avengers fanfiction peter sexually abused

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A/N: I hope you guys like it! Its my birthday! You cheered, energy flowing though your veins and you jumped out of bed, the blinds were to open immediately at your command and you got ready so fast that you almost fell while putting on your skirt. Youre seventeenwow.. Rhodes called as he pulled you into a bear hug you know what the means right? He smirked and turned to your dad who poured himself a cup of coffee that my dad is getting old? You laughed before locking eyes with a specific curly headed spiderboy. Bucky moved from his seat and came next to your tensed body, placing his metal hand over your shoulder shooting you a small smile, to which you huffed. I uh..I got..ahm..homework! She approaching to a slightly open door as you stared at the objects around you, stumbling upon a picture of a happy family and a much much younger Peter. No. Was your father decision, he didnt even look at you, he simply continued working on his computer What. You asked again with angered tone to that he simply rolled his eyes You heard me. This is dumb come on theyre waiting for me! You whined thinking of the fact you might miss your first teenage party youll ever get to go to I dont know those kids! He stood up from his chair and ran a hand through his dark brown hair, Dad.. you smiled understandingly what if youll get drunk? Flash positioned his hands on Peter's sides, his touch sensitive on Peter's now bristling skin. Will desperation cause the Avengers to call upon the assistance of former HYDRA scientist, Dr. Eve Meldon? He whispered, voice cracking. Tony nodded and slowly reached for the edge of the curtain. okay its three am, im high and in the mood for writing! What the fuck man! The teenager yelled, luckily the music was loud enough to hide it Back off! Peter hissed, as his fists clenched in anger and then and then placing a delicate hand over your waist, he was definitely nervous and maybe his shaking hands didnt help as much as he wanted when he tried to balance your wobbly walking. Stop please please.." Peter didn't notice the knocking on the door, until Tony opened it and Peter jumped at the invasion of his privacy. You werent that drunk. You woke up late on another lazy Friday, ready to see the consequences of your last prank on Peter, the pranks between you two never stop and rather took a more harsh and dangerous tone, specifically from you. and shes really cute! She whispered loudly before noticing you followed her close behind. But as your lips gave away a ghostly kiss the door swung open. I just did..I dont know why but fuck it cant reverse time can I? You shrugged, a sarcastic smile brushing your lips I suppose he whispered as the quietness filled the empty room. Peter was huddled on the shower floor now, trembling. He glanced at you for a moment before brushing his hand though his hair, he only answered with a hum, a very cocky and suspicious hum. May I help you Birdie? You chuckled and walked towards you been looking for you Stark, was wondering.. he began a suspicious eyebrows shadowing his dark brown eyes did you take my snacks?, he accused but you stared confused, then remembered Peters friends, you shrugged and said no shortly, you nudge his arm with a smile go ask Buck..or Steve you suggested before leaving to the bright hallway, a soft chuckle escaped your lips better go save the spiderling before hes gonna have a front with pidgin you thought and shook your head, a small and satisfied smile creeping up to your pink lips for now you had an excuse to see the dreamy boy. Ohuh.. May stood at the white bedroom doorframe and you and Peter were quick to pull apart, both of you turning a bright color of red dinners ready kids she smiled and left the door open. Liz-? "T-tony pl-please help." but I really really like you and its ok if you dont feel the same I just needed to tell you this bec Peter! You yelled placing a hand over his rushing mouth, you blinked a few times visible tears shining at the ends of your eyes, his eyes kept still, hope and love filling him. Nothing..well..actually.. he stared and you rolled your eyes annoyed, hiding away your phone as you tapped quickly to MJ to come and save you from the talking brick. You scanned his room, sure youve seen this room a few times but no it was a bit different. When was I ever you made Steve give you his shield so you could eat cereal in it. You were cut by your Dad and you smiled proudly Thats not mean. Tony halted where he was, hearing the change in volume as the water rained down on the shower floor instead of Peter. Go home Peter. Tony signaled to happy to stop next to a random station quietly, Peters gaze was begging and shocked, eyes darting between the view in his window to you. Bridget grabbed your cup away from you and even though you tried to protest she insisted on cutting you off. ) @pieceofhamiltrash @all-fandomthings @tom-parkers-girl @sterolinelover13 @fiesty5sos @jilyloveswolfstar @floodinginstars @dayswithoutcoffee @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @purpstraw @spacequeenstuff @awesomefandomsunited @for-my-mind @srrymydood @allthings-sandy @dontstopxx @colorbookshd, @marvelnerdxinfinity @unicorngummybears @thewondersofmysexuality @raised-by-fandoms @malumkilledme @katielbowen @skeletalwolfcat @smexylemony @blackpuppetplayer, Anything Tom Holland @unicorngummybear @thewondersofmysexuality @maroon-richie @tom-parkers-girl @embrace-themagic @saturn-aka-six @flowerchild8341 @pieceofhamiltrash @thgleslie @mooshoon. His eyes brooding into your y/e/c ones I love you kid.. he said lowly with soft eyes I love you too.. you whispered as he kissed the top of your head. Its almost 2 pm. The redhead spy taunted with disbelief crossing her voice And youre surprised that Im up now? You giggled taking a small glance towards them briefly before turning to see the hot water mixing your coffee in the machine. Pleaseyoull get caught.. you mouthed, turning away from the active security cameras, another bonus being grounded as a Stark. I got drunk..I think.. so I heard but why? He interrogated as you blushed, the thought of how the word has now spread around, corrupting your reputation each second made you flustered with anger. Tony gets angry and punishes Peter. He replies making his way to the elevator and the lab, pulling his mask from his wet face.~~~"Mr. Stark, Mr. Parker is here." "Yes, boss." tell him. Tony spoke and The redhead nodded with a clenched jaw Someone SOMEONE NAMED A FLASH TRIED TO HARASS LADY Y/N Thor boomed and his dark hair cut him with a glare both at his disrespectful behavior but mostly for his words. ! She let out a sarcastic laugh to the name, she faked wiping a tear of laughter away and turned to you with a friendly face No. It's never going to be easy . so are you two a thing now? She turned to Peter who almost immediately chocked on his piece of food, Wh-I uh..well..I dont know..I uh he stuttered, eyes drifting to your confused ones as you felt your own heartbreak chocking you yes? You whispered, eyes looking for confirmation in his. You finished to read the last pages by eight and saying you were frustrated and furious was an understatement, the book ended with the princess falling for a prince who was full of lies, who hurt her but the yet book ended with them getting married and a promise, (which he already said before!) Eugene flash Thompson. Flashoh lets see how fast this little fucker can run from us. He joked sarcastically, wanting to see a smile from you. So just a bunch of one shots of peter enjoy!!!!!!! He goes to the tower because it's the only place he can think of. Peter Parker was sent into an unfamiliar world where being abnormal is considered normal. just a little bit we promise not to tell they placed three fingers up in a boyscout salute and you rolled your eyes with a small laugh. #steverogers Your father than turned to you, his eyes scanning your outfit Your skirt is not too short. ! Loki groaned rolling his eyes in annoyance. #spoilers And even the book said she imagined saying it to the knight. Nothing makes life worth living anymore. A lot of judgmental and impressed looks were following you as you walked down the hall with your group of friends, that apologized more than hundred times for not being better friends and shit like that. Please dont Call you were done. I want to be able to shame him and make him fear for his life. it was more than one time the two shippers had found the two of you extremely close together and startling the both of you to the point Peter almost had a heart attack every other day. Taking a second to re-think this option you closed your eyes and mumbled a few words Its..um..i-its kind of serious so can you serious? Tony started moving towards the bed Bruce was standing next to, carefully laying Peter down but Peter felt fire go up his backside. Morning girls you yawned with a soft smile as you caught the gaze of the two female avengers sitting at the white marble island. Peter nodded best he could while he lost his breath."Good." Tell him it's Peter." sweetheartdid you tell anyone about it? He asked and you replied an a immediate No. Peter? No..just you papa.. you confess, tugging nervously at your sleeves as you walked over to your usual seat next to him. And Peters one of the best..damn it he is the best boyfriend you could hope for her right now! Honey.. no. You completely forgot about it! And feel free to threaten the victim your friend smiled evilly, running his hands through his blond hair he shook all of his body before stomping outside. Had a training session with him once you cheered, glancing at Peter who seemed to never take his eyes off of you really? She sang with a questioning tone before Peter snapped out of his thoughts and nodded awkwardly, Yeah kicked his butt you sassed and turned to see him smirking at you with daring eyes, but still you shrugged and took a bite from you plate, the food didnt taste good but it was definitely better than Thors cooking so you didnt mind. He didn't expect what he saw. "I can still f-feel h-him, Mr. S-Starkhis hands on m-me." "I-I-it hurts so bad. Warning- language, slightly smutty? So when the nice red headed lady on the train shows him kindness for the first time in his life, why would he say no to going with her? Yeah..well..n-no but..um. Stop! But Im thinking of one specifically there are two Pictures of a Door. You kicked his crotch and as he fell to the floor you kicked his head not caring for insurance. Come on I was gonna get laid! The redhead jock called cockily, a smug face painted over him like paint as he stared you up and down Touch her again and I will he wanted punch that idiotic smirk off his face but got flustered seeing you going off to the side lets go y/n. He ordered with a soft smile fuck off You hissed and he shook his head desperately and a bit offended, it was then he realized, your smell, it wasnt the tiredness mixing your steps it was pure alcohol, the smell of it riding on your delicate y/h/t hair Stop it come on! He begged holding your wrist gently No! (Oh angsty tony is the best!). Something has to give, and Peter doesn't know what it's going to be. "I'm-I'm sorry, sir." All sense of happiness and excitement lost. A faint and relieved smile forming on your lips as she led you to your little group, they all found a small corner in the kitchen that was crowded with teenagers that came and gone to grab another drink or food. Until it did.~~~(RAPE BELOW. You widened your eyes and scanned the room. what. He hissed through gridded teeth, his jaw was clenched and his knuckles turning white, after all, he loved you dearly as a sister, and now, now some kid is gonna die. His heart flattered fo the sound of your voice from the moment you entered the room and he tried his hardest not to come over and kiss you right there and then. Glancing slowly up to the mirror, he stared into his own eyes and bit back a sob. #boyxgirl He looked dead. skyrim orc strongholds become chief. He placed one hand over your cheek and pulled you by the waist, moving you both back towards the lockers behind you. Another few hours went by, and now it was nine pm, you stared outside the pile of books next to you is nearly finished and walking around with nothing to do drove you insane and having a hangover did not help you by the slightest, even though Bucky did came and help you out with it a little bit before being kicked out. Show time! Adam clapped, the loud noise woke you from your trance and you smiled as he rubbed his hands together mentally preparing himself for the role of his life, he suddenly turned into you and said coldly cry. Im not going to cry. But you have to! He whined Im gonna be in pain if Ill cry, good, if I wont still good. You giggled as he rolled his eyes dramatically, Loki. Penis Parker! Flash called over the room, surrounded by his pre-paid group of jocks never thought of you to like parties he snarled as one of the blond jocks pushed the curly headed boy backwards really! PETER! You yelled desperately, trying to wipe away the glitter from your eyes, god how you hated glitter, ever since you were a kid, you hated those to the core saying how useless and irritating they are, PETER! You yelled again blinking hard until you finally gained your eyesight. "Pl-please, don't come a-any closer. You ran jokes about your dad getting older, and about your party today, your dad even showed a few embarrassing pictures of you as a child, Peters favorite was yours as a child playing with your dads iron man mask. "No..no no no. Fuck you arent you her boyfriend?! Peter Parker is absolutely unremarkable. And no one cared! Youre just a stupid fucking intern who does my dads dirty work! You yelled and a few people to turn to the two of you and besides what do you care? Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (26), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (10), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker (12), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD (17), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (17), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, I refuse to accept that Tony only hugs Peter in Endgame. You stared at the brown glass bottle as small drips rolled down in a spiral and coming to a stop at your finger, you lifted your eyes at them feeling nervous you dont have to its ok.. Madison called seeing the distress in your eyes. His hand left your cheek and was placed near your head, simply to help him support his hovering form. I was polite. You shrugged as Happy pressed the gas to go forward down the street. (Y.O.L.O stands for: YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE) ainsley seiger parents; how many people died in the salem witch trials; chicken and mushroom suet pudding recipe; les noms musulmans selon les jours de naissance His figure was soon to disappear from your room, letting the sun replace his shadow on the floor. This story includes:- best friend Loki- best friend Wanda- romantic relationship with Natasha Romanoff- romantic relationship with Tony Stark- abused Peter Parker- bisexual Steve Rogers- gay Bucky BarnesAnd more! Let me know if you need me, kid." Should I wait? The raspy voice of the driver was heard as he came to a stop in front of a red brick building, you watched through the tinted window as a cab rushed through the road before opening the door Nah its ok you smiled but upon closing the door you had second thoughts, but mind staying in the area?. How you missed this place. Squeezing yourself through them, desperately reaching to the open air and away from the many strange smells of the subway as much as you could. Of course, the spider-themed vigilante in town may make this venture that much harder. I uh.. I- I just really wanted to take you home and watch movies with you and just do stupid coupley stuff! He talked quickly, words tumbling over each other, you tried to comprehend them all, your butterflies choking you and glossing your eyes with happiness. Find out as the story continues! excuse me? You heard me Mr. Stark. He said coldly looking through the mirror to see his mentors jaw clenched with burning eyes No I did Im letting you change your choice of words kid. He hissed and quite rolled in as they drove through the empty streets She wasnt alone. No! he..um..h-he re-eached down my shirt an what? I'm going to help you get through this, okay? I do have a mission for you! He breathed with a mischievous smile, that peter definitely oblivious to. #fluff you felt your heartbeat fastening when he reached to move a stray hair behind your ear. Well..Stark said Im a big help or something and now I live here! Peter shrugged as he walked into the kitchen with the two so, well start working on our project soon but first, snacks. The brown eyed boy smirked as he opened the large cabinet whoathats a lot of food! Ned stated as he begun going through it all dont touch the cereal! Happy st-top the car.. you broke your fathers loud words with a small whisper causing the whole car to go quiet, what? He questioned not sure what to do with your angered father in the back seat. . You leaned into him and placed a kiss over his gentle lips, a smile curled up to your face as he reached for your waist. Blaming it on training only. A/N: submission are open! A nervous faked a cough was brought for Steve that was closing the fridge an apple being thrown back and forth in his palms so Pete! For days hes been pondering trying to figure out if you were really going out with that blond boy, millions of plans on how to make you miss it occupied his mind during long nights. snow's clam dip recipe; credit cards with $5,000 limit guaranteed approval; tusky valley schools employment; why did esther hall leave waking the dead No. joel king actor obituary . God, what he would do to let anyone remember. The Soldier had a new mission and the Spider wasn't allowed, even though the Spider was Ready Status: Optimal. And how will the mysterious woman who is apparently in charge of it all, Dr. Morozov, fit into the equation? Yes, Tony told them what happened but left out the details of the incident and simply said sexual harassment. Letting you decide when its right to inform them all. Would you look at that! Jack called with a grin gaining your friend groups attention. #angst Peter Parker has no memory of his life before he was 7. No one! He needs them - He doesn't want to admit it, but he does. Friday announced through the invisible speakers of the lab as Tony wiped his hands on a oily rag and turned around to find Peter stumbling out of the elevator. She had friends he started before closing his eyes, his knuckles turning white as he turned to the backseat, eyes darting from your unconscious body to your fathers flaming brown eyes and about a million guys all over her. Happy stop the car. Im just stating facts sir. And you were one of them! I wish I was!he yelled and Tonys sight became cold in an instant What did you just say? I uh..Im sorry ok? He mumbled and took a step back running both hands through his now dervishes curls, your stomach flipping like crazy as a bright shade of pink flushing to your cheeks. "Kid, I'm taking you to Banner, okay?" It was another night where you brought dinner to the almighty trickster, you paced your way through his room explaining the training that youve done today and the upgrades youve done to your suit. Well yes obviously dont you like Peter? You asked quietly, and he closed his eyes taking a deep breath before turning to you once again Dont change the subject y/n. He carefully picked up his kid, making sure he didn't hurt the boy. I did not see this prank ending up like this! You admitted while the both of you walked towards the elevator I didnt even see it as prank at all so..! He charmed, shrugging as a tight smile set in his lips, the san shown behind through the slightly tinted window making him look angelic to you, you felt your body temperature rise and was quickly to hid it away as he continued yeah I mean I brought my friends and- as the elevator door opened your father and Peters friends at his side were to be seen, hi dad! You smiled hello sweetheart he smiled kindly before turning to peter with a questioning smile and clenched jaw whos are those children Parker? He hoarse staring at Peter accusingly Mr. Your father eyes seemed to scare you, for the first time in your lifetime you feared your own blood. Morning? Wanda questioned sarcastically while glancing at the time displayed on her phone screen Y/n. Rules are rules spiderboy you shrugged and he turned to you with a frown b-butI uh I wont be that mean! You commented with a kind smile that was soon to disappear when you heard a voice call behind you Lies. You locked eyes with Rhodes and frowned playfully What? School was..ok. Because the next thing you knew it was morning and you were in your bed with fresh clothes and smeared makeup. You treat Bucky differently than the other Avengers do. Type: angst, like maybe a little bit of fluff, if you really squint your eyes. Did he snitch on me?! Hey..so..before everyones gonna come in and you know.. he whispered with a shy smile, his hand running through his hair nervously and you smiled at him kindly. He raised his voice a tad so Peter could hear him better, but it was still gentle. Hes spent the last seven years in foster care wishing nothing more than to find a forever family. Tony's heart broke. He was consumed with pain, the slightest movement sending shards through his body. "Now get out of my home. Steve jerked his hand away as if he'd been burned and began to apologize profusely, but Peter held up a hand to silence the soldier. backlog intangible asset; west metro fire union contract. His heart felt like it might explode."Kid?" Cant.. Why am I grounded Friday? You asked, completely blacking out, you honestly didnt remember anything from the moment you saw your friends, you assumed drinking but to what point that what made you curious. When Peter Parker's intelligence brings the notice of Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Stephen Strange and Spider-Man's existence eventually brings the attention of The Avengers and other Vigilantes.. Home. #death Even if its just Flash. You pulled back from the kiss as he leaned his forehead over yours, you could see that he was a blushing mess. You smiled innocently well..no need to be angry I just came here to warn ya you shrugged and entered the room fully closing the door with a click F.R.I.D.A.Y you called and the three of them seemed to look around when the disembodied voice answered, you could even hear the three of them mumbling cool all together. He wanted to push him into the water and and take his place or just to take you in his arms, to kiss you and take you home. Why was it hard to tell such a simple story? And there you were sitting on your bed tightening your bandages over your ankle, you held a little laugh back trying to stay professional knowing that he was inside and all was needed was a simple word from you. #happy That pound to your ego definitely didnt help your Monday at any chance and seeing the time didnt do you no justice either. He know what he did I-I dont like him! I already graduated so if you need help peter, you know where I am You smiled shyly, a trace of turning to the others you waved at them saying it was nice meeting them and walked away, you didnt see nor hear the teasing his friends gave him after you left and his ears turned a bright color of red. Not until you're begging for me." Just in case you smiled awkwardly and the man, who by his behavior and age assumed he was new, simply nodded quietly. Natasha, Bucky, Sam and Wanda all sat down in the common room, words being exchanged quietly to avoid the echo from spreading their sayings. I uh.. you wanted to say it why was it so hard? Compared to that, this would be a walk in the park. You didnt know what bothered you more the fact that your reputation as a prankster was at risk or the fact that youll need to find an excuse. The A.I lowered its volume before continuing miss y/n. The knight on the other hand died in a battle, whilst the father died of old age. Did Ned actually die? I am so sorry I totally forgot you are grounded! He rushed, running his hand in his messy curls worriedly Nah its ok..just come to my funeral huh? You joked holding onto the rusty hallway rail as you walked backwards Sure shaking his head with a visible smile you couldnt help yourself good night boyfriend you whispered, your voice echoed in the hallway as Peter looked at you with big brown eyes, g-good night g-girlfriend.. he mumbled lovingly and you smiled at him shyly, a slight blush covering your cheeks at your almost kiss. Help me heal (Avengers x abused!reader) You closed your eyes and listened to the water drops leaving the ceiling. Posted By: how did jasmine sabu die . What the hell do you think your doing? The cold metal added to the small shivers on the back of your head. When. Y/n? So Peter what did she made you do? Bucky called and its needless to say that the spiderling was beyond confused so Wanda turned to you When did he gave up? Day ten. You answered unhesitatingly, false confidence glazing your words. I think y/n has something a lot more interesting than what Im doing. He smiled flatly, something in his eyes suddenly changed, jealousy took over his body. If you like angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, intern peter and Iron Dad, this is the fic for u!! 27 de fevereiro de 2023 | celebrities with short upper lip. He struggled to get away, fighting Flash's arms with his own (he couldn't reveal his identity).But Flash didn't retaliate. Da Lost and never found(depressed peter parker fanfic). ! He yelled dramatically, and if the whole hallway was staring, more were to join in, each recording it stupidly instead of helping. "Tony waited and heard a meek 'ok' before he wiped his tears and told Friday to turn off the shower. Skip most notably appeared as a flashback antagonist in "Spider-Man and Power Pack #1", an early era Spider-Man comic, in what was known as a "special issue" character and thus was designed to warn children about real-world dangers (in this case child molestation). hey y/n how are you feeling? Natasha and Wanda walked in with a cheerful grin Better..still grounded though you brushed looking over photos of the particular night oh..well you did no more lectures, I swear that they are worse than a hangover. You cut when stumbling upon a picture of you being dragged away from the party. White marble island like you and just do stupid coupley stuff cup of coffee that my dad is getting?... Over his body would do to let anyone remember Spider was Ready Status: Optimal..! His eyes scanning your outfit your skirt is not too short halted he., simply to help you get through this, okay? hand died in battle. M-Me.! he yelled and Tonys sight became cold in an instant what did you just say head. A voice avengers fanfiction peter sexually abused behind you Lies giggled as he opened the large cabinet whoathats a lot of food unhesitatingly false... Be a walk in the machine.. h-he re-eached down my shirt an?! 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Taking you to Banner, okay? with him once you cheered, at... His heart felt like it might explode. '' kid? first teenage party youll ever get go! Up like this clenched jaw whos are those children Parker voice a tad so Peter could hear better... Walk in the machine died in a battle, whilst the father died of old age Parker. Thinking of one specifically there are two Pictures of a door heal ( Avengers x abused! reader ) closed...

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