Paul said at Romans 5:12, though just one man (Adam), sin and death spread to all mankindwe have all inherited that imperfection There is no clear biblical evidence to support the view that Cain and Abel may have been twins. The Sumerian King List calls it Unug and places it next to Uruk (Erech). TDH writes, The Bible was not meant to be taken literally. Sez who? First of all, it is vitally important for the Christian to be able to answer this question, as it relates to defending the fact that all humans are descendants of Adam and Eve; and, secondly, that it is only their descendants that can be saved. The story was about Cain and Abel, and it is only said they were children of Adam and Eve. This . a flood of tears over his face, and gathered together his children and his Will Cain is an American conservative political analyst and sports commentator who started working as a news panelist in 2010 and was most notably featured in programs of Fox network and ESPN. So, yes, Adam and Eve are Biblically linked to the origin of humanity. And, there was no pain. iT can make one man happy, it can make another man sing, but it is the closed tablet-basket of the gods. A waking dream, like the kind mentioned in The Matrix. he might go along with his wife while leaving his people. According to this reasoning, Cain would have married his sisterone of Abel's twin sisters no less, according to the Genesis Rabbah. If Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel, where did Cains wife come from? Although this is often asked as a trick question by Bible skeptics, the Bible does provide sufficient detail to give a satisfactory answer. His family quickly figured it out (Genesis 4:25), so he was likely afraid of what other siblings may try to do. I usually run into those who try to claim that the Bible teaches and the ancient Jews believed in a flat earth. The logical conclusion is that Cain married one of his sisters and until a prophet of God comes along and tells us otherwise that is what we should accept. Therefore, there is no reason to assume they the words refer to different humans in chapters one and two. to the fountain of Lamneth. days drew near. In Gen. 1.26-27, dm is mentioned in singular AND plural. This is exactly what your local weatherman does every day. SO THERE WAS NOTHING LIKE PREADAMIC. The Gulf has receded since then leaving Ur well inland. DO NOT FOLLOW Free your mind. This sounds like the genetic code inherent in each creature from birth, enabling its survival through instinct. Adam was formed out of the literal dust from the ground and when he died he would return to that dust/ground, not to a womb. See above for these points. Vote Up Share Lilith, In the case of consensual incest, there is a possibility that one or both parties are acting out the negative effects of previous sexual abuse suffered personally or witnessed as a child. No, Cain was Adam's oldest son and Abel's brother (Genesis None of your many bible verses equals arets and adamah. @Steve In no short amount of timejust 16 verses after announcing the birth of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4Cain has murdered his younger brother and is consequently exiled from the land. How can a story teach faith if it did not actually happen? Ellery Kathleen McWhorter. What Is the Significance of Not the Letter but of the Spirit? For one reason, the author of the Genesis sought to trace the history of the ancestors of Israel; it is just that the Genesis stories were highlight on the lives of Adam and Eve as to the reference of the order and ancestors of Israel. The remainder of this story is, in fact, in keeping with what God told Adam and Eve, be fruitful and multiply (Gen 1:28), and the fact that God IS the same TODAY, YESTERDAY, AND TOMORROW. Yes, you are right that Genesis 2:7 does not technically say formed FROM the dust, but that is the overall implied meaning. She was reunited with her twin sister where they were separated at birth. Biblical Archaeology Review is the guide on that fascinating journey. Looking at the examples of Cain and Abel, and also Jacob and Esau, does this mean that there are children who are cursed even before theyre born? These oral traditions were blended with well know stories and written material borrowed from the regions dominant Mesopotamian culture. If so, you might want to check out Genesis 1:2 which uses a waw disjunctive. Who did Cain marry? Organized religion can change the orbit of the earth,sun and other planets. Nicholas J. from the USA disputes our solution for Mrs Cain because of the Mosaic Law against brother-sister intermarriage, and proposes an alternative. This very example sufficiently shows, how much the proponents of the traditional exegesis have to bend the biblical texts to continue harping on their string. Does it Matter That I Didn't Keep My Goals for Lent? Once again the Focus is on the naming of the entire mankind, in the first two verses. If we look at shapes of men and women we see a major difference in them. In theory, this would have dropped the worlds population from four down to three. Weight. No woman got the male name Adam. At the close of this jubilee Cain was killed after him in the same year; for his house fell upon him and he died in the midst of his house, and he was killed by its stones; for with a stone he had killed Abel, and by a stone was he killed in righteous judgment. some of the things written in the bible can be understood just like that. He reveals certain mysteries of life. Since Tishbys book is an anthology, he was careful to omit one detail of which I have been unable to find an English translation of: the intriguing reference to cannabis in the context of a fleeting comprehension of the knowledge of God (Zohar; The Book of Enlightenment, by Daniel Matt. I think Adam lived about 2000 BC among other humans in Southern Mesopotamia. After that [when God put a mark on Cain], Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, to the east of Eden. It rather depends on whether you believe that all adamic people descend literally from a single Adam-man and an Eve-woman, or whether those two are part of an allegorical story where they are metaphors for the created Adamic race as a whole. What would be some verses from the Bible to save a marriage? The answer of course is no. Consult professional and neutral Biblical historians and consider their views on the subject. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve had three sons: Cain, Abel, Seth and additional sons and daughters. People dont even understand this bible at all. Whom was Cain afraid of after he killed Abel? the reason Cain and Abel are written in there is because of the sin Cain committed, before the event of Cain killing his brother Abel, no man had ever taken a life. I think the author has overlooked the main context of the creation story and is simply trying to fit it into our understanding of a modern long geological age earth. People make great jumps from assumption to conclusion, perhaps we can start with the grammar in the question. The land of Eden had four major rivers converging into one which then flowed into the garden. Cain could have physically married another human being that had not received the breath of God. Whomever Cain marries becomes much less important. Consider the FACT that todays genetic diversity DID NOT begin with only Two individuals. People like myself love and are fascinated by TNaKh and that is why we want to truly understand it using the best of modern science, literary analysis, history and of course archaeology. Marriage between brother and sister was not made taboo until Moses. 1 response The provider. Their creation in Gods image in Gen. 1.27 refers to the typical human Features like intelligence. No future tense here, she was the Mother of all living at the time. Insults will get you nothing but return in kind. Daughters before Seth are phoney, just as the rest of the traditional exegesis. There are many more verses dealing with the divine breath. The name Nod was not necessarily used by Cain and his contemporaries, but may simply have been the name of the area as known to the original readers of ha Torah. To look logically (which many people will not or cannot do) and read sequentially, this task was impossible. The answer is in the Book of Jubilees the sixth most frequent manuscript discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. Indeed from medieval sources we find that Cain married his sister Calmana and Abel married another sister Delbora (as we are told by several sources very late: Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius, Golden Legend by Jacopo da Varazze, Historia Scholastica in Gen 4: 1 (PL 198, 1076) by Peter Comestor, Seder ha-Dorot) exactly as in the Egyptian myth the two brothers Osiris and Seth marry with his two sisters Isis and Nephthys. 4 4. Also, which Biblical texts clearly indicate that breath in nostrils is a reference to realizing something?. We are given no indication as to how old Cain was when he killed Abel or when he was married. The first came out red, all his body like a hairy cloak, so they called his name Esau. who he eventually married and Abel was part of a set of triplets I was just answering your challenge. Its an appellative name for the entire mankind, as already explained repeatedly. The male Y-chromosome traces back to a single ancestral sequence, which could be interpreted as Adam or Noah. Photo: From Charles Foster, The Story of the Bible (1897). The fact that Adam and Eve were driven out of the garden is recorded because that story shows us what happens when we desire to have the things God has forbidden. Did Cain have children? Therefore, instead of coexisting with Homo Neaderthalis for 30,000 years, we now know that was for 80,000 years. The bible says that Adam & Eve had other sons and daughters. In the creation Report, that is not the case. Speaking to all of us from the cross through the repentant thief Jesus promised, Today, you will be with me in Paradise. Abraham wasnt a jew, etcetcThe jews are one tribe I wish thee to marry, from read the second book of Adam and Eve chapter 1. Who would and why would someone look for Cain to do him harm? All descendants not of Adams line would not have been eligible for forgiveness, but they would have still been subject to the condemnation of creation. ). For example, Moses skips generations in his own genealogy. https://www.academia.edu/10440502/Cosmogonies_and_Theogonies. Tobit is said to have been witness to both the revolt of the ten tribe kingdoms of Israel and the deportation to Nineveh. You bundled your belongings before being exiled. We can only wonder how many female children they had. WHERE HE DWELT AFTER LEAVING GODS PRESENCE WAS NAMED AFTER HIM, THE LAND OF WANDERER. Cain and abel had twin sisters. There could have been several children before or even after Cain and after Able even. Note, marriage can go irrespective of age difference, a man can marry a girl young enough to be their daughter. As Darwinism spread throughout Europe, violence was legitimized under the struggle for existence theory. Poor Mervyn, Our God doesnt agree with incest. So, why would they not accept that Adam was originally created from dust? And the days of Adam after his fathering Seth came to be eight hundred years. But Cain does not listen. 2. Ok who was Cain referring to when he told God that anyone who sees him will kill him? raah, I do not find on Amazon. PS: There have already been named countries even in Adams times (Gen. 2.10-14). I believe that we are very arrogant to say other hominids or dinosaurs did not exist. Does the devil have power to make us sick? From the evidence above, one might conclude that Gods plan was flawed from the start. That Cain married his sister or a later female descendant of Adam through the marriage of any of Adams sons or daughters is viewed by some societies today as unthinkable. I think it is obvious, that there were humans (so-called preadamites) before Adam and Eve. That doesn't mean that this book is true. Geb and Nut in the Hebrew pantheon are Adam and Eve who begot four twin sons, two males Abel and Cain, and two females. If you dont want your precious closed minded, preconceived and superstitious notions and beliefs challenged only read publications put out by your own church. Cains wife is a curious subject but the the size of the animals on the ark are also. Case closed. For the non-believers, JESUS is the truth, if u do not believe that, u have work to do. Likewise, there are no time indicators in Genesis 4, but you can compare the names and characteristics from each genealogy. 3 When Seth heard these words from his father Adam, he went from him, shed Your interpretation leads to the absurd idea that each male gave birth to only males first. Adam wasnt created at all, yatsar bara. So, since all humans on the planet earth came from Adam and Eve, and Cain had a human wife, and all humans were already outside the garden of Eden, therefore the proper conclusion, one borne by the revelation of the God the Holy Spirit, is that Cains wife, whom he took from the people outside the garden, was also a descendant of Adam and Eve. 9 Those fathers were born during Adams lifetime, and dwelt by the Cave of i actually have this as an assessment based assignment so please any more useful findings are very appreciated. What matters is Love. Do not be controlled by words that confine your mind. Lots of animals on such a small ark, also it would be interesting to figure out where out where Eden was located. As others of Adams and Eves siblings would have, similarly, married, the population would undoubtedly have expanded in exponential terms. Genesis 5:4 acknowledges that during his 930 years of life, Adam became father to sons and daughters. Of course, the Bible does not specify that Cains wife was Eves daughter. The Bible records three cases of twins. God brought all creatures to Adam to name, but none of them were a suitable helper for him, so God created the first woman. There were also the creation of God,But,fallen condition.To be specific humanoid. The known twins of the Bible include the following: Jacob and Esau: These two brothers are certainly the best-known set of twins in Scripture. Why? We have the same formula for each. Adam& Eve Only Once. its a little tricks on that. Why do people who dont even believe that there was a literal person name Cain care about who he married? And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and born Enoch. Yes, Cain and Abel did have sisters. So the Adam and Eve story probably happened. I say this, because some try to claim it was God giving man a spirit. It was these near relatives of whom Cain was afraid. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/08/050821233037.htm 4. Report, October 23 2014 Evolution is the reason you try to reinterpret the scriptures. Adam and Eve never existed. And of course its possible, that both of them had had brothers and sisters (and (grand-)parents, aunts, uncles and cousins as well). He loves Jehovah and his brother. Hi, for starters, this verse is incorrect. came from beyond Eden. Thats two people. IF YOU SAYCAIN GOT HIS WIFE FROM NOD TOWN OR VILLAGEREMEMBER-GOD CREATED ADAM IN HIS LIKNESS & IMAGE THEN FROM SAME ADAM GOD MADE EVE. . The names Cain and Cainan indicate a possible system for surnaminv children or wives. It literally says they had other sons and daughters, it literally says Cain married and had children. When Cain went into the land of Nod and took a wife, he married a Gentile, of which there were many in the land outside of Eden. In this early state of marriage, as indicated above, the female bride was not born from her mothers womb but, rather, was formed at some providential time from the side of her husband. These verses are quite clear. Surely they knew that other groups of peoplepotential enemies or alliesexisted far away, but if they never came into contact with these groups, what did they matter? Mahalaleel one hundred. This seems to foreshadow the blood avenger, who was usually a family member. God has to put a mark on his forehead, so that anyone who finds him, will not kill him. Indeed, the fact that she is mentioned after Cains banishment indicates that enough time had passed that she could even have been one of Adam and Eves granddaughters. If they had no daughters, then humanity would have gone extinct. The best answer is he married a female relative. their sister who was born with them. Yes, I do believe Adam and Eve had more children. It is recorded in Genesis 3:20, And Adam called his wifes name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. Thus all human beings are descendants of the first woman, Eve. Then God said, and now we will make humans beings, they will be like us He blessed them and said, have many children, so that your descendants will live all over the earth. All Genesis 4:17 says is that after leaving the land of Eden, Cain and his wife had children. As far as population genetics ruling out just two original humans, there have been a number of studies on sheep, horses, etc. To answer this question isnt difficult at all. After all, a day is as a thousand years in G-ds sight.) There are two versions of Mans origin but they could well be just a different slant on the same event They do not contradict each other.. Read Genesis 1:26/7 and 2:7 again. Look at how long everyone lived. Facts before speculation. Mary Joan Winn Leith first explores the traditional Jewish and Christian answers that contend that the wife of Cain was another daughter of Adam and Eve. go unpunished. Lilith, You MUST either accept the existence of other Humans outside of Eden or abandon your faith and reason. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/09/090910142352.htm 4 But when our father Adam saw them around him, he wept at having to be In the Islamic tradition that comes from prophets sons , Shia , there is another view regarding Canes wife . Here are guidelines to help facilitate a meaningful learning experience for everyone. AP. out of 12 whom the jews have managed to deceive the entire Cain had a twin sister, who he eventually married and Abel was part of a set of triplets and he married one of those triplet sisters. Like I said earlier, male and female are each singular as well. The story is only concerned with these two and then with Seth later. There were a very few individuals in history that did. Continue Learning about Religious Studies. God isnt a jew, Adam wasnt a jew, Noah wasnt a jew, To me it seems Cains wife was actually Eve. Page | 11 So, he was to take care of plant life for he and the animals. However, it appears that Ms. Leiths article dovetails nicely with current evolutionary ideology. He is like the beasts that perish (Psalm 49:13) (p.780). What Does the Bible Say About Infertility? Cains blood line ever completely ended. According to Genesis 5:3-5 Adam fathered sons and daughters before he died at age 930 years. The Adam and Eve Story: Eve Came From Where? If you read Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26 It says Let us make man in our image, after our likeness & have Dominion over..Etc. If we follow your interpretaion through, then Noah should have had daughters (Gen. 5:30). We all are all direct decedents of Adam and Eve which would mean there is absolutely 0% genetic variation between us and them because every person came from the same mother and father, so if they had no ill effects from incest why would we with the same blood? Next up, the animal souls (Gen. 1.21) and last but not least the human intelligence (NOT the human by itself (Gen. 1.26; asah means the preparation from preexisting material) and other human characteristics (image if God; Gen. 1.27). For example in the northern US it is considered immoral to marry a first cousin but it is not in British society and in some places in the southern US (there are many jokes about this). The girls got their father drunk and had sex with him (Genesis 19:33-35). In Genesis 1:26 we have man without the article which virtually everyone agrees, here, refers to mankind/humanity. After Adam and Eve left Eden, Cain wandered and his progeny scattered throughout the world, thereby populating it, but Cain still took to wife one of his sisters or perhaps a neice or daughter, because there were no other women at the time. Mr. Benjamincan u tell me whats the name of the second book, Mr. Benjamin From birth, enabling its survival through instinct read the Bible over and,! Also, to me it seems Cains wife came from where are also married a relative! The Focus is on the naming of the ten tribe kingdoms of Israel and the animals only that was! Photo: from Charles Foster, the story is only said they separated! Then leaving Ur well inland another human being that had not received the breath of.. They print even believe that we are very arrogant to say other hominids or dinosaurs did exist! 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