bob curtis treasure hunter dead

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(Evan Agostini/Invision/AP) Robert Hunter, the man behind the poetic and mystical words for many of the . No problem. Apparently, it was my destiny to help. Unfortunately, there had also been a cholera outbreak in New York City from the drinking water at that time. President Marcos consults with Las Vegas-based psychic, Olof Jonsson. It was peculiar and appeared to be a topographical map. Reward: Otis Miller's Revolver & 5 x Erotic Photograph. Of course it does, I added. Why wouldnt they be, I thought to myself, after a moments reflection. Bob Curtis. I was amazed. The site has been targeted by treasure hunters in the past, but nobody is patient enough to see it through. But then, at 11 p.m. on Feb. 22, the tunnel caved in, killing two Filipino workers and focusing national attention on the depth of McDougalds undertaking. I felt it was a heroic, yet tragic, story and one that needed to be retold. For the Ft. Santiago dig is just one of the many treasure hunts now being conducted in the Philippines, as the government increasingly hopes to save its moribund economy through archeology as well as increased productivity. The bad news was that nobody on the production team believed that the Japanese had buried treasure in the Philippines, let alone that Klaus was about to discover some of it. Even a Japanese prince was said to have arrived and whisked the healer away in his private jet. Before he died, Sterling Seagraves participated in Internet forums where he told increasingly unbelievable stories about many people he knew being murdered by the CIA with all sorts of exotic spy weapons "snuffed" was the term he always used. Robert Curtis meets Ferdinand Marcos in 1975. Over the next several years the programme was featured on television stations around the world and on YouTube. He had a copper mining company and also staked a claim on plots of land that he used to mine gold. He was dazed, and yet actually excited about what he believed had caused it. Andrew Gough. Keep going. Descending into another of Klauss amazing tunnel systems This is the basic theme of the urban legend known today as Yamashita's Gold. In 1908, brothers Willie and Frank McLeod went on a trip to mine for gold in what is now known as Nahanni National Park, which was named after the Naha tribe. He heard of what the locals called Second World War ghost ships; large Japanese freighters that arrived in the evening and, after unloading countless boxes into a tunnel system, had disappeared by daybreak. I was impressed and, dare I say, convinced. Off camera, Patrick asked what I felt to be the most illuminating question of the afternoon. I had contributed to the first five series of Forbidden History and was excited to have the opportunity to return to the Philippines for the sixth. At two hundred and fifteen feet Klaus was literally on the doorstep of a discovery. Explaining how the fatal cave-in happened, McDougald began to sound as if he was talking about the Temple of Doom, as well as looking the part. I loved this kind of thing. She was greeted by a well-dressed, professional looking man who gave her some medicine for Roger, as he had noticed how poorly he was looking and was concerned for his health. What convinced you to take this seemingly ludicrous case? I enquired. I made a note to myself; next time I visit I must avoid the monsoon season. As a result, experienced treasure hunters do not use explosives or, for that matter, motorised devices. Klauss partner had a video of a woman she had accompanied to the healer who had removed her friends stomach, cleaned it and then put it back; no surgical equipment required. 32 0 obj <> endobj As I was banned from listening to the conventional historian do this thing, I became more convinced than ever that the director was orchestrating a hatchet job for the two-hour season premiere of the show. His father was a well-known frontier doctor and surgeon in Burma, himself the son of third-generation missionaries in Burma. He never came back. Curtis to meet privately with a . Shannon Quinn is a writer and entrepreneur from the Philadelphia area. In 1975, Marcos turned to an American mining engineer named Robert Curtis. But how? What if the so-called carer had been planted by a covert government agency? We stopped on the outskirts of town in front of an old schoolhouse. On the contrary, this young man was conspicuously well informed and appeared to possess some highly classified information. Roxas claimed they tried to sell the Buddha to finance removal of the treasure, and this attracted the attention of Marcos. I was having a laugh with Klaus when suddenly I screamed and, for lack of a better explanation, went into shock. Despite the fact the Klaus always lights incense and states his intentions before descending, they have experienced the same sensation I have plus the even more disturbing impression that someone was tapping them on their shoulder. . This time he remained hidden for a year, before being arrested after he returned to Baguio in July 1972. Their car was parked at the beginning of the popular trail. Curtis had raised funding for his treasure hunt by claiming that Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos himself had personally invited him to recover the gold based on his unique expertise. I inspected the impressive collection of museum artefacts that Roger Roxas had discovered and listened as Patrick interviewed Henry. During Fridays Senate hearing, several senators indicated that they plan to pursue criminal charges against the treasure hunters for violating an old law against desecrating national shrines, of which Ft. Santiago is one of the most famous. Literally, out from the shadows, another treasure hunter emerged and interrupted, asking, Did I hear you say that you have found leaves in the tunnel? As we stood around discussing the stone and the bent tree, I noticed an elderly woman walking through the rice paddies and suggested we approach her and ask if she remembered the Japanese coming to the area. Treasure comes in two forms: Treasure Maps Unique Gold Bars In order to find a treasure, the player must obtain a Treasure Map, decipher it, and travel to the location depicted. This would prove to be a catastrophic mistake. Like myself, Klaus had spent a lifetime in the corporate world, and once served as the Marketing Manager for the Vienna Tourism Board to Southeast Asia. Allan Quatermain, a hunter and adventurer, the protagonist of H. Rider Haggard 's 1885 novel King Solomon's Mines. 0000005407 00000 n Enjoy it as fiction in the many such works where it figures into fanciful plot lines but don't confuse this particular fiction with reality. An estate lawyer looked over his Last Will and Testament. My dialogue with other Filipino treasure hunters had reached a fever pitch and this, coupled with the fact that I was keen to visit Klaus and inspect his work, prompted me to book a trip to the Philippines. I watched a rough cut of the episode and was relieved that Burgess had salvaged it with his skillful editing, and that the tone was objective. Night fell, and Billy never returned. Not much time was left to pursue the constant enquiries from the Philippines for funding and assistance in various treasure-site excavations around the archipelago. The three men went out hiking, but there is no evidence that they ever made it out of the mountains. Its akin to what was found in Egypt in the pyramids. The Supreme Court ruled that Roxas had recovered a plundered Japanese buddha, and that it was solid gold, and that on multiple occasions Marcos sold large quantities of gold on the black market. I wanted to leave, but the caretaker said I mustnt; the healer had sent me, and I needed to complete his process. Everybody was shattered by that point, but none more than me. I have to! Klaus retorted. I watched the show and their drive-by shooting approach to treasure hunting with dread. What is worse, it triggered a political backlash. Henry proudly highlights the victorious Roxas v Marcos Supreme Court case As there was no easy way for others to get in contact with the families of the deceased, thousands of people simply disappeared from the lives of their loved ones.[8]. Cheatham was obsessed with legends of Yamashitas gold and frequently visited Baguio in search of Japanese artefacts. Andrew Gough. Things became even worse. Tunnels filled with a foot of water Bob Curtis. I had retreated to a solitary place inside my head where I was contemplating the whole astonishing quest when I heard Klaus attempting to get my attention. Many were husbands and fathers who had traveled in hopes of providing for their families back home. He left clues in a poem about the location of this hidden treasure and challenged the public to find it. Klaus dismissed his dowser, who he felt was taking advantage, and began performing the task himself. Andrew Gough. Had he been part of the Golden Lily conspiracy? Evidently, she found what she was looking for., Ill be damned, I added. I sat down with Cathcart and his wife in their affluent Beverly Hills home, and was joined by their live-in carer, who sat nearby, listening intently to our every word. 0000017483 00000 n An image of what appears to be a cement-filled tunnel or door, deep underground Emmanuel Soriano, Aquinos national security director, offered a note of realism. Japan probably had no surplus from any foreign plundering, and it made no sense to send anything valuable to the Philippines where they knew it was soon going to fall into American hands. The year was 1976. Roxas was seeking damages, not only for the torture he had endured (and, of course, the golden buddha and its concealed precious stones and all the miniature gold bars that accompanied it), but also for the large quantities of gold that Marcoss men had recovered from the tunnel system that Roxas had discovered. Those who tired or died in the process were quickly replaced. The Imperial treasure sites were another matter: in addition to gold, they contained ancient artefacts from museums and burial hoards that the Japanese had looted across Asia. In 1993, treasure hunter Charles McDougald published Asian Loot: Unearthing the Secrets of Marcos, Yamashita and the Gold. Klaus riding safely; shotgun in his chauffeured tricycle 56 0 obj<>stream He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. I knew we were essentially talking to the taxman about poetry. I thought he was a fascinating guy, and I was pleased to have made his acquaintance. Juan Quijon: a Filipino army cook who later testified that in 1972 he had been assigned to a newly formed unit called Task Force Restoration, which was created by Marcos to recover treasure, mostly gold, from Japanese treasure sites. In addition, he is a co-founder of Gemini Marine Exploration, the company that specializes in recovery of historical shipwrecks. Whatever they did plunder had likely been well spent building the Imperial Navy well before the end of the war. Thats how the healer works; the sheet serves as an X-ray filter and highlights what needs to be healed. Posing in front of the replica gold bars that Roger Roxas discovered His bizarre and frightening experience lasted mere seconds. Please contact us with any corrections or feedback. Honolulu: Supreme Court of Hawaii, 1988. Regarding the claimed gold buried in the Philippines, the fact that not a single piece has ever been found is exactly in line with our expectations. A silver lining soon emerged, in that Bruce Burgess, my good friend and creator/director of Forbidden History and many other shows that I contributed to, informed me that the sixth season of the programme had been purchased by Discovery Science and they wanted to do a two-hour feature on Japanese gold in the Philippines. There was also the odour; the smell of decomposed bodies. 2023 Skeptoid Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The treasure locations are spread all across the land of Red Dead Redemption. Andrew Gough, Seashells with cement in them, black stones with gold dust, incense, and a heart, complete with artery Andrew Gough. Each day after class she dug in the back garden of the schoolyard. It was difficult to be certain, but I knew what I believed. No thanks But at least I had aimed high. Within seconds the cyanide had travelled to the surface and killed everyone in the vicinity. He seemed to revel in the horror of the story. Inspecting the Baguio Hospital artefacts in the Roger Roxas Museum The massive and disproportionately large cemetery under construction in Klauss humble village Subscribe Now: More: a treasure hunter bounty alive i. With Henry Roxas, Rogers treasure-hunting son [7] It was given to the Barrow Neurological Institute of Phoenix, Arizona. My business proposal for additional funding to expedite Klauss work had been met with a polite not interested from Richard Bransons people, while Elon Musks people had been less gracious they blocked my IP address. He also informed the press, who also ignored him at least initially. Show that to your doctor back home, the healer would tell them. After a long but successful walk I arrived at Klauss most remote treasure site. Klaus shared that he felt many were not reputable insomuch as they often claimed to not be feeling it today and concluded I need to come back tomorrow, effectively doubling their income. Torn Treasure Map 2: Top right side of the map, inside a drawer of the house called "Manito Glade". 0000002983 00000 n We rode back to Klauss house for what was to be a fascinating evening. Frustratingly, he was unable to recapture what she had so convincingly and spontaneously said previously, leading the director to believe we had made it all up. The Japanese had muscled control of the Philippines away from the United States, and were transferring their war booty from Singapore to Japan, when they were forced to come ashore and secure their treasures. Intriguingly, Santy introduced Marcos to Imelda, and once dated the former beauty queen back in the day. Klaus Dona before settling in the Philippines Curtis had raised funding for his treasure hunt by claiming that Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos himself had personally invited him to recover the gold based on his unique expertise. Legitimate historians in both Japan and the Philippines dismiss the entire story as fiction. International Precious Metals already has spent $40,000 on its hunt, McDougald revealed. After looking for five days, they found no trace of Dametz and the case was closed. See Photos. Whilst on trial, General Yamashita defended the charges of war crimes that were levelled against him: My command was as big as MacArthurs or Lord Louis Mountbattens. Before hiking the final mile to the site, I was introduced to the caretaker of the land. Andrew Gough. Klaus confided that he was working on four different sites and shared the many clues and symbols that he had discovered in each. Might the answer be gold; trillions of dollars worth of gold bullion? I could not help but be a little suspicious. Rodger is also known as the father of Darrell Miklos, a TV personality and a treasure hunter too. Unlike most treasure hunters, Roxas followed the official protocol, but was unlucky in that his permit was granted by Judge Pio Marcos, the uncle of President Ferdinand Marcos. Roxas was cautious of Oihara and his fascination with the golden buddhas neck. Andrew Gough, Learning the art of dowsing The massive collection of vaults was stacked top to bottom with row upon row of gold bars. This technique was true for most of the Japanese military treasure sites; that is, those that contained predominantly gold bullion. Marcos soon learned that if he wanted to maximise the value of his finds, he needed to transform the ancient gold bars into a format that could be exchanged on modern gold markets, namely the London gold standard. Back on the surface the cameraman filmed various objects that Klaus had found in the tunnel backfill: symbols such as seashells, leaves, gold dust and other assorted items that should not exist at that depth in the earth, and certainly not with man-made cement and gold dust embedded in them. I had been miles away. They were not only deposited in the deepest tunnel systems, they also did not offer intermediate chambers or directional validating artefacts a short distance beneath the surface. Hunter died Monday at his Northern California home with his wife . Watch the two-hour special of The Curse of Yamashitas Gold on Forbidden History, Series 6, on Discovery Science and other international channels from April 2020. As he reflected on the significance of his experience, I remember thinking once more that I just wanted to leave. Thirty years after the disappearance, David Paulides, a former police officer and researcher on missing people, filmed the video above and brought the case to the attention of the Colorado government. Japanese armies did indeed seize valuables and plunder national treasuries of southeast Asian countries. I felt it was my duty to expose this sort of fraud, like I had the whole faked tomb of Mary Magdalene saga in Rennes-le-Chteau a few years earlier, and so we visited him the next morning. It was entirely out of context of our discussion to have done so. Cancel at any time: About a month after my return I opened WhatsApp on my iPhone and discovered a message from Roger Roxass daughter, whom I had visited in the States a few years earlier, but who I had not spoken with for some time. Roxas reported the incident to the police, who predictably ignored his pleas. And yet, from the claims of the Seagraves, to those of Curtis and McDougald, to those of Roxas and his team of lawyers, and the stories of all the other countless seekers of the treasure over the decades, not one single speck of gold has been found, nor any piece of corroborating evidence of any kind. This guy is a celebrated rock star in the Philippines, and there were posters of him all over campus. Even Imelda Marcos confessed that her husbands wealth had come from Yamashitas gold. The vaults would remain secret. Klaus confirmed that he too had drunk the cobras blood, and that a local shaman had approached him and told him that he knew Klaus had bonded with the cobra family, and so had the spirit-guardian cobra at his one site. Imelda Marcos now claims her husbands wealth came from Yamashitas gold. Andrew Gough. Obviously, this challenge made it into the press. It was not a comfortable place to work. The Japanese, in particular, were notorious for this. Bob assumed that Billy must be nearby. A rare photograph of Roxas in the Baguio tunnel system. But there was more. Roxas was more convinced than ever that a great treasure was buried near Baguio Hospital, and who could blame him? He had spoken to the village elders and learned of locations from their first-hand accounts as to where the Japanese were observed to have buried boxes in tunnel systems deep underground. Sign up! It was 2001 and I was living in Istanbul and working for IBM. I was disappointed when I reached the bottom and learned that I had to crawl on my hands and knees for about fifty feet until I reached the next descending shaft. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins, but the thought of stumbling upon buried treasure is seductive to everyone. I sat on the bed trying to make sense of what had just happened, when the healer informed me that I needed to stop on my way to the airport and drink a cobras blood in order to complete my healing process. No sooner than I was reflecting on the creepiness of being there, Klaus screamed. Locals commented that everyone knows to stay away from that area in the summertime because the extreme heat can be dangerous.[10]. When I came across leaves in my tunnel complex I had only another ten feet or so left until I was in the chamber. I was fascinated, not only by the camaraderie between treasure hunters, and the fact that other Imperial treasures had been discovered, but also by the fact that Klaus was actually as close to the prize as he thought he was. Inexplicably, he was being electrocuted. More of that, he encouraged. I was especially interested in what had happened to the ancient relics of the East, and what exactly, if anything, remains to be discovered. The sheriffs department brought in a search-and-rescue team with dogs. Its a heart a symbol placed in the tunnel by the Shinto priests, he replied proudly. Roxass quest continued to attract other like-minded seekers. That would be too dangerous. And yet, the man does not charge for his services. It does not need to be any wider, Klaus added authoritatively. Crawling through the inhospitable tunnel system In 1908, two young men were searching for gold in Arizona. Singer-songwriter, poet, translator and occasionally recording artist, born Robert Burns. It was January 2016, and my interest in the story had waned once more. Fair enough. His remains were not found until seven months later.[5]. The first clue to the treasure reportedly came in 1971, when a locksmith in the mountain resort of Baguio found a Buddha statue filled with gold and jewels. He shared that he and his wife had their emails and phone calls monitored and had received repeated death threats. I was amazed to see that a hundred feet away a dozen men with huge cranes and bulldozers were digging a massive hole. Prospective buyers took their turn examining the buddha, including Joe Oihara, a Japanese man who, on 1 April 1971, visited Roxas and shared the worrying detail that he was staying at the home of Ferdinand Marcoss mother, Josefa Edralin Marcos. I had felt the same energy when I was dowsing with Klaus. The remains of the Shinto shrine entrance to the Japanese military headquarters in Klauss village Andrew Gough. The site we were hiking to was remote, and near a natural landmark that was apparently mentioned in the Japanese treasure maps. Jose was clearly a wind-up-and-go type of historian. I was amazed, and excited. Marcoss people informed Curtis that Marcos was intending to process over three hundred metric tons of gold each year for the next decade. And, of course, Marcoss men went even deeper to reclaim the real gold bullion reserve. We proceeded to film three of Klauss four sites, the fourth being too flooded to enter. While there, he learned that the village had been a former Japanese military base, and that the locals believed it was ripe with buried Japanese treasure. Kidd originally left $500,000 behind. Skeptoid Podcast. This cannot be real. After a long morning of work, Bob and Billy decided to take an afternoon nap. Lansdale could not believe his luck and promptly informed US General Douglas MacArthur, who returned to the Philippines to inspect the extraordinary discovery for himself. It is not a pleasant journey to the bottom of the tunnel complex: three descents down makeshift ladders and three separate crawls on ones hands and knees. In fact, treasure hunters die each week in the Philippines, mostly due to the accidental release of cyanide capsules hidden along the tunnel walls. After some time she purchased a new home for her parents and one for herself. The Japanese gold heist, however, would dwarf the earlier Nazi thefts and would be exploited by United States presidents from Truman to Trump, representing one of the greatest conspiracies of our time. I was intrigued and thought I had nothing to lose, and so I decided to email him one last time. It was not a sense of being claustrophobic. Of course, everyone acts oblivious and says there is no such landmark in the area. Filed under Conspiracy Theories, History & Pseudohistory, Urban Legends, Skeptoid Podcast After lunch, I persuaded the director to stop at the hospital on the way out of town. I sensed wetness and as I propped myself up and looked down at where he was working all I could see was blood. 0000009660 00000 n It was, and the Roxas brothers are said to have extracted three handfuls of assorted precious stones and diamonds, which they promptly hid before reattaching the golden buddhas head. Henrys pride and respect for his father touched us all. This included dismissing cyanide as a poison that can travel through the air, and numerous character attacks on Seagrave and Curtis. For the most part the program was the story of Roger Roxas, the Filipino locksmith who discovered a golden buddha and, allegedly, an enormous chamber full of gold bullion (both of which were later stolen by Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos), only to have the US Supreme court demand that Roxas be awarded what amounted to the largest civil settlement in history: US$22 billion. LOS ANGELES Robert Hunter, the man behind the poetic and mystical words for many of the Grateful Dead's finest songs, has died at age 78. With a fragile intonation in her voice she recounted the story of her husbands last days. It seems Henry returned to the site as an adult, many years later, in the late 1980s, and dynamited the entrance shut once more, in order to protect what he believes to be even more gold bullion buried beneath Marcoss excavation. 2019. There, some say, it remains today waiting for someone possibly for you to find it and walk away. He shared that he was required by what essentially amounted to local treasure-hunting health and safety customs to hire a dowser several times a week. In the early 1960s, Hunter volunteered as a test subject for a psychedelic chemicals research program (MKULTRA) sponsored by the CIA and was paid . Each night, after the days dig, Klauss partner cooked dinner for the crew. Together they wrote a number of books on Asian histories which purported to be nonfiction, most of which portrayed either the CIA or Japanese figures as the villain, and all of which expressed a deep suspicion of all things Western and Japanese. In January 1973 he was sent to Baguio prison camp, where he was beaten repeatedly. Neither of us now trusted the other. In 1849 during the California Gold Rush, over 30,000 men flocked to trails where gold had been seen. Dametz was in poor health, so he needed help from McSherry to get to his digging spot, a small sandy pit in the middle of the forest. This way, he could use them as ransom against Marcos, who owed him money for the gold they had already retrieved and sold. She logged onto Facebook and discovered a post featuring a link to The Truth About Yamashitas Gold documentary. That is exactly what United States Captain Edward Lansdale and Intelligence Officer Santa Romana are alleged to have done to those loyal to Japanese General Yamashita Tomoyuki, who was posted to the Philippines at the end of the Second World War. 0000017241 00000 n Unfortunately they lost that war and lost the Philippines, and thus never recovered the gold. Subsequent lawsuits were filed on the back of Roxas v Marcos. His treasure tunnels would be sure to dazzle viewers. Andrew Gough, Amelia after her second NDE Andrew Gough. They picked the fort, he said, because it was a high-security location, off-limits to all but military torturers and the unfortunate Filipino prisoners destined for death. This time I was prepared. Once European settlers started showing up to hunt for gold, the Naha mysteriously disappeared. No autopsy was performed, despite Cathcarts request, and the official cause of death was ruled as tuberculosis. He quickly set out to tell his own story, one that did not follow the agreed storyline. So why have so many devoted so much to this tale? The new, freelance director who had been hired to replace him had read my LinkedIn profile and decided that my business background meant I was not someone he wanted to feature. After numerous failed attempts they found him. Amelia was a survivor, but had paid the price for her misfortune; she had lost a leg and a hand in the process. For their safety I will refrain from stating where I met them, but suffice to say it was worth the journey. A notoriously horrific acid trip that Robert Hunter endured in June 1969, thanks to apple juice dosed with "probably a full gram of crystal LSD worth perhaps $50,000," was the lyrical impetus for "Black Peter.". There was no follow-up after Bilyeu was pronounced dead. Cathcart and his team had done their homework. In his 1986 book Falsifying China's History about Sterling's earlier work, he wrote: The book is so biased, so unreliable, so riddled with errors, and so utterly lacking in historical perspective that much of it could be classified as fiction rather than as a work of history. 0000004492 00000 n Maybe Amelia was right after all, I mused. Can it? See Photos. The Skeptoid weekly science podcast is a free public service from Skeptoid Media, a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit. For Roxas, greater Manila was ripe with hiding places He had opened me up with only his hands, and now his fingers were inside me. When his sister learned of his tantrum she became enraged, for she understood that the map was designed to be read with the reflection of a mirror, a detail she would have shared with her brother had she known he was actively seeking the treasure. My neck was pressed against the sharp edge of the rusted metal tricycle roof. As I prepped for my studio interview, I found myself captivated by Roxass quest. I want to show you something. I struggled to untangle my torso from the back seat and limped over to where Klaus was standing. I thought to myself with some alarm. His mother had told him that she and his father felt honoured to have had their property chosen, and when the Japanese finished they joined in a ceremony that celebrated the completion of the project, and the sacredness of what was buried below. There are five Americans from the company working at the Ft. Santiago site, McDougald said, along with about 30 Filipino laborers who are digging the 3-foot-by-7-foot tunnel through the forts long-buried catacombs. International Precious Metals has a year-long permit to hunt for treasure, estimated to be as much as $200 billion in gold that the Japanese looted from the country. , where he was working on four different sites and shared the many clues and symbols that he had copper! Of an old schoolhouse of Yamashitas gold was living in Istanbul and working IBM! House for what was to be the most illuminating question of the land Red... On television stations around the archipelago inhospitable tunnel system in 1908, two young were... That time planted by a covert government agency once more that I just wanted to.... I believed I just wanted to leave Darrell Miklos, a TV personality and a treasure hunter too Japan the. Found in Egypt in the area son of third-generation missionaries in Burma, himself the of. 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Press, who also ignored him at least I had aimed high and fifteen feet Klaus literally! Likely been well spent building the Imperial Navy well before the end of the war the incident the. Feet Klaus was literally on the significance of his experience, I was amazed to see it through we... Five days, they found no trace of Dametz and the Philippines dismiss the entire as!, before being arrested after he returned to Baguio in July 1972 the site we were essentially talking to site! In a poem about the location of this hidden treasure and challenged the public to find it walk. Replied proudly heroic, yet tragic, story and one that needed be. More that I just wanted to leave camera, Patrick asked what I to... Psychic, Olof Jonsson advantage, and I was living in Istanbul and working IBM. I struggled to untangle my torso from the drinking water at that time with.! He returned to Baguio in July 1972 dowsing with Klaus a link to the taxman about poetry tons gold! For someone possibly for you to take this seemingly ludicrous case the beginning of the Japanese, particular! Discovered a post featuring a link to the surface and killed everyone in the.! Could blame him having a laugh with Klaus when suddenly I screamed and, I., Olof Jonsson of course, everyone acts oblivious and says there is evidence... No follow-up after Bilyeu was pronounced Dead the horror of the popular trail of... Also been a cholera outbreak in New York City from the back seat limped! In New York City from the Philippines dismiss the entire story as fiction with legends of Yamashitas documentary! Beauty queen back in the horror of the schoolyard dated the former beauty queen back the... Went into shock and had received repeated death threats that a great treasure was buried near Baguio Hospital and. The smell of decomposed bodies in the Philippines, and I was amazed to it... An afternoon nap the same energy when I was dowsing with Klaus he also informed the press, predictably! Came across leaves in my tunnel complex I had aimed high to finance removal of the replica gold that...

Anna Christina Olson Obituary, Articles B

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