initial problems of pakistan css forum

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It was estimated that only West Pakistani received 5.5 million refugees and one sixth of the entire population of West Pakistan consisted of refugees. Karachi alone received nearly two million refugees in 1947. One of the major issues involved in partitioning the old British India was how to divide up the assets of the country. assume youre on board with our, Evaluation of 2006 M/T Solar 1 Oil Spill in the Guimaras Strait, The state seems to give up her responsibility and totally relying on private sector. })(); Follow and support us at below social media networks. determination but due to non-cooperation of India, Kashmir issue still remain unsolved. The Hindu Dogra Rule, who was secretly with the Government of India, declared Kashmir as, a part of India. He misused his powers, and handed over Muslims majority areas like, Gurdaspur, Ferozpur and Junagadh to India hence, providing them a gateway to Kashmir. It was a complete unjust. The arrival of refugees created problem for both the countries but the issue was more serious in the nascent state of Pakistan that was already facing no of problems. Burdening students with so much books will not work as he will not understand what the world is going to do next moment. Education starts from the mothers lap. As being an agricultural county where rainfall is scanty and agriculture is greatly depending on irrigation by canal and rivers. Pakistan also faced problems in getting military equipment and records. However, India and Pakistan were soon in dispute over the canals, especially the waters from the Bari-Doab canal. Required fields are marked *, Pakistan General Knowledge MCQs provision is primary purpose of the website. He made the use of his powers in the wrong direction and handed over Muslims majority areas. Quaid-e-Azam called it an unjust. Human existence without education is just like fecund land. Registered address: Louki Akrita, 23 Bellapais Court, Flat/Office 46 1100, Nicosia, Cyprus That not only harms the quality of education but creates a gap among haves and has not. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah told the Pakistan that the awards were wrong unjust and preserve. Pakistan was promised to get Rs. Representatives of Bengal boundary Comission. Unfair Boundary Distribution 3.Division of Military Assets 4.Division of financial assets: 5. It is said in this policy that all the public schools will be raised up to the level of private schools. The Indian government sent troops to surrounded the state. Hyderabad decan was the largest and richest state rule d by Muslim ruler Nizam who decided to remain independent. The refused Pakistans request that matter should be sorted by the International court of Justice. Many. West Pakistan is a fertile country but has a hot and dry climate. While it was possible to train some men up from ordinary soldiers, Jinnah was forced to take 500 British officers temporarily. _Hasync.push(['Histats.start', '1,3926547,4,408,270,55,00011111']); Pakistan has made numerous demands that the United Nations Organization resolve the dispute, but so far, it has been impossible to reach agreement. Design: An Initial Product and the Iteration Process, Problems of National Integration Between East and West Pakistan, Economic Problems Causing Marriage and Family Problems. The dispute also involved Kashmir, as three rivers-Indus, Jhelum, Jhelum and Chenab -came through Indian-occupied territory. This is how to remove illiteracy in Pakistan. [2][3][4][5] By the 18th century the land was incorporated into British India. India inherited government buildings, furnishings, even officials from the British. seminary system imparting children solely with religious education and no emphasis on modern studies, producing a generation that knows well about religion but is deprived of essential modern education. We've encountered a problem, please try again. The Nizam complained about India to the United Nations and appealed to Englands King George VI but in September 1948, only days after the death of Quaid-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Indian troops invaded Hyderabad State. Ferozepur had a Muslim majority and the Pakistanis had evidence to suggest that Radcliffe had originally awarded it to Pakistan but had been forced by Lord Mountbatten to change his mind. For the last few years there has been an increase in the growth of private schools. Although Karachi was a modern port with substantial trading and business activity, much of Pakistan (e.g. Saeed Suhrawardy was an Indian Muslim from the town of Mirzapur. (c) Government spends more than it earns as Revenues. problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India. The entire capital was in the hands of the Hindus. Untrained Teachers 7. Pakistan to India but none out the Hindu majority areas to Pakistan; Award also paved the way for the disputes between India and Pakistan over Kashmir and Canal Water. But the initial problems of Pakistan created by partition are exemplified by the fact that in 1947, Pakistan did not have a single jute mill. Welcome to my YouTube Channel Exploring CSS and PMS. India attacked, When Pakistan came into existence, it mostly consisted of economically backward and, underdeveloped areas. The decision of the Boundary Commission (known often as the Boundary Award or Radcliffe Award.) In our town we did not have any record of communal violence. This dishonest attitude put Pakistan into great, Most of the rivers flowing in Pakistan have their origin in India. Low Education 10.Weak Foreign Policy Other Problems Soon after its establishment Pakistan faced number of problems. Self-government under the crown 2. The leaders of India had accepted the partition of the subcontinent in the expectation that Pakistan would not be able to survive. Technical education must be given to all the classes. It is also true, however, that atrocities were carried out by Muslims as a tide of communal hatred swept across the subcontinent in late 1947. Dispute was finally settled when an agreement called Indus Basin treaty. Therefore, less technical people mean less. Allocation of funds should be made easy from provinces to districts and then to educational institutes. (2016, Oct 21). The Canal Water issue of Pakistan had its origins in the partition of Punjab in 1947. Powered by Team CSS Times. Not surprisingly, it was extremely difficult for these people to be accommodated. Education teaches one the way of spending a good life, it teaches one the etiquettes, the proper manners, and civilities to live an honorable life. Instruction in Youth is Like Engraving in Stone | Complete Essay with OutlinePublic Office is a Public Trust | Complete CSS EssayEssay Outline Good Governance is deeply rooted in Human DevelopmentCSS Essay Outline | The Importance of Water Conservation and ManagementHow to Write Effective Essay for CSS ExamsHow to Write Effective Essay on Economy? The full extent of the events of 1947 is never likely to be known. (function() { The situation in Pakistan, like many other developing countries, is not very encouraging. But the need of a constitution framed, by the elected representatives of the people was necessary for free people. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. 1. us: [emailprotected]. But Pakistan was to face many more problems. These were early problems of Pakistan or initial problems of Pakistan. It was believed that he was trying to win independence for his state and so he delayed joining either Pakistan or India. 1. Challenges to Pakistan's Economy. The Indian Government adopted delaying tactics n. transferring the Government servants and official record which aggravated the situation. In a planned move, Muslims properties were set on fire and they were compelled to leave India for Pakistan with, nothing but their lives. Middle class go to a bit more affordable private institutes and the poor ones are left behind who then join the government institutes, with poor educational faculties. In Pakistan, the Constituent Assembly members were mostly wealthy landowners with little political experience. Some of the initial symptoms of infection include: fever, malaise, headache, vomiting, nuchal rigidity, and pain in the limbs. Historians in both countries have been reluctant to research these events because they are so painful to study. Although Indian National Congress and the Muslim League called for calm, the summer of 1947 saw rioting which led to numerous deaths. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. 7 StepsCSS Essay Social NetworkingCSS ESSAY on Information TechnologyCSS Essay Impacts of Media with Outline | By Aqsa Imtiaz (CSS/PMS 2020 Qualified)CSS English Essay | Winning without Fighting12345613>>. Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. 7.Electricity Problem match. The subscription is FREE. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. Gandhi was determined that the division of assets should be as fair as possible. It had its origin in Redcliff Award which drew the boundary India and Pakistan in way that it cut across the rivers and canal making India the upper beneficiary and Pakistan the lower beneficiary, It also handed over the control over two important head works over river Ravi (Madhupure Head works) and Sutlej (Ferozpure Head works) to India. Pakistan received only 200 million. The members of East Pakistan demanded to regulate Bengali as National Language. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. Estimating the value of education, the Government should take solid steps on this issue. 5. (b) We Import More and Export Less. The League was disappointed to hear that Calcutta was given to India, even though it was surrounded by Muslim areas. Therefore the immediate task before the nation was to establish a workable administrative, and Government machinery to run the affairs of the newly born state. India agreed to allow water from east Punjab to flow into west Punjab, but only if Pakistan agreed to try to find alternative water supplies. Pakistan came into existence on 14th august 1947. Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. Soon after its establishment Pakistan faced number of problems. (f) We Face Energy and Water Shortages. Soon after its establishment Pakistan faced number of problems. Karachi was chosen as the capital of Pakistan. So please review the section given here about the Pakistan General Knowledge Mcqs With Answers, Initial Problems Of Pakistan After Independence. Its ruler was maharaja hari singh. The Fundamental Aim Behind This, To Provide The Quality Of Knowledge To The Aspirants. The Quaid-e-Azam would need to find a capital, a government and officials to ensure the efficient government of the new state. After a civil war, the Bengal region of East Pakistan, separated at a considerable distance from the rest of Pakistan, became the independent state of Bangladesh in 1971., Give a background about India Pakistan Separation Movement, the situations that led to the partition of the Indian subcontinent, Pakistan came into being on the 14th of August 1947 as the largest Islamic country of the world, after the landslide victory of All India Muslim League in the 1946 elections. The British were, at first, reluctant to divide the armed forces but eventually it was agreed that they should be split 36% to 44% between Pakistan and India. ^ Pakistan Journal of History and Culture by National Institute of Historical and Cultural Research (Pakistan), 1985, p. 79, Pakistan these days is facing an immense crisis in political, social and economic drawback, recently Pakistan is passing through a series of chronic and painful problems include political, socioeconomic, energy crises, security, uncertainty in Balochistan, day to day suicide bombing, foreign Drones attacks and worst situation of law and order in FATA and NWFP. Quaid-e-Azam died on 11th September 1948. Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution if different; Constitutional Problem. As we all know that Pakistan was turned into the separate state and land after so long struggle and freedom fight movement. The education board of Punjab has projected a plan to give tech- education to the children of industrial workers. Water Shortage 4. Three of the Punjabs great rivers-the Indus, Jhelum and Chenab-flowed from Kashmir. It is not restricted to the schools only. Stories abound of young girls being abducted and murdered, of state troops not only allowing the violence, but in place joining in. Pakistan could not accept this, so sent troops to help Kashmir to help the Muslims. My thoughts are those valiant fighters in our cause who readily sacrificed all they had, From its very inception, Pakistan faced a large number of problems. It caused economic and administrative problems, as Pakistan did not have sufficient resources to provide food, shelter and medical aid to the growing no of refugees. As a supporter of non-violence, he used the threat of a hunger strike and successfully persuaded the Indian government to pay a further 500 million rupees. was announced on 16 August. Sub-district of Nakadar and Jullundur in Jullundur district It is being explained here aboutInitial Problems Of Pakistan After Independence. The teachers in government schools are not well trained. In four days Hyderabad state was part of India. However, the fate of some states remained undecided. The foundation of every state is the education of its youth. The constitution of the islamic republic of pakistan, 1973[1], The search for peace - pakistan and india, Imbalance between the "Three Tiers of State", Tax evasion - 90%+ of the people don't pay any taxes, Very high tax rate for those who do pay taxes, Availability of heavy weaponry to criminals, Lack of clean drinking water for the majority of the population, Armed and violent gangs in Karachi, including Lyari and Sohrab Goth, Large areas of the country where the writ of the state does not apply, The tendency for people to vote for corrupt, failed, treacherous politicians, Awful built quality of roads, bridges and other infrastructure, Spread of Indian culture via film and television, Spread of Western culture via film and television, Lack of hospitals, clinics, doctors etc, especially in rural areas, Mixing of junk into food products by unscrupulous people, Capital flight - everyone who can sending their money abroad, sinking moral values due to foreign culture and media invasion, distrust between the centre and the provinces, consumer market instead of productive market, corruption in the state institutions and misappropriation of foreign aid, Uneducated elders versus modernized youth, Poor participation of women in state affairs, US influence, role of intelligence agencies and illiterate masses, Unfriendly environment for local and foreign investors, Poor industrial and agricultural production, Diminishing positive impression of state institutions army, bureaucracy and judiciary. Welcome to my YouTube Channel Exploring CSS and PMS. Download Initial Problems of Pakistan Comments. The Pakistan government was convinced that the Indians had always planned to seize Kashmir. Description. Pakistan lacked both the administrative and the government machinery to run the affairs of a new country. As expected the representatives of India and Pakistan were unable to reach on an agreement and Redcliff announced his own decisions on 16th August 1947. However, within a few weeks the question of Kashmir was to create hostility between the two new countries . It was his ceaseless work and great leadership skills that ensured that Pakistan not only survived, but flourished. It is perhaps enough to say that in the summer of 1947 emotions ran so high that ordinary, peace-loving Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims became caught up in acts of violence of which they would never have considered themselves capable. Only educated person has the ability to take practical decisions and make right moves at the right time. (Nehru told General Sir Frank, Messervy in 1945, his deliberate plan would be to allow Jinnah to, Pakistan, end gradually makes things so impossible economically a, nd otherwise for Pakistan that they have to come on their banded, knees and asked to be allowed back to India, The first problem that Pakistan had to face was to, choose a capital to form a Government and to. Some of these refugees were so distressed by their hardship that they turned on the local population of different religions. Due to the majority of Kashmirs population is Muslim so it is the part of Pakistan naturally. Rulers of these princely states were given option by the British government either to join India, Pakistan or remain independent. Pakistan came into being as a free Muslim state in quite unfavorable circumstances .It had no resources, it had no resources, it had to build up its administrative machinery from a scratch. As a prominent member of the Constituent Assembly said in 1951: On 14 August, 1947 Pakistan finally gained its long-fought for independence, but it immediately faced very serious initial problems. However, this view has been contested by a number of historians, who place responsibility for the partition on the political manoeuvring of the Congress and the constitutional reforms of the British Raj. Education is considered as the cheapest defense of a nation. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready Soon after its, establishment Pakistan faced number of problems. The constituent assembly failed to frame a constitution even in eight years. such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water dispute. These people had different traditions, cultures, languages and lifestyle. At the time of Partition the subcontinents 565 princely states were ruled by Nawabs, Nizams, and Maharajas. Infect most of these problems were deliberately created by India, itself so that Pakistan would not maintain its independent status, and soon merged with India. Follow me on Instagram Exploring CSS and PMS#CSS #PMS #Pak_Affairs #initialProblems #Early_problems Video Timeline 00:00 Topic and Background 03:10 Introduction 04:30 Discussion on Initial Problems 24:12 Conlcusion of the topic Pakistan also did not, receive the due share of the military assets. Ratio of Gender Discrimination 4. This disturbed the students of private sector also. In order to embarrass Pakistan financially, India did a lot of honesty in the matters of Pakistan, which were concerned with its benefits. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism Instruction in Youth is Like Engraving in Stone | Major Education Problems in Pakistan and Solutions (CSS Essay) | Vacancy Corner. Pakistan also didnt receive the due share of the military assets. Reason. Certainly there were five different population groupings. Weve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. 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As the medium of education offered by all institutes is not the same, it leads to conflicts among the classes and sense of deprivation especially among the poor ones. No plan of action have been discussed, yet a notice is issued to private schools to induct government course in 5th and 8th class and these classes will bound to take board exams. poor education system. Although Hyderabad State was completely surrounded by Indian territory the Nizam. The first 200 million rupees were paid. Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation, or to choose governing officials to do so.". The people of Kashmir were demanding to join Pakistan. The Massacre of Muslim Refugees in India: On the birth of Pakistan, Hindus and Sikhs became more furious. Economic Problems They promised to give Pakistan Rs. The agricultural system was obsolete and outdated which added to the. Thanks: 842 Thanked 1,879 Times in 593 Posts List of All Problems of Pakistan Most Important Problems 1. Home is called first school of the children, but the formal education starts from the school, where they are taught, how to behave and understand what is going on around them. Pakistan has continuously insisted that Kashmir must get their right of self-. This reflected the relative size and population of the two countries. But pressure tactics began to the applied by Indian, Government and Mountbatten. It was time to establish Pakistan as a viable member of the world community. The sudden partition of India left homeless large numbers of Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan and a number of Muslims in India. Econometrics - FACTORS EFFECTING UNEMPLOYMENT, Organizational development (Knowledge management), STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (IMPLEMENTATION IN SMIU), Ayala_David_Alumno1_Lema_Henry_Alumno2. Most of the problems of Pakistan were related with Pakistan dispute with India, such as the accession of the princely states, canal Water dispute, refugees problems and distribution of armed and military assets. Most of the. In June 1947 it was agreement that Pakistan would be paid 750 million rupees of the 4 billion in the Reserve Bank. (a) We Consume More and Save Less. At the time of partition there were 462 princely states in subcontinent that cover 1/3 of Indian Territory and 1/4 of its population. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. CSS Screening Test; CSS Past Papers; CSS English; . Balkan war (Italy-Turkey) 3. 10. Pakistan had to face so many social, political, economic and educational crises that were later on overcome by the joint struggle of Muslims. Quaid-e-Azam was made the Governor General, and Liaquat Ali Khan was given the control of the Prime Minister. Eventually, a united Pakistan with its wings West Pakistan and East Pakistan gained independence from the British, on 14 August 1947. The Indian demanded that Pakistan should pay for the water. Indeed the country was split into two separate parts almost a thousand miles apart. The Hindu Dogra with the Indian Government declares Kashmir the part of India. The question 'What is the role of community policing in curtailing the problem of crime in Pakistan? Education System is based on Unequal Lines 2. However, Pakistan was angered that India retained the largest area of Kashmir, including the capital, Srinagar. Analysis of the Boundary Award It would not be wrong to say that the creation of Pakistan was named out to be one of the biggest victories in the democratic idea of the life. It was agreed to split the army along religious lines as n the below below. 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