procedure for opening and closing hatch cover in emergency

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These could be signs of issues with plumbing, heating, or cooling. Ensure no one can start the system or equipment. observed, ensuring that no unpaid merchandise is carried Put up your sidewalk sign and refresh the messaging. opening, cleaning before closing, closing, cleating etc. 2. immediately following each cashiers shift so that any A well-planned programme of maintenance should effectively ensure that any risks of leakage are kept to a minimum. Hence, the extra space inside the coamingwill help the shipto carry more cargo and thus earn more freight. You can also make a note of areas that need improvement and share it with your cleaning staff (or closing staff from the night before). There are five key steps to take when addressing confined space fall protection and safety. Every cargo ship, other than tankers is provided with large size hatchways on deck to facilitate loading and discharging of cargoes. Keep cleats in good serviceable condition and correctly adjusted. Before we start, you need to have some idea about types hatch covers and typical sizes. Your email address will not be published. Each hatch cover is operated by 1 hydraulic motor via rack and pinion driving system installed in the middle of the port side. Any extra water entering the ship could also mean that the ship may become overloaded and thus endanger the safety of people on board. Check that any damaged wheel tracks, compression bars and landing pads have been repaired. open will better protect the point of sale terminals in ~Lock any non-essential perimeter doors. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. An alternative test, which does not have these drawbacks, is the chalk test. There is a common misconception and a degree of confusion throughout the industry as to whether hatches are constructed to be watertight or weathertight. Know the If the hatches were open, such impact may cause bending of coaming and. The first is that it may be difficult to ensure adequate water pressure. With a procedures checklist you and your staff will always be reminded to follow security protocol while opening and closing the store. ~Shut down any working displays. All answers will be from sailor mouth, who is practically working on board. Co-ordination between vessels crew and ensuring there is a culture onboard for crew to speak up when they see something unsafe, can help prevent these types of serious incidents. door after each exit. Made with by a small band of sailors, Rule 18 Responsibilities between vessels, Rule 19 Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility, Rule 25 Sailing vessels underway and vessels under oars, Rule 28 Vessels constrained by their draught, Rule 30 Anchored vessels and vessels aground, Rule 34 Manoeuvring and warning signals, Rule 35 Sound signals in restricted visibility, Part F Verification of compliance with the provisions of the Convention, Annex 1 Positioning and technical details of lights and shapes, ANNEX II Additional Signals for Fishing Vessels Fishing in Close Proximity, ANNEX III Technical Details of Sound Signal Appliances. Chalk testing (another hatch test) gives only an indication of poor compression and potential leaks. If such closing devices were provided, then considerable time and manpower would be required to open and close the cover, which may have to be done very frequently during cargo operations. -The and count down all cash registers. assumed that sufficient pressure exists between the Joint and the compression bar. ~Always answer the phone, even when it rings after For search and rescueservices call our 24-hour contact numbers: Aviation+61 2 6230 6899More contact details. Place the cam of the cleat in the hatch socket as if to lock it, but leave it unlocked (the cam should move freely and fit snugly in its housing); Adjust the locking nut until the compression washer touches the underside of the hatch coaming or its steel washer; Turn the locking nut one full turn to achieve the desired tension; Check that hatch cleats are properly secured and adjusted . Take remedial action and repair the seal and clean off the rust streaks. The essential purpose to close the hatchway when the ship proceeds to sea. This should be done away from the checkout counter and lingering customers, and out of sight from the front door. ~Walk the floor to inspect housekeeping and use store evaluation checklist. A ship loading such cargoes will not be submerged up to its maximum draft, even if all its holds are filled completely. Compare the securing arrangements of a hatch cover on your ship with that of a manhole cover of any tank. This has two benefits , first it prevents the possibility of seawater entering loose couplings or seals , and secondly , it eliminates any creep which may have occurred. Considering the above, the avoidance and prevention of injuries is of paramount importance. Hatch openings cause discontinuity in longitudinal strength and thus concentration of stresses. Covers and coamings should be well painted and free from significant corrosion, cracks and distortion. The container is a large steel box of dimensions 20-ft x 8 ft x 8 ft or 40-ft x 8 ft x 8 ft. procedures. The Standard Club - Protection and Indemnity (P&I) club Chalk is applied to the compression bars and the hatches are then battened down. Furthermore, a good deal of water is generated on the deck of the ship and there may be practical objections to this, particularly if the water is shed over a quay or into a dock with a possible risk of pollution. Hence, to avoid this problem, breadth of the hatchway is increased substantially, leaving very little room on deck, which is not required anyway, except for the people to walk along the length of the ship. Run through this list of daily closing housekeeping duties: Before closing up for the night, its important to review and reconcile sales. Its dimensions depend on the type of ship and the nature of cargo, which the ship would usually carry. thief to enter the store and steal merchandise.) days events fresh in the cashiers mind. Did you know the record of the deficiencies for 2020 in General Cargo? The half-round bar shown at the top edge of the coaming is meant to give additional strength to the edge so that it can withstand any accidental impact by the cargo gear during cargo operations. Depending on the requirement of the ship owner, the height of the coaming is suitably increased. How Retailers Can Use Them to Boost Their Business, The Ultimate Guide to Retail Store Layouts, Planograms: What They Are and How Theyre Used in Visual Merchandising, What is Loss Prevention? Always rectify steel-to-steel faults before renewing rubber packing or rubber renewals will not be effective. This prevents any rain or heavy seas from entering the cargo hold and damaging the cargo. Ideally, all closing personnel should leave together, All incidents must be reported to AMSA at In some more drastic cases this test may demonstrate the existence of leaks, simply because daylight can be seen through the gaps in the seals or through wasted covers. ~Ensure all parking lots and exits have adequate Do preparation for the next day. Always keep hydraulic systems oil tight. televisions. This would naturally encroach upon the deck space. ~Empty all trash receptacles and place the trash Hose water test used to be the most common method of testing water tightness. -For manual switch on air conditioning The height of the container varies from 8 ft. to 9-1/2 ft. With the help of ship's crew the pontoon was handed over to the barge. Copyright 2008 All perimeter doors should may also be loaded. The height of the container varies from 8 ft. to 9-1/2 ft. 3. Hence, the size of the hatchway cannot be increased. The following should be done after opening: Turn on lights; Turn on photocopier and printers. the door and letting customers out and relocking the But adding them to your procedures checklist will help make sure a day is never skipped. Now, when the cargo in the hold settles down, the cargo in the coaming space will fill the empty pockets, thus preventing the cargo from shifting and the ship from listing. An opening and closing procedure is a list of tasks that store employees must complete upon store opening and closing to ensure that the store is ready for customers and then closed up properly for the night. The use of hatch sealing tape such as Ramneck is approved by some management, if following remedial hatch sealing repairs, and subsequent hose testing that leakage is still experienced, or as an extra protection in the case of delicate and susceptible cargoes. ~Turn off the air conditioning system. the safe. daily totals, merchandising info and any employee ~Clean and restock restrooms. She occasionally writes about small businesses and content marketing at -This should not be done by the cashier who processed the actual For example, put new arrivals in the appropriate place so opening staff members know the merchandise needs to be unpacked and displayed on the floor. Employees will have to take ownership of the tasks assigned to them, and if they check off a task and dont actually complete it, you can trace it back to a specific person. This must be done prior to final closing of covers for sea. However, endless inconclusive results can ensure rendering the process time consuming and uncertain. are loaded. If the chalk mark is found to be irregular or less pronounced at one point than at others, then it is assumed that there is some doubt as to watertight integrity. In such ships breadth of the hatchway would normally be about about half the breadth of the ship. This prevents any rain or heavy seas from entering the cargo hold and damaging the cargo. ~Close Distortion of beams and/or stiffeners on the underside of the top plate. Try Shopify free for 3 days, no credit cardrequired. HOSE CONDITION. Fig:Steel hatch cover arrangement on a bulk carrier Opening/Closing Systems According to the information received, all safety procedures were taken to during the recovery operation and rescue boats were kept ready of emergency situations. Make sure v/l is practically upright [ not more than 2-3 degrees list]. This must be done prior to final closing of covers for sea. areas into the store. Spring loaded . closing and all customers have exited the store. ~Ensure radios are turned off and placed in cradles. days events fresh in the cashiers mind. Thats why weve outlined the benefits and best practices for developing your retail stores opening and closing procedures checklist. 4. When opening the hatch covers to check for uneven movement and any unusual noises that may indicate damage. In that case, the hatch cover would have to be fitted at the deck level itself. Before opening to the public, youll want to make sure the following electronics are turned on and working properly: Now that youre sure all the essentials to operate are in order, its time to make sure your store is visually appealing and customers can find what theyre looking for. ~Assign closing and cleaning duties. If the answer to any of these questions is yes, dont enter the store. pipes,rails, rods etc. Mop the floors and dust product displays and fixtures. Ultrasonic testing is the preferred method because areas of inadequate hatch sealing are accurately located. The cargoes on such ships consist of bags, boxes, bales, bundles and similar packaging. immediately following each cashiers shift so that any If not done properly it may lead to unsafe conditions and hence the stringent procedures. When a hatch or cover to a confined space is removed, such as a manhole. Ensure that the hold is clear of people and that the access hatches or entrance doors are open. However, in certain bulk carriers rolling the covers sideways towards either of the ships side open the covers. Make a note of incomplete duties to discuss during your team huddle the next day. tills in a safe over night and leaving register draws updates. Turning off the lights, lowering the thermostat, and making sure all electronics have been shut down may seem like daily tasks you dont necessarily need a checklist for. the theft of product via the trash for later removal The ISM Code sets out safety objective requirements for safety management systems (SMS). The main issue for the Court to decide was who was responsible for the opening and closing of the hatch as this party would be vicariously liable for the acts of . All hatches roll open to the port side. apply petroleum-based grease or paint to rubber packing surfaces; remove the rubber ball valve from drain valves; allow grooves to form in coaming tops in way of the side panel edges; use anything other than the recommended oil in the hydraulic system; leave cleats loose when proceeding to sea; attempt to open or close side-rolling covers with loads or cargo debris on top. A record is kept of the location and extent of any leakages detected. For safety, always ensure at least two people are present during closing. Nominal Hatch Dimensions 1F 11,400 X 17,100 /13280 mm ~Do not open the store alone. All money counting should be done out it is however true to say that if hatches are found to leak in port, they are sure to leak in a seaway. You can also make a note of areas that need improvement and share it with your cleaning staff (or closing staff from the night before). Grease regularly. Hatchway cut through the deck removes a large number or beams, girders, etc as well as the deck plating itself. In the majority of cases, a more sophisticated test will be necessary. closing. The following points should be borne in mind: Your email address will not be published. Its also especially useful for store managers to go over in their team huddles. visible to customers remaining in the store or who might data from the POS program for use in determining the All money counting should be done out variance. sale. During your daily staff meeting, you can: Just like an opening checklist, a closing checklist helps you remember basic things such as turning off electronics to save money, but it also helps ensure your store is ready for whoever opens it the next day. supervisor or other responsible employee remaining at Constructing a hatchway means cutting a large opening on deck, which obviously reduces the overall structural strength of the ship at the deck level. Above image is used for illustration purposes only. ~Open safe, remove cash register tills. The receiver or detector, which is outside the hold, picks up the signals and converts them to audible frequencies. Next, youll want to turn on all the lights and do an inspection to make sure there are no issues and that the closing staff completed all the checklist items from the night before. open will better protect the point of sale terminals in During the closing of the hatch cover, the baby pontoon fell into the vessel's hold together with the vessel's chief officer. the doors for arriving associates or for necessary CHECK FOR ANY DEFORMATION AND WELL GREASED ALL TIME, CHECK FOR ANY LEAK, ANY STRUCTURAL DEFORMATION, To maintain sufficient strength to resist green seas landing on hatches in extreme weather, To maintain a barrier against ingress of water during normal seagoing weather conditions, Carry out regular inspections of the hatch covers, beams and coamings to identify. Did you know that age matters for 2020? Heavy Lift Cargo - Precautions and Stability Changes Onboard Merchant Ships, Refrigeration Principle, Cargo and Systems, Gas Tanker - Types, Tanks, Reliquefaction & Cargo, BLU Code - Code Of Practice For The Safe Loading And, Ballast Water Management - Merchant Ships, Port State Control (PSC) - An agreed regime for the. Inspect all cleats, guides and hydraulic components for damage . However, in certain bulk carriers rolling the covers sideways towards either of the ships side open the covers. relock the door after each entry. it is however true to say that if hatches are found to leak in port, they are sure to leak in a seaway. The most commonly used test is the hose or water test whereby a jet of pressurised water is directed at the seams and joints of the hatch covers. The weight of the cover should, it is said, be sufficient to ensure a tight seal. The Hence, in order to ensure that the cargo being loaded reaches all the corners of the hold and the grab conveniently picks up the cargo from all over the hold, it becomes necessary to increase the size of the hatchway as shown in the cross- sectional drawing above. to the dumpster the following morning. ~Generate a detailed batch listing (if applicable work ~Double check that the door is securely locked. Check for physical damage, corrosion and tension when locked. the safe. Always check wires for broken strands and fraying. Safe work practices should be always emphasized including: Communication among seafarers is important for safe hatch cover operation. customers have left the building. of money should be witnessed and formally acknowledged Closing a Wright State University campus will occur only under severe and extreme circumstances. To avoid all these problems, the hatch cover is raised above the deck by providing the coaming around the hatchway. with Head Office). If a strong hatch cover is provided and firmly secured to the deck via the hatch coaming, it would substantially compensate the loss of strength. Required fields are marked *. to carry more cargo and thus earn more freight. Unlike on a general cargo ship, there is no involvement of labourers for stowing or securing the cargo. Opening Procedures If the hatch cover is closed, the wheels are dropped by lowering the supports and the pontoons resting on the coaming, but the side cleats have not locked in position, weather-tightness has been reasonably ensured but the cover is not contributing structurally as a part of the ship. ~Place the detail tape, settlement report and tills in Go back to your car or a safe place and call the police. To overcome this problem, the full hatchway is divided into smaller hatchways side by side as shown in the cross sectional drawing below. The necessary maintenance can be both labour intensive difficult arrange between busy loading schedules. -All tills should be balance, with paperwork, Chalk testing is not a leak detection test. This way, no important duties will be left to fall by the wayside. 2. To prevent this, the cover would require very elaborate and extensive closing devices to make it so watertight that even if it was under water, it would not leak. bags near the back door (or receiving door) for removal If the over/ short It cannot be performed in sub-zero conditions; It requires the deck scupper drains to be open (potentially causing pollution); The test cannot pinpoint leaks accurately; Two people are needed to supervise the test. out. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Opening and Closing Hatch Covers 1. This is an accessible way to convert more abandoned store sales into revenue and attribute those sales to your storeeven if the transaction happened online. Close Holes and permanent distortion in the plating. ~Seasonal Items unplug any seasonal lights that could Evidence of water ingress at the cargo hold entrance hatch and the hatch coaming. Always attach locking pins and chains to doors and hatch covers in the open position. Ensure v/l is practically upright [List not more than 2-3 degrees]. Check the dressing rooms, bathrooms, and other areas of your store to make sure everyone has left. Some of the opening activities of a retail store include: Turning on key electronics and devices (i.e., POS system), Putting signage outside of the store, Reorganizing product displays and restocking areas, Holding a team huddle to share sales goals for the day. This way, they wont feel rushed. If the hatch cover is closed, the wheels are dropped by lowering the supports and the pontoons resting on the coaming, but the side cleats have not locked in position, weather-tightness has been reasonably ensured but the cover is not contributing structurally as a part of the ship. You can keep a record of issues and disparities, and outline everything that was or was not finished before closing the night before. Check for signs of vermin or pests. There are several options open to the surveyor wishing successfully to carry out such tests, and the best approach may be to follow a combination of several procedures. If theres an issue, call an exterminator. (NOTE: Leaving a door the cashier should be required to provide a written And if multiple people are opening and closing the store, you can also use the checklist to assign each task to a specific associate. Start the Hydraulic power unit for the Hatch Cover after confirming that control lever is at the "NEUTRAL" Position OPEN CLOSE OPEN CLOSE NEUTRAL NEUTRAL Sliding Plate (for safety) Hydraulic Unit Control for Hydraulic Unit Control for Hatch Hatch panel No.1 & 2 (1st Pair) panel No.3 & 4 (2nd Pair) (Side arm) f2. Avoid walking along the unguarded edge of a barge. Review shifts and individual and team duties to make sure each associate knows what theyre responsible for. Ensure that all the jack supports are on an even plane with the trackway. Tasks 1 Hour Prior To Closing Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ab8736450af9f2c12359566ff5b93a6e" );document.getElementById("c08a1a06c7").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); What is the biggest obstacle for the social life onboard? Turn on electronics. During inspections, AMSA continue to identify deficiencies in hatch covers, mostly as a result of lack of maintenance or improper operation. Such impact may occur due to the ship corning heavily alongside the jetty or a tug making a hard contact with the ship or due to a minor collision. They are immediately re-opened andthe joints examined. The countdown The aim of the chalk test to verify whether there is good continuous contact between the rubber joints and the compression bar. The ball-and-socket contact pair, providing the pressing force, and the multi-disc friction pair, supplying the braking torque, are two core components in the non-return mechanism. To make sure you or your staff are getting through everything that needs to be done at the beginning and the end of the day, consider the following before creating an opening and closing checklist: Structuring opening and closing procedures at your retail store with regular checklists helps keep staff accountable for what needs to be done. A well-planned programme of maintenance should effectively ensure that any risks of leakage are kept to a minimum. opening to allow enough time to prepare for the start of This arrangement is necessary because the tank containing any liquid is not going to be opened very frequently. . When fully loaded its weight ranges from 20 tons to 45 tons. Here are the common steps to take: PRO TIP: If store staff use Shopify POS save cart feature, encourage them to send carts to no-shows by email at the end of each shift. of sight of the front door. In other words, the bottom area of the hold, which is occupied by all thecontainers, would be the same as the size of the hatchway. there is no need to make it totally watertight. Each cleat is locked into position manually or all of them are operated hydraulically. By manoeuvring the detector around close to the seal, any leakage can be precisely detected by observing any change in the sound recorded. Survey the checkout counter and fitting rooms for merchandise and put items back where they belong. Hence, the hatch coaming is sufficiently raised so that, after the containers are in position, the crew can walk freely underneath them. If the hatch cover, placed on top of the coaming, is opened in the fore and aft direction, which is usually the case, then 1 m height of coaming is probably sufficient. 3. The breadth of the hatchway would normally be about 2/3 rd the breadth of the ship. Check that the hatch cover stowage area is clear of people, equipment and dunnage; Disengage all cleats and heavy bolts and stopper arm is swung out. Prerequisites 5. A watertight closure is designed to withstand water pressure from both sides of the structure, while weathertight means that regardless of the sea conditions, water will not penetrate into the ship. ~Double check all perimeter doors. 16 [2005] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 409, p. 412. apart. And How to Use One, Merchant Services: Everything Retailers Need To Know (2023). Leaking or badly maintained hatch covers can lead to more serious consequences than wet cargo, including flooding, accelerated corrosion or even loss of the ship. As noted, ISM Code systems should include procedures for loading, unloading, ballasting, deballasting, securing manholes, blanking ballast lines, testing bilge systems, testing alarms and even hold cleaning in preparation for the next cargo. evaluation checklist. Organizational ~Clear the aisles of any merchandise, pallets, freight, always keep wheels, hinge pins and chain tension equipment well greased. Frequently, surveyors are instructed to attend ships and test hatch covers for watertight integrity and there is some debate as to how this should best be done. Furthemore, repairs are often only carried out after a ship has failed a hatch cover tightness test at the load port. That is why we always say, and the Rules require it to be so, that the hatch covers are supposed to be weather-tight and not necessarily watertight. ~Exit the front of the store and lock the doors. Having done so there is no need to provide extensive closing devices. is exceeds a designated threshold (no more than $1.00), The wheel support is adjustable so that when the hatch cover is in the closed position, the support is lowered to allow the hatch cover to rest on the coaming . The above rule could be also complied with by providing portable railing upto 1m high around the hatchway, which could be rigged at the time of cargo operations. Huddles. In most cases requirement and the hatch coamings are strengthened accordingly. Some closing activities for a retail store include: Ensuring all customers have left before locking up, Restocking products so openers have less to restock, Closing out registers and shutting down electronics, Doing a final walkthrough and locking up the store. Obviously, it has to be lifted by special devices and, when lowered into the hold, it cannot be shifted sideways by any method. Alexis Damen is a Shopify merchant turned digital marketer. When a clear, regular mark is observed on the joint, it is. Retail robbery tends to happen most during opening and closing. Any extra water entering the ship could also mean that the ship may become overloaded and thus endanger the safety of people on board. If you find this publication on board the ship, then you may like to read it as a general knowledge. duress code for the alarm system. Procedure What procedure and/or rules apply Upon Opening the Office. Eccentric wheels are lowered for covers to roll. ~Get outfitted with supplies and radio. A commerce solution for growing digital brands, The composable stack for enterprise retail. -Cash should be counted away from registers so that it will not be In other words, the bottom area of the hold, which is occupied by all the. Always test the hold atmosphere before entering: Never stand on a hatch coaming when the hatch is open; Never work on a hatch cover when the locking pin or hook is not fitted and secure; Never open or close a hatch cover without ensuring the coaming is clear of debris and checking that all personnel are clear of the moving hatch and its channels of wires; When opening or closing a hatch never attempt to clear an obstruction with your hands ; When hatches are opened at sea always secure them to the coaming top by lowering the wheels into a guide pocket. ENSURE LIPS OF CHANNEL ARE HEALTHY, TO BE RUST FREE AND ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS MAINTAINED, WELL GREASED AND WHEN HATCHES CLOSED WHEELS TO TURN FREELY, CHECK FOR PHYSICAL DAMAGE AND ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS, SEALS HOLDING AND NO CGO RESIDUE, NO PITTINGS . 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